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Story/Night 8-2 (Part1)/Script

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Welrod: A cruel joke wrought upon us by fate... I see the lorries.
These guys have stopped right here. Isn’t this a perfect opportunity?

IWS 2000: Are you certain that’s our convoy?
Couldn’t they just be some random lorries...?

Welrod: The detector is getting stronger readings. It has to be them.

IWS 2000: Looks like the Commander was right...
Thank goodness we found the cargo here.

SSG 69: But don’t you think...that it was just a tad bit too easy?
Wouldn’t S.F. want to guard something like this much more heavily?

Welrod: How, pray tell? Wrap it up with a beautiful ribbon and then send a greeting card to Griffin?
It’s nigh impossible to hide something this large. Any attempt to camouflage it is a fool’s errand.

IWS 2000: Couldn’t we just destroy the cargo on the spot?

Welrod: Have your rationale capacitors been fried? It’s radioactive.

IWS 2000: So our only hope in neutralising this taking it with us.

Glock 17: ...
In that case, we’ll be running for quite a while, right...?

AUG: Doesn’t this place remind you of our dorms at Griffin?

Glock 17: The dorms aren’t even half as scary as this place...but you’re right. It somehow feels absolutely unnerving here.
Look, there hasn’t been any signs of life since we got here in the form of your usual bugs and pests.

AUG: Even animals have learned to steer clear of human creations since the war.

Glock 17: I don’t know...but i just can’t shake the feeling that something’s not quite right...


Bren: Leader, I’ve spotted additional enemy activity from my vantage point, over.

Welrod: They’ve already sniffed us out? How is the enemy reacting faster than our helicopter can get here?

Bren: They certainly have.
Even worse, I’ve spotted hidden mortars with trajectories intersecting our exfiltration helicopter’s flight path, over.

Welrod: They’re getting serious.

AUG: We’re this close to accomplishing our mission... Feels like déjà vu.

IWS 2000: ...Could you NOT bring that up right now?

AUG: Well, it’s not exactly the same as the last time where you only managed to open the vehicle door. Sending a call for our ride back wasn’t even part of the equation.

Welrod: So you have met your end once before under such circumstances. Thus, we shan’t fall to the same mistake.

IWS 2000: Seriously, whose side are you on, AUG...?

AUG: Yours, of course.
I’m more than happy to help you fulfill all your wishes.

IWS 2000: Are you sure that you’re not making fun of me...? You do know what it is exactly...that I wish for, right?

AUG: Ja, so the next course of action is obvious. I await your order.

Welrod: ...I’ve marked out the rough coordinates of the mortars that threaten our airspace.
The designated cargo will be kept out of the enemy’s hands, but our mission is as good as failed if we have no way of bringing it back.
I am well aware of what a tall task this may be, but the success of this mission hinges entirely on you.
Trust in victory, and disable those mortars, over and out!

IWS 2000: Leave it to us. We’ll get everyone home, safe and sound.