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Full name Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina[1]
Chinese name 斯捷奇金
Country of Origin Soviet Union[1]
Manufacturer Vytatsky Polyany Machine-Building Plant "Molot"[1]
Artist 鳗鱼子
Voice actor Eri Kitamura

Stechkin is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

The Stechkin automatic pistol or APS (Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina, Russian: Автоматический Пистолет Стечкина) is a Russian selective fire machine pistol. It bears the name of its developer, Igor Stechkin.

The Stechkin automatic pistol was originally chambered for 7.62×25mm Tokarev. Designer Stechkin redesigned the pistol to accept the new 9 mm caliber used in the recently adopted Makarov pistol (PM), as it became clear that this cartridge was set to become the new service ammunition for handguns of the Soviet Army. In 1951, both the Makarov and Stechkin were introduced into the Soviet military arsenal, replacing the aging Tokarev pistol (TT-33).[1]

Character Info




Game Data

Chibi image
42(x1)83(x1) / 415(x5)
10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
11 28
9 66
6 44
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
45 65
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Icon slot Accessory.png Icon Telescopic Sight S 2star.png Icon Holographic Sight S 2star.png
Icon Red Dot Sight S 2star.png Icon Night Combat Equipment S 2star.png
Icon Silencer S 2star.png
Icon slot Magazine.png Icon Armor-Piercing Ammo S 2star.png Icon HP Ammo S 2star.png
Icon Shotgun Ammo S 2star.png
Icon High-Velocity Ammo S 2star.png
Icon slot Doll.png Icon Microchip S 2star.png Icon Exoskeleton S 2star.png
Icon Ballistic Plate S 2star.png Icon Camo Cape S 2star.png
Icon Ammo Box S 2star.png
Affects all guns
Increases damage by
6%(x1) / 7%(x2) / 9%(x3) / 10%(x4) / 12%(x5)
Increases rate of fire by
12%(x1) / 15%(x2) / 18%(x3) / 21%(x4) / 24%(x5)


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 军用冲锋手枪,斯捷奇金APS,为您服务。今后好好相处吧,我亲爱的长官。 自動拳銃、スチェッキンAPS、参上!Play 자동 권총, 스테츠킨 APS! 등장! Automatic Pistol Stechkin, APS, at your service!
Introduction 关于我的构想,早在大战之前就开始了,但直到战后,一位设计师才完成了这项任务,而“斯捷奇金”正是以这位同志的名字命名的。作为唯一作为制式军备的冲锋手枪,和马卡洛夫一起入伍,至今还有服役记录哦。 나에 대한 구상은 1차세계대전 이전부터 일찌감치 시작되었지만, 전쟁이 끝난후에야 한 분의 설계사께서 이 임무를 완성했지. 스테츠킨은 바로 이 동지의 이름으로부터 따온 거야. 유일하게 제식 군용 장비로 사용된 기관권총이고, 마카로프와 같이 대열에 합류하여 오늘날까지 여전히 활동하고 있어. My design project started long before the war, but it was finally finished after the war by a comrade designer goes by the name "Stechkin", hence my name. Being the only standard issue assault handgun issued to the military, I and Makarov entered service together, service record continues even today.
Secretary 和平的日常……最棒了。 平和の日々…いいわ~。Play 평화로운 일상...좋다구. Peaceful days...are the best.
干嘛,长官?今天挺主动呢。 なーに?指揮官。今日は特にアクテイブだね。Play 뭐야, 지휘관? 오늘따라 꽤 적극적인걸. What is it, Commander? Quite forward today, aren't you?
喂,你!没事乱碰什么!那么喜欢我,不如多捐点钱给我啊! ちょっと!変なとこ触んないで!お金取るよ!Play 자, 잠깐! 이상한 곳 만지지 마! 돈.받.을.거.야! Hey, you! Don't touch me in funny places, or I'll charge you!
Secretary (post OATH)
어? 뭐야? 살림이 왜이리 부실해! 어휴. 이제 한가족이니까, 너도 내꿈을 팍팍 밀어달라고 헤헷.
Huh? What? Nothing's missing at home! ...My, we're family anyway! Just sponsor my dreams a little, heheh...
指挥官,您这么坚定地选了我,真不怕我把家里的东西都卖光吗? 哈哈,那就这样吧!你的就是我的,我的还是我的!
アタシを選んでホントにいいの? じゃ…今日から指揮官のものはアタシのもの、アタシのものはアタシのもの!ねっ!
정말로 나를 선택해도 괜찮겠어? 그럼...오늘부터 지휘관의 것은 내 것! 내 것은 내 것! 알겠지?
You're sure about choosing me? Then from now on// what's yours is mine, what's mine is still mine!
Greeting 早上好!斯捷奇金APS,全天候为您效劳,多多关注我吧。 おはよう!スチェッキンAPSはここにいるよ。Play 안녕! 스테츠킨 APS는 여기 있어! Automatic pistol, Stechkin, present!
T-Doll Produced 新的同伴来了,鼓掌欢迎! 新人くんがきたよ、みんな拍手!Play 신인이 왔어! 모두 박수! A new recruit has come. Everyone, applause for welcome!
Joining an echelon 接受命令,期待我的表现吧! ご命令を!Play 명령을! At your order!
Enhancement 好啊,接下来还要改哪里呢? いいよっ。次は何処(どこ)を変えよう?Play 좋아! 다음엔 어딜 바꿀까? Ok. Where will we get next?
Dummy-linking 我忠实的仆从啊,好好地伺候我吧。 下僕(げぼく)が増えた~。Play 하인이 늘었다! My loyal servants, serve me nicely.
Logistics (start) 要我去采购啊……唉,偶尔也出个门吧。 仕入れか…まぁ、たまには出かけるよ。Play 지령인가... 뭐, 가끔은 도와줄게. Want me to do support...? Suppose I have to do it sometimes.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,市场的打折情报,要看看吗? ただいま、安売り情報、見る?Play 다녀왔어~ 할인정보, 볼래~? I'm back, wanna see all the market discount information I gathered?
Autobattle 剩下的就交给我吧! あとは任せなさい!Play 다음일은 맡겨둬! Now, leave it to me!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 要出发了,祝福我们吧! 出発よ!Play 출발이야! Let's go!
Starting a battle 同志们,无论为了什么,让我们上吧——! 敵を見過ごすわけにはいかない!Play 적을 보고도 넘어갈순 없어! Whatever reasons you have Comrades, lets go!
Skill activation 快一点,再快一点啊! はやく!もっとはやく!Play 빨리, 더 빨리! Faster! Hurry up!
不会做梦的家伙,是没有未来的! 夢のないやつには、未来は来ない!Play 꿈이 없는 녀석에게, 미래는 오지 않아! Future will never come to those who do not dream!
事到如今,只好使出最后一招了! しょうがないな、これが最後よ!Play 어쩔 수 없지, 이번이 마지막이야? It can't be helped now, I have to use this!
Heavily damaged 呿!少、少给我得意忘形了! チッ!調子に乗るなっ!Play 칫... 우쭐해하지마! Tsh! Don't get too confident!
Retreat 做得……不够好吗……不过,不至于破产吧…… ダメだ…こりゃ…倒産しちゃうよ・・・。Play 이래선 안돼... 도산하겠어... Not... Not good enough...? But we couldn't have gone broke from that...
MVP 感谢您的选购,就算是和平的时代,也要注意安全哦。 ご購入ありがとうございます~お帰りはお気をつけて~。Play 구입, 감사합니다! 돌아가시는 길은 조심해서 가시길~ Thank you for choosing my service, even though it is a peaceful era, doesn't hurt to be extra careful.
Restoration 唉……赚钱果然没那么容易啊…… えぇ…お金を稼ぐのも大変なのね…。Play 응! 돈을 버는 것도 참 힘드네. Ahh... Making money is really not easy...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 变装的节日到了!诸位,除了穿上华丽的服装,表情和举止也要好好注意哦。 仮装の日だね。みんな色んな格好してて好面白いよ。あたしにはどんなのが似合うかな。Play 드디어 그 날이네. 모두들 재미있게 꾸미고 있구나.. 나에겐 어떤 모습이 가장 어울릴까? It's that time of the year to masquerade! Apart from putting on glamorous costumes, be sure to nail your facial expressions and movements, too!
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官!みんなは忙しいそうだな。じゃあ、あたしはさぼりま〜す!Play 메리 크리스마스, 지휘관! 모두 바쁜 것 같은데.. 그러니 너랑 같이 있을게! Merry Christmas Commander! Everybody looks busy.. So I'm gonna stay with you!
New Year's Day あきおめ指揮官!お年玉は早く早く!


새해 축하해, 지휘관! 빨리, 내 소원을 들어줘! Happy new year Commander! Hurry, hurry my offering!
Valentine's day はい、指揮官、チョコ!ん?有料だよ!


여기, 초콜렛 좀 가져왔어! 에? 당연한 거잖아! Here, have some chocolate! Heh? That's the rules!


  • Some Stechkin pistols were modified with suppressors and replacing the fixed stock with detachable stock called the APB.
  • Stechkin seems to be a shopping freak, based on her dialogue about money.
