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401 bytes added, 03:02, 30 January 2018
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| characterid = APS
| GAIN_CN = 军用冲锋手枪,斯捷奇金APS,为您服务。今后好好相处吧,我亲爱的长官。
| GAIN_JP =自動拳銃、スチェッキンAPS、参上!
| GAIN_EN = Automatic Pistol Stechkin, APS, at your service!
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 关于我的构想,早在大战之前就开始了,但直到战后,一位设计师才完成了这项任务,而“斯捷奇金”正是以这位同志的名字命名的。作为唯一作为制式军备的冲锋手枪,和马卡洛夫一起入伍,至今还有服役记录哦。
| INTRODUCTION_EN = My design project started long before the war, but it was finally finished after the war by a comrade designer goes by the name "Stechkin", hence my name. Being the only standard issue assault handgun issued to the military, I and Makarov entered service together, service record continues even today.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 和平的日常……最棒了。
| DIALOGUE1_JP =平和の日々…いいわ~。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = These peaceful days... They're the best.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 干嘛,长官?今天挺主动呢。
| DIALOGUE2_JP =なーに?指揮官。今日は特にアクテイブだね。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = What is it, commander? You're quite proactive today.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 喂,你!没事乱碰什么!那么喜欢我,不如多捐点钱给我啊!
| DIALOGUE3_JP =ちょっと!変なとこ触んないで!お金取るよ!| DIALOGUE3_EN =Hey, you! You can't just touch me like that! If you really like me that much, then how about donating some money to me instead?| INTRODUCTION_CN DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN =关于我的构想,早在大战之前就开始了,但直到战后,一位设计师才完成了这项任务,而“斯捷奇金”正是以这位同志的名字命名的。作为唯一作为制式军备的冲锋手枪,和马卡洛夫一起入伍,至今还有服役记录哦。啊?什么?家里什么都没少啊!……哎呀反正都是一家人啦,您就资助一下我的梦想呗,嘿嘿……| INTRODUCTION_JP DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = | INTRODUCTION_EN = My design project started long before Ah? What? Nothing is missing from the warhouse!....... Oh, but it was finally finished after the war by a comrade designer goes by the name "Stechkin"well, since we're family, hence you should offer some financial aid to my namedream, hehe.... Being the only standard issue assault handgun issued to the military, I and Makarov entered service together, service record continues even today.
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =指挥官,您这么坚定地选了我,真不怕我把家里的东西都卖光吗?哈哈,那就这样吧!你的就是我的,我的还是我的!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP =アタシを選んでホントにいいの?じゃ…今日から指揮官のものはアタシのもの、アタシのものはアタシのもの!ねっ!
| FIX_JP = えぇ…お金を稼ぐのも大変なのね…。
| FIX_EN = Ahh... Making money is really not easy...
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 变装的节日到了!诸位,除了穿上华丽的服装,表情和举止也要好好注意哦。| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 仮装の日だね。みんな色んな格好してて好面白いよ。あたしにはどんなのが似合うかな。| ALLHALLOWS_EN = The costume day is here! Everyone do please behave yourselves with all the fancy costumes you're wearing.| CHRISTMAS_JP = メリークリスマス指揮官!みんなは忙しいそうだな。じゃあ、あたしはさぼりま〜す!|CHRISTMAS_EN = Merry Christmas Commander! Everybody looks busy.. So I'm gonna stay with you!| NEWYEAR_JP = あきおめ指揮官!お年玉は早く早く!
| NEWYEAR_EN = Happy new year Commander! Hurry, hurry my offering!
| VALENTINE_JP = はい、指揮官、チョコ!ん?有料だよ!
| VALENTINE_EN = Here, have some chocolate! Heh? That's the rules!
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN =啊?什么?家里什么都没少啊!……哎呀反正都是一家人啦,您就资助一下我的梦想呗,嘿嘿……
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN =Ah? What? Nothing is missing from the house!....... Oh, well, since we're family, you should offer some financial aid to my dream, hehe.....
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 变装的节日到了!诸位,除了穿上华丽的服装,表情和举止也要好好注意哦。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = The costume day is here! Everyone do please behave yourselves with all the fancy costumes you're wearing.
| backgroundinfo = The Stechkin automatic pistol or APS (Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina, Russian: Автоматический Пистолет Стечкина) is a Russian selective fire machine pistol. It bears the name of its developer, Igor Stechkin.