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< Prowler
Prowler Assimilated
Full name Prowler
Affiliation Sangvis Ferri
Voice actor N/A
Artist ???
Initial Rarity 1
Tags Unarmored, Machine, Melee
Released on CN (), TW (), KR (), EN

Even as assimilated unit, Prowler's combat performance is still considerably low when compared to other Sangvis Ferri products. Low evasion, low attack range and not particularly robust, Prowler is a prime target for the enemy when unprotected. When developed further however Prowler becomes a solid support unit capable of giving nearby allies different active buffs of both offensive and defensive properties.

Has an upgraded version: Prowler (SWAP).


How to obtainEdit

ASSIMILATION Can appear on multiple Capture Operations, 100% chance to capture.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward


Analysis Level 0 & Level 1
Deployment Cost 4
  Health 75(x1)/ 375(x5)
  Damage 24   Evasion 71
  Accuracy 51   Rate of Fire 65
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 12   Armor
  Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A

Analysis Level 1 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 4
  Health 332(x1)/ 1660(x5)
  Damage 77   Evasion 147
  Accuracy 116   Rate of Fire 136
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 12   Armor
  Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Dummylink expansion, HP increase.

Analysis Level 2 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 4
  Health 498(x1)/ 2490(x5)
  Damage 77   Evasion 147
  Accuracy 116   Rate of Fire 136
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 12   Armor
  Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Dummylink expansion, HP increase.

Analysis Level 3 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 4
  Health 664(x1)/ 3320(x5)
  Damage 77   Evasion 147
  Accuracy 116   Rate of Fire 136
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 12   Armor
  Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Dummylink expansion, HP increase.

Analysis Level 4 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 4
  Health 830(x1)/ 4150(x5)
  Damage 77   Evasion 147
  Accuracy 116   Rate of Fire 136
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 12   Armor
  Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Dummylink expansion, HP increase.


In-game description

Sangvis Ferri's low-spec combat mech. It has poor firepower and mobility. Primarily used to patrol their own lines and conduct reconnaissance.

