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Helianthus Quotes
Full name Helianthus
Affiliation Griffin & Kryuger
Voice actor Kariya Rui
Artist Unknown
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"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Helianthus (name meaning "sunflower', otherwise shortened to Helian) is a high-ranking officer within Griffin & Kryuger, Berezovich Kryuger's assistant and second-in-command of G&K. She is responsible for not only relaying orders from HQ to the Commander, but also for monitoring and reporting on the actions of the Commander.

Character Info

Upright and calm, Helian is methodical and a little stubborn, but she has a good temper and takes good care of the people around her, though she's highly particular about her principles. Her stern and efficient way of doing things, along with her absolute loyalty to Griffin, has won her Kryuger's complete trust.

She isn't young, but still remains unmarried. She frequently sneaks off to take part in mixers but they invariably end in failure. She loses her patience with anyone who mentions this. Thanks Kalina! [1]

Story Involvement

Girls' Frontline

At the start of Girls' Frontline, she is sent to the outer rim of Griffin-controlled territory, as to investigate the truth behind the Sangvis Ferri attack that had occurred, with the help of the player in the role of the Commander.

Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium

After G&K was downsized by the URNC and Kryuger left to join the Non-Military Forces Administration,[2] Helian is now the person in charge at Griffin & Kryuger. She and Kalina help the former Griffin Dolls who remained in the Green and White Zones,[3][4] and along with Frostfall Squad (Qiongjiu, Cheeta, Lind and Tololo), she aims to keep G&K alive, waiting for the return of their former comrades.[5]

On Qiongjiu's advice, she tried wearing contacts instead of a monocle to boost her chances at mixers. It didn't work but she's now stubbornly wearing the contacts even though she finds them uncomfortable.[6] She still has the habit of unconsciously trying to adjust her monocle.[7]

