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< FX-05
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FX-05 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 火蛇,期待来自格里芬与克鲁格军事承包商的命令!那么,第一个指令是什么来着? シウコアトル、民間軍事会社グリフィン&(アンド)クルーガーで命令を承る日をお待ちしておりました!それで、最初の命令は何でしょうか?Play I am Xiuhcoatl, and I'm looking forward to receiving orders from the Griffin and Kryuger PMC! Now then, what's my first order?
Secretary 我会把很多事记在本子上,这样就不会忘记了。但是战场上没有看本子的时间,真让人困扰啊…… 忘れないように様々なことをメモしているのですが、戦場では確認する暇がなくって。ホント困ってしまいます……Play I write down many things in my notebook. That way I won't forget them. However, there's no time to read books on the battlefield, which is quite vexing...
昨天那位军官的名字是这样拼写的。虽然有30个字母,但是比普通事项好记多啦。 昨日いた将校さんの名前はこうやってつづるんですよ。30字もありますが、普段のことと比べたらよっぽど覚えやすいです。Play This is how you spell the name of that officer from yesterday. It's 30 characters long, but it's much easier to remember than daily events.
指挥官真是厉害的人,能记下这么多事情。这就是您聚拢人心的秘诀吧? あんなに多くのことを覚えられるなんて、指揮官は本当に凄い人です。人を惹きつける秘訣はそこにあるんでしょうね。Play You're amazing for being able to remember so many things, Commander. Is this your secret to winning people over?
Secretary (post OATH)
Honestly! There's got to be a limit to how kindhearted you are! Granted, it's a good thing, but I get bothered when you keep looking at other people! At the very least you should take me along to help out.
I don't think I've forgotten anything, right? My memory's been pretty good recently...an Oath? With you? How wonderful! Of course I'd be willing to make an Oath with someone like yourself!
Greeting 哎呀,指挥官!欢迎! まあ、指揮官!いらっしゃい!Play Ah, Commander! Welcome!
T-Doll Produced 真棒!是新朋友还是老面孔呢? 素晴らしい!新しいお友達でしょうか、それとも古馴染みなのでしょうか?Play
Joining an echelon 那么就请大家合作啦~ では、皆さんで協力しましょう~Play Let's work together, everyone~
Enhancement 真不错真不错~接下来还有吗? いいわねいいわね~まだあるのかしら?Play Very good, very good~ Is there more?
Dummy-linking 真热闹啊,奏响乐章吧~ 賑やかになりましたね。ではシンフォニーを奏でましょうか~Play How lively, let's play a piece together~
Logistics (start) 好的,清单记录完毕。待会儿见哦~ はい、リストアップ完了です。また後ほどお会いしましょう~Play Alright, I've finished making the list, see you later~
Logistics (end) 这些东西我都带回来了,希望能用上。 全部持ってきましたよ。使えるといいのですが。Play I've brought these things back, hopefully they'll come in useful.
Autobattle 交给我吧,我都记住了。 任せてください、全部覚えましたので。Play Leave it to me, I've memorized it.
Title 少女前线。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出击!目标在哪里来着? 出撃!えーっと、目標はどちらでしたっけ?Play Move out! Where's the target?
Starting a battle 应该没有留活口的要求吧! 生かしておく必要はありませんよね!Play I don't think we were asked to leave anyone alive, right?
Skill activation 大家冲啊! 皆さん、突っ込んで!Play Everyone, charge!
齐心协力! 一致団結!Play Together as one!
合作走向胜利! 勝利に向かって共に進むのよ!Play Let us march toward victory together!
Heavily damaged 看来我只能给大家鼓劲了…… どうやら、皆さんを応援してあげることくらいしか、出来ないみたいね……Play Looks like all I can do is cheer you guys on...
Retreat 记事本里没有写这样的行动呀…… こんなの、私の手帳に書いてありません……Play My notebook doesn't say anything about an operation like this...
MVP 真是漂亮的作战!指挥官,要听我高歌一曲吗? 鮮やかな作戦でした!指揮官、私が一曲、高らかに歌いましょうか?Play What a wonderful battle! Commander, want to hear me sing a song?
Restoration 大家还好吗?会痛吗?我不要紧哦。 皆さん大丈夫ですか?痛みはありませんか?私は平気です。Play Is everyone alright? Does it hurt? I'm alright.
Attack 没说撤退,打! Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 这些鬼怪我都认得来源,就没有什么新的挑战吗? Play
Christmas 今天的气氛真好,但是我还有好几位没送礼物的朋友呢。刚才送到谁了呢…… Play
New Year's Day 这一天应该听歌、唱曲,和拜访朋友们!指挥官,我们先去哪儿?


Valentine's day 圣瓦伦汀祝福的节日应该有很多巧克力才行……指挥官,看见我刚才放在这儿的巧克力配方了吗?


Tanabata 许愿呀。我直接把记事本这页撕下来挂上去就好了!指挥官呢,准备好了吗?


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 好像是说了防御……吧? Play
Phrase 哎呀! Play
Tip 这些记下应该都有用吧…… Play
Loading 等一下哦,指挥官,开门的指导在哪儿呢…… Play Wait a minute, commander. Now where are the instructions for opening the door...