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Erma Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是艾尔玛,你是谁?指挥官……那是什么? Play I'm Erma, who are you? Commander... what does that mean?
Secretary 昨晚梦到一只白鹳叼来一封信,我特别想看里面写了什么,越急越打不开,然后我就醒了……有没有谁能帮我解个梦? Play Last night a stork brought me a letter in my dream, and I really wanted to see what was written inside, but the more anxious I got the less I was able to open it, and then I woke up... Could anyone help me interpret what that meant?
每次去训练场,都忍不住夸自己用枪真熟练!这就是天才的感觉吗?不行,不能太过骄傲,要给别人留一点面子。 Play I can't help but applaud how good I am with guns every time I go to the range! Is this what being a genius feels like? No, I can't be this arrogant, I have to leave some room for others.
前两天捡到一本上锁的笔记本,锁的样式有点眼熟,就花了两分钟把它打开……结果被人骂了一顿,为什么啊……诶你问我没有钥匙怎么开的……这是个好问题。 Play I found a locked notebook two days ago. The lock looked very familiar so I spent two minutes unlocking it... and ended up being scolded. I don't understand... Eh, how did I unlock it without a key...? That's a good question.
Secretary (post OATH)
If one day I've forgotten who you are, you must find me! Then you'll tell me how you can't let me go, how you really miss me, and how you'll never abandon me. If I've forgotten who I am, then you'll smile and gently tell me ”It's alright, Erma. I'm the most important person in your life.”
There's a secret that I'm whispering to you now. I have a beautiful hidden garden full of marble statues and long floral corridors. Even though I can't take you there, I still made you a key, a key called “Commander”. Hehe, it has detailed records of every moment we spent together and, um, a lot of me talking behind your back!
Greeting 早,今天带了什么有趣的东西给我吗? Play Morning, have you brought me anything interesting today?
T-Doll Produced 这是在做什么?我也是这样被制造出来的吗?感觉好奇妙啊。 Play What's going on? Is this also how I'm made? Feels so bizarre.
Joining an echelon 好多人啊…… Play There's a lot of people...
Enhancement 这种感觉真熟悉,我又变强了吗?诶,我为什么说又…… Play This feels so familiar; am I getting stronger again? Eh, why did I say again...
Dummy-linking 好多好多我啊…… Play That's a lot of me...
Logistics (start) 我出去长见识了,不要太想念我。 Play I'm going outside to study, don't miss me too much.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,外面真好玩。 Play
Autobattle 重复游戏吗?稍微没新意呢。 Play I'm back, it was fun out there.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission “叉子”大作战,开动! Play Operation Fork, bon appetit!
Starting a battle 有坏人在靠近我! Play Bad guys are approaching!
Skill activation 我要赢! Play I must win!
不准离开我的视线! Play Don't leave my line of sight!
哼,都趴下吧! Play All of you, get on the ground!
Heavily damaged 妈妈,我想你了…… Play Mom, I miss you...
Retreat 我妈妈叫我回家吃饭了! Play Mom's calling me home for dinner!
MVP “电子猫咪”行动大获成功! Play Operation Cyber Kitty is a great success!
Restoration 呜呜,好痛啊……但下次还敢。 Play Ouch, that hurts... but I'll do it again.
Attack 冲啊! Play Charge!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 为什么要过这种节日,假装南瓜鬼怪也太容易被看穿了吧……拜托我们是人形诶,这种伪装完全无效!不过有糖果的话,这个节日还是有意义的。 Play What's the point of this holiday, it's so obvious we're just wearing pumpkin monster costumes... Come on, we're Dolls, this kind of disguise is completely ineffective! But since we get free candies, I guess this holiday isn't all worthless.
Christmas 圣诞老人要从烟囱爬进来?太危险了吧,现在随便一栋楼都有一两百层啊……想想就好可怕,感觉我是不可能收到礼物了! Play Santa crawls in through the chimney? That's so dangerous... considering any building nowadays are hundreds of stories tall... I'm getting chills just thinking about it. I guess I'm never receiving my presents!
New Year's Day 新年……是团聚的日子吗?但我,我的团聚对象都有谁啊?总觉得还有好多人,到底是谁啊……难道我不去找她们,她们不会自己过来找吗?哼,我才不要主动!


The new year... is a time for reunions right? Yet, is there even anyone I could reunite with? I always felt like there should be many of them, but who are they exactly...? If I don't start looking for them, will they come to me? Hell, I'm not going to be the one taking initiative!
Valentine's day 巧克力真好吃,啊——不是自己做好了自己吃吗?送给别人……可是我不知道别人爱吃什么口味,别人也不知道我爱吃什么口味,真是奇怪的节日!


Chocolates are so tasty. Huh—you aren't supposed to eat it yourself? Gifting it to someone... but I neither know what flavor they like, nor do they know mine. What a strange holiday!
Tanabata 今天许愿有用吗?有用的话,我希望可以每天都很快乐,然后记住每一个重要的人,最后妈妈能回来看看我。三个太贪心了?唔……可是每一个愿望我都舍不得删掉……


Today's the day to make wishes right? If so, I wish to be happy every day, and I also want to remember everyone that matters to me. Lastly, I want Mom to come back and see me. Three is too much? Err... but I don't want to drop any of them...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 冲不动了!先回来…… Play Too tired! Let's go back first...
Phrase ……不好意思,我又忘了。 Play ...Sorry, I forgot again.
Tip 我一直在寻找丢失的记忆,但我也一直在努力地生活。 Play I've always been searching for my lost memories, but I've also been living daringly.
Loading 艾尔玛·休谟,是我的名字。 Play Erma Hume, that's my name.