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Destroyer/Assimilated (Alt)

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Destroyer Story Assimilated Assimilated (Alt) Quotes
Destroyer - Dashing Reindeer
Full name Destroyer - Dashing Reindeer
Affiliation Sangvis Ferri
Voice actor Takada Yuuki
Artist ???
Initial Rarity 3
Tags Unarmored, T-Doll, Ranged
Released on CN (破坏者-浮掠麋影), TW (破坏者-浮掠麋影), KR (디스트로이어-폭주사슴), JP (デストロイヤー-浮掠麋影),EN (Destroyer - Dashing Reindeer)
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Ringleader type assimilated SF unit (Christmas version).

How to obtain

ASSIMILATION Can be obtained as a possible encounter in Area SP5NANO Glacial Tundra with a capture chance of 25%.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward


Analysis Level 0 & Level 1
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 264(x1)
link= Damage Damage 186 link= Evasion Evasion 93
link= Accuracy Accuracy 71 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 53
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 15 link= Armor Armor
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A

Analysis Level 1 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1159(x1)
link= Damage Damage 836 link= Evasion Evasion 204
link= Accuracy Accuracy 84 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 91
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 15 link= Armor Armor
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Formation Effect Increase

Analysis Level 2 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1159(x1)
link= Damage Damage 866 link= Evasion Evasion 204
link= Accuracy Accuracy 99 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 91
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 15 link= Armor Armor
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Base Stat Increase: Damage and Accuracy

Analysis Level 3 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1378(x1)
link= Damage Damage 896 link= Evasion Evasion 204
link= Accuracy Accuracy 99 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 91
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 15 link= Armor Armor
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Base Stat Increase: Damage and HP

Analysis Level 4 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1378(x1)
link= Damage Damage 896 link= Evasion Evasion 204
link= Accuracy Accuracy 99 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 91
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 15 link= Armor Armor
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 15 Range N/A
Active Skill Enhancement

This unit does not receive new dummies when Analysis Level increases.


How to edit skills

Tile buffs

  1. Upgrade Level 1
    • Affects Armored units and T-Doll units
    • Increases damage and armor by 6% (Armored units)
    • Increases accuracy and evasion rate by 9% (T-Doll units)
  2. Upgrade Level 2
    • Affects Armored units and T-Doll units
    • Increases damage and armor by 10% (Armored units)
    • Increases accuracy and evasion rate by 15% (T-Doll units)

In-game description

Destroyer - Dashing Reindeer is a specialized model developed for combat in snow, ensuring that Destroyer can maintain her high speed and accuracy even in the cold. This model also features enhanced firepower and explosive strength. At Destroyer's own forceful insistence, the appearance is based on a reindeer, and her ammo is packaged as Christmas hanging ornaments, so that she can deliver sweet death to her enemies.

