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AUG Para/Quotes

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AUG Para Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition AUG Para,从今天开始在格里芬就职!请多指教啦,前辈。对了,这里上班可以带宠物吧? 本日からギリフィンでお仕事をさせて頂きます。AUG Paraです、よそしくお願いします、先輩。そうそう、ここはペット同伴の出勤はオッケなのでしょうか?Play 오늘부터 그리폰에서 일하게 된 AUG Para입니다! 잘 부탁드려요, 선배님. 아참, 여기 애완동물을 데리고 와도 되는 거죠? Starting today I will be working under Griffin. I'm AUG Para, pleased to make your acquaintance, senpai. By the way, is it allowed to bring pet to work here?
Introduction 느긋한 성격의 인형. 과거 메모리 오류로 인해 자신이 인형이라는 자각이 부족해, 자신이 그리폰에 지원하러 온 인간 직원이라고 생각한다. 다른 인형에게는 호기심을 가지고 소중하게 대한다.
Secretary 真没想到我会来格里芬这样厉害的地方工作,总觉得有些紧张呢。前辈,能请您教教我这里该怎么做吗? まさか、グリフィンのような凄い所で仕事が出来るだなんて。なんだか緊張しちゃいますね。先輩、ここはどうしたらいいか教えてもらってもいいですか?Play 그리폰처럼 엄청난 곳에서 일하게 되니까... 많이 긴장되네요. 선배님, 여긴 어떻게 하면 되는지 알려주시겠나요? To think I'd be able to work in such amazing place like Griffin. I'm somewhat nervous. Senpai, can you tell me how to do this one?
哇,前辈?!呜啊,摸鱼被抓包了……但是在格里芬工作的大家都好可爱,一聊起来就会忘记时间,抱歉啦。尤其是那位AUG,总觉得有很熟悉的感觉…… きゃあ先輩!あっちゃ…油を売っている所見られてしまいました。グリフィンのみんなが可愛い過ぎて、おしゃべりをしているとつい時間忘れてしまうんです、ごめんなさい。とっくにあのAUGさんという方…なんだか懐かしい感じがして。Play 와악, 선배님?! 우으, 딴청부리다 잡혔네요... 그리폰의 모두가 너무 귀여워서 얘기를 나누다 시간 가는 줄 몰랐어요, 죄송합니다. 특히 저 AUG라는 분, 왠지 익숙한 느낌이 들어요... Kyaah senpai! Oh no... you saw me loafing around during work. Everyone in Griffin is so lovely, I couldn't stop talking about it and lost track of the time, I'm sorry. Especially that Miss AUG... she feels so familiar.
别总是那么紧张,前辈。工作固然需要用认真谨慎的态度来解决,但总是紧绷着反而会影响状态哦。来杯奶咖怎么样? そんなに張り詰め過ぎないでくさい、先輩!確かに、仕事は真面目に取り組む必要ありますが、ずっとそのままでは調子を崩してしまいますよ。カフェオレでもいかがですか?Play 너무 신경을 곤두세우실 필요 없어요, 선배님. 물론 업무는 신중하게 해야지만, 가끔 풀어지지 않으면 오히려 컨디션이 나빠져요. 밀크커피 한잔 마실래요? Senpai, please don't push yourself too hard! Surely, working hard is one thing, but you'll burn yourself out if you keep this up. Do you want some café au lait?
Secretary (post OATH)
Working a normal job, marrying at a decent age, and getting married to a suitable person that fit all the right categories. These were all things I thought would be achieved before I received the offer. However, this life now is exactly what I wanted! Besides, I was able to find someone who I really like.
이 반지는... 선배님, 제가 생각하는 그 뜻이 맞나요? 흔쾌이 받아들이고 싶지만, 전 몇 년 전에 열이 심하게 나서, 그전의 기억이 하나도 생각나질 않아요. 이렇게 과거를 알 수 없는 사람인데도 받아주실 건가요? 그럼... 그걸 제 손가락에 끼워주세요. 저 정말로 기뻐요!
This ring...senpai, is this what I think it means? I'd be more than happy to oblige, but I had a fever a few years ago, and since then I've lost all of my memories of the past. Would you accept me even when I have such an uncertain past? Then, could you put it on my finger? I'm so happy right now!
Greeting 始業時間ぴったりです!今日も皆勤記録恒心ですね!Play 출근 시간 딱 맞췄어요. 오늘도 전근 기록 갱신했네요. It is the perfect time for opening hours! It's a constant work record for today!
T-Doll Produced どんな人形も、大切にされなければなりません。Play 어떤 인형이라도, 소중하게 대해줘야 해요. No matter which doll, we must treasure them!
Joining an echelon 人形の作戦ってどうやって指揮したらいいのでしょうか?Play 인형의 작전은 어떻게 지휘하면 될까요... How do I pull off strategy meant for dolls?
Enhancement 先輩見てください!私、前よりもずっと綺麗になってくれませんか?Play 선배, 이것 보세요, 저 엄청 예뻐지지 않았나요? Senpai, please look at me! Have I become prettier?
Dummy-linking ふえ?ええ?!これがグリフィンマジックなんでしょうか?Play 엣? 에엣? 이게 그리폰 매직이란 건가요? Eh? Eeeh?! Is this Griffin's magic?
Logistics (start) これは出張ということでしょうか先輩?分かりました!行ってきますね!Play 이건... 출장 임무인가요, 선배? 알겠습니다. 다녀올게요. Is this what you call business trip, senpai? I got it! I'm off!
Logistics (end) ただいまです!ぎゅっとさせてくれる可愛い天使さんはいませんか?Play 다녀왔습니다! 절 꼬옥 안아줄 귀여운 천사분은 안 계시나요? I'm home! Is there any lovely angel that I can hold tight?
Autobattle 安心してください!頑張って先輩みたいに指揮して見せますから!Play 안심하세요, 선배처럼 지휘할 수 있도록 노력할게요! Rest assured! I will try to conduct myself like a true senpai!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出発しましょう!グリフィンの天使達!Play 출발해요, 그리폰의 천사들! Let's heading out! Griffin angels!
Starting a battle 全員破壊しなければなりませんか?もっといい方法があると思うのですが。Play 전부 부숴야만 하나요? 더 좋은 방법이 있을 것 같은데요. Should we destroy everyone? I think there is better way.
Skill activation 狙って…撃つ!Play 조준... 발사! Take aim... fire!
私も戦います!Play 저도 싸울게요. I too will fight!
人間の女の子は甘く見ないでくださいね!Play 인간 여자애를 얕보지 마세요. Please don't make light of a human girl!
Heavily damaged あっちゃ…すみません、油断してしまいました。Play 아차... 죄송해요, 방심하고 말았어요. Oof... I'm sorry, I let my guard down.
Retreat 無理は禁物です。一旦体制を立て直しましょう!Play 무리하는 건 금물이에요, 태세를 정비하고 와요! Don't force yourself. Let's regroup!
MVP 少し危ない場面もありましたが、勝ちましたよ先輩!Play 조금 아슬아슬한 상황도 있었지만 이겼어요, 선배! There were some dangerous situations, but we won regardless, senpai!
Restoration 私もここで治療を受けるんですか?分け隔てのない所なんですね。Play 저도 여기서 치료를 받는 건가요? 정말 차별이 없는 곳이네요. I'll get medical inspection here? This is a place without discrimination huh.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ばあ!びっくりしました?こういう催しは、お互い驚かせてこそですよ!先輩も私どう驚かせるか、考えてみてはいかがです?Play Boo! Did I surprise you? In this kind of event, we surprise each other! Senpai, have you think of a way to surprise me?
Christmas サンタクロースは一体どんなプレゼントをくれるのでしょうか?あぁ先輩いらっしてたんですね。あの、グリフィンのサンタクロースやくって誰なんですか?よかったら私もやってみたいです!Play I wonder what present Santa Claus have in store for me? Ah, you're here, senpai. Do you know who's Griffin Santa? I'd like to see too!
New Year's Day 先輩、明けましておめでとうございます!今日は故郷に帰って、家族に会う為の日ですよね?私が付いていてあげましょうか?


Senpai, Happy New Year! You go back to your hometown and meet your family today, don't you? Should I go with you?
Valentine's day 何を期待しているんですか先輩?まさか、今日も私からプレゼント渡さないいけないんですか?全く、しょうがありませんね。


Were you expecting something, senpai? Don't tell me you're expecting a present from me? Good grief, there's no helping it.
Tanabata 先輩!願い事は決まりましたか?私はいいんです。彼女達の賑やかなパーティーを見ているだけで、十分楽しいですから。


Senpai, have you decided on your wish? Just looking at those girls' lively party, is enjoyable enough for me.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play 훌륭하네요!
Tip Play
Loading Play 잠깐 기다려주세요, 머리 묶고 금방 올게요!