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AK-Alfa Quotes Live2D

Base Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是AK阿尔法,但不是欧米茄……打扰了,请问天文馆往哪边走? AK-Alfa。オメガではありません…すみませんが、天文台はどちらでしょうか?Play I'm AK-Alfa, not Omega... Excuse me, but which way is your planetarium?
Secretary 反光率高的东西就会很像星星。如果穿得足够明亮的话,我们是否也能成为某个人眼里的星星? よく反射するものは星に見えることがありますが、私たちも煌びやかに着飾れば、誰かにとっての星になれるのでしょうか。Play Things with high reflectivity will look like stars. If we wear things that are bright enough, will we also look like stars in the eyes of someone?
我和你没那么熟吧,别靠得这么近。 あまり近づきすぎないでください、あなたとはまだそこまで親しくなったわけではないので。Play I'm not very familiar with you, so please don't get so close.
当不断进化的视觉终于足以令人望到尽头,迎接我们的还会是多彩的明天吗? 世界の最果てをも見通せるようになった時、私たちを待ち受ける未来は一体どんなものになるのでしょうか。Play When our ever-evolving vision is enough to reach the end, will we be greeted by a colorful tomorrow?
Secretary (post OATH)
Within me is a love and feeling that even you cannot comprehend. Both, I pray, will be of some use to you.
Bringing me here deliberately, is it to discuss drinking on the battlefield? Commander, you...know that I can't let go, so will you take responsibility? Of course, I am also willing. From now on, your guidance please.
Greeting おはようございます。今日も仕事が山積みですよ。Play Good morning. There's lots of work to do today.
T-Doll Produced 新人さん、登録はこちらです。Play Hey newbie, Registration is over here.
Joining an echelon あの、SFに興味のある人は……いいえ。仕事を先に終わらせましょうか。Play Um, regarding those who are interested in sci-fi...forget it. Shall we finish our work first?
Enhancement 見えますか?空より高く、星よりも遠い場所が。Play Can you see it? A place higher than the sky, and farther than the stars.
Dummy-linking これで話し相手が増えま……あれ?自分と会話するのって、なんだか惨めじゃありませんか?Play This will increase the number of people I can speak to...wait a minute. Isn't talking to yourself a little sad?
Logistics (start) 隕石の破片が拾えると良いなあ。Play I hope I'll be able to pick up some meteorite fragments along the way.
Logistics (end) 隕石の破片はありませんでしたが、指揮官の欲しかったものは全部手に入れてきましたよ。Play I couldn't find any meteorite debris, but I was able to collect everything that the Commander had asked for.
Autobattle 承知しました。私に任せてください。Play Understood. Leave it to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 行きましょう。Play Let's go.
Starting a battle 散った命は、地球へと還るだけです。Play A life lost will simply return to the earth.
Skill activation 砕けなさい。Play Shatter.
逃しません。Play I won't miss.
残業は嫌です。Play I hate overtime.
Heavily damaged ダメ……うっ……出撃前にこっそり飲んだ事がバレちゃ……ひっく……Play No good...*hic*...it's because I had a secret drink before the mission...*hic*...
Retreat これじゃあ、残業確定じゃないですか~!Play Overtime is confirmed, I guess~!
MVP いいですね、これで好きなことに使う時間が作れます。Play Good, this will give you time to do whatever you want.
Restoration 待ってください、そのビール瓶はゴミじゃないので、捨てないでくださ~い!Play Wait, that beer bottle is not garbage, so please don't throw it away~!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 正体が分からないからこそ恐怖する。ですので、正体を分かるきっとものなど、全く効果ありません。私に言わせれば、広大な星空の方がむしろ…え?ふえええ…!Play You fear what you don't fully understand. Therefore, what you understand well cannot be scary. If you ask me, I'd rather have a vast starry sky...huh? AAAAH...!
Christmas SF作品って、成書から言いようされているものが多いんですよ。古くから言い伝えているものって、とっても興味深いですね。Play Many science fiction works are created in written form. Things that have been passed down since ancient times are very interesting.
New Year's Day こういう楽しい集まりにこそ、不測の時代は「」もの。ですので、私は外で見張っていますね。星も、いつもより綺麗なことですし。


Unexpected times are a thing of joyful gatherings like this. So I'm keeping watch outside. The stars are also more beautiful than usual.
Valentine's day 見ないでください!もう…。せっかくチョコレートの上に星空を描いたのに…。みんなぐちゃぐちゃになったじゃないですか…


Please do not look! Sigh…. Even though I took the trouble to draw a starry sky on top of the chocolate... Everyone get so inconsiderate...
Tanabata SF…天文学同好会、ただいまメンバー大募集。興味のある方は、この下に、紙縒りをこくりつけてくださいっと。


The Astronomy club is currently recruiting members. If you are interested, please attach a piece of paper below.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是AK阿尔法,但不是欧米茄……打扰了,请问天文馆往哪边走? AK Alfa。オメガではありません……すみませんが、天文台はどちらでしょうか?Play 저는 AK 알파... 오메가까지는 아니에요. 그럼 실례하는데, 천문대는 어느 쪽인가요? I am AK-Alfa, not Omega... Excuse me, but how do I get to the planetarium?
Secretary 太阳,星星,月亮,还有锡纸……都是闪亮亮的呢,指挥官的扣子也是。那个,我可以仔细看看您的扣子吗? 太陽、星、月、それにアルミホイル……みんなキラキラしていますよね、あと指揮官のボタンも。あの、そのボタン、よく見せてもらってもいいですか?Play 햇님도, 달님도, 별님도, 은박지도, 모두 반짝거려요... 그리고, 지휘관의 단추도. 저기... 단추, 자세히 봐도 돼요? The sun, the moon, the stars, and tin foil... They're all shiny, and so are the Commander's buttons. Um, may I take a closer look at your buttons?
啤、啤酒?!那个是成年人才可以喝的吧,我没有那个兴趣的!我自己带了酸梅汤,这个就可以…… び、ビール?!それは大人の飲み物ですよ、私はそんなものに興味ありません!持ってきたこの梅ジュースで十分です……Play 매, 맥주?! 술은 어른이 돼야 마실 수 있는 거잖아요, 전 관심 없어요! 매실주스 챙겨 왔으니까 이, 이걸로 충분해요... B-Beer?! That's a beverage that only grown-ups can drink, I have no interest in it! I've brought my own sour plum drink. It's enough for me...
防毒面具是外出用的……外面的空气很不好吧?要是回路被腐蚀了,就没法长高了。 ガスマスクは外出用です……だって外の空気、とっても悪いじゃないですか。回路が腐食でもしたら、背が伸びなくなっちゃいます。Play 이 방독면이요? 외출용이에요. 바깥 공기가 나쁘잖아요. 회로가 부식되면 키 안 큰대요. I wear my gas mask when I head out... The air is really bad outside, right? If my circuits get contaminated, I won't grow any taller.
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관한테 더 도움이 되고 싶어서, 책을 더 많이 읽고 있어요. 그런데 실용 서적보단 공상과학물이 더 재밌더라고요. 지휘관도 공상과학 좋아해요?
I want to be of more help to you, so I've been reading more books lately. But sci-fi is so much more exciting than non-fiction. Do you like sci-fi, Commander?
指挥官和我吗?嗯…… 我听说这是非常郑重的誓约,我不确定自己能不能做好。 但是,我会努力的,因为指挥官正是我眼里的星星!
私と指揮官がですか?ふむ…… これはとても大切な誓いだと聞いています。私にその務めが果たせるか、少し不安ですが…… 私、精いっぱい頑張ります。だって指揮官は、私の星なのですから!
지휘관이, 저랑요? 으음... 서약은 무지무지 엄중한 일이라 들었는데, 제가 과연 잘할 수 있을까요... 그래도 노력할게요, 전 지휘관의 별이니까요!
You and me, Commander? Hmm... I hear this is a very solemn oath. I'm not sure if I'm good enough for this. But I'll do my best, because you're the stars to me!
Greeting 咦,来了吗?糟糕,热水瓶还没有拧好…… ひゃ、もう来たんですか?大変、まだ水筒の蓋も開けられていないのに……Play 어, 오셨어요? 이제 막 보온병 뚜껑 열었는데... Huh, here already? Crap, my thermos is still open.
T-Doll Produced 那个,酸梅汤要喝吗? あの、梅ジュース、飲みませんか?Play 저기... 매실주스 마실래요? Um, would you like some sour plum drink?
Joining an echelon 请多指教……我没有在心虚! よろしくお願いします……びっ、びくびくなんてしてません!Play 잘 부탁해요... 저도 잘할 수 있어요! Please take care of me… I'm not feeling guilty!
Enhancement 感觉好像没有长高。 身長があまり伸びていないような気がします。Play 키는 안 자란 것 같은데요. I don't feel like I've gotten taller.
Dummy-linking 这样就有更多人可以聊……等等,自己和自己说话也太悲惨了吧。 これで話し相手が増えま……あれ?自分と会話するのって、なんだか惨めじゃありませんか?Play 이러면 말 상대가 늘었... 아니지, 나 자신과 대화하는 건 너무 비참하잖아. Now I'll have more people to talk to... Wait a minute, talking to yourself is just too sad.
Logistics (start) 路上会捡到星星的碎片吗? 途中で星の破片を拾えるでしょうか?Play 나가서 운석 조각 찾으면 좋겠어요. I hope I'll find a piece of meteorite on this trip.
Logistics (end) 没找到星星的碎片,我带了玻璃瓶子回来。 星の破片は見つかりませんでしたが、ガラスの瓶を拾いました!Play 운석 조각은 못 찾았지만, 지휘관이 부탁한 물건은 가져왔어요. I didn't find any meteorites, but I got everything that you want.
Autobattle 知道了,不会让你失望的。 分かりました。私に任せてください。Play 알겠어요, 실망시키지 않을게요. Got it, I won't disappoint you.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出、出发! い、いきます!Play 추... 출발! Let, let's go!
Starting a battle 坏东西就要挨打! 悪い奴にはお仕置きです!Play 나쁜 녀석은 맞아야 돼! Bad things need to be beaten!
Skill activation 呜……好重。 うう……重いです。Play 우으... 무거워. (Groan) That's heavy.
冲击力……太强了! 衝撃が……強すぎます!Play 반동이... 너무 세! The recoil... It's too strong~
要摔倒了! 転んじゃう!Play 넘어진다! I'm going to fall down!
Heavily damaged 呜,全都散掉了……对不起……对不起! うぅ、メチャクチャになっちゃいました……ごめんなさい……ごめんなさい!Play 으으, 다 엎질렀어... 미안해, 미안해...! Ugh, I'm falling apart... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!
Retreat 不行,撑不住了,快跑吧! だめ、もう持ち堪えられません。はやく逃げてください!Play 안 돼, 더는 못 버텨, 도망쳐요! Oh no, we can't hold out, everyone run!
MVP 真帅气啊,指挥官。以后我也能成长到这个地步吗? お見事です、指揮官!私もいつかそんな風になれるでしょうか?Play 정말 멋져요, 지휘관. 저도 지휘관처럼 멋진 어른이 될 수 있을까요? You're so cool, Commander. Will I ever grow to be this cool?
Restoration 等等,这个酒瓶不是废弃物,不要扔掉! 待ってください、そのビール瓶はゴミじゃないので、捨てないでくださ~い!Play 잠깐, 보온병은 버리는 거 아니에요! Wait, this beer bottle isn't garbage, don't throw it away!
Attack 冲锋! 突撃!Play 돌격! Charge!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 那个,请回撤…… あの、撤収してください……Play 그, 그러니까... 물러서요! Ah, please fall back...
Phrase 知道了。 Play
Tip Play
Loading 来了,别催。 今行きますから、急かさないでください。Play 왔어요, 조르지 마세요. Coming, don't rush me.