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Full name Maschinengewehr 34
Country of Origin Germany (Weimar Republic)
Manufacturer Rheinmetall-Borsig AG Soemmerda, Mauserwerke AG, Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG, Waffenwerke Brünn
Artist Spirtie
Voice actor Chujo Tomoyo

MG34 is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.


Weapon Background

The MG 34 (Maschinengewehr 34) is a recoil-operated air-cooled machine gun that fires from an open bolt. MG34 is designed by Heinrich Vollmer of Mauser, with reference to Rheinmetall's MG30. MG34 was first tested in 1929, introduced in 1934. MG34 is generally considered as the world's first General Purpose MG, it was mass produced and issued to military service of the Third Reich in 1936 after the Nazi party's repudiation of the Versailles Treaty.

MG34 was designed to be relatively light weight for single personal operation, the light support configuration weights 12.1kg unloaded. It has a notable fast cyclic rate of fire of around 850 rounds per minute, anti-aircraft/coaxial variants have faster rates of fire. MG34 is fed by a reusable non-disintegrating 50 round ammunition belt from the left side of the gun, the belt can be chained to any length needed in increments of 50 units, designed to hold the 7.92x57mm Mauser cartridge which the gun chambers. Other than stationary belt feeding, MG34 also have access to a 50-round Gurttrommel or a 75-round Patronentrommel 34 drum magazines that can feed the weapon.

Featuring a quick change barrel, an overheated barrel of the MG34 can be quickly removed and changed by the weapon's crew. Buttstock of MG34 can also be removed to be used in close quarter space or in vehicles. Another notable feature on the MG34 would be the double crescent trigger, which provided select fire capability without the need for a fire mode selector switch. Squeezing the upper half of the trigger will fire a semi-automatic shot, while holding the lower half produces fully automatic fire. This feature was considerably innovative for it's era, though it did complicate the manufacturing process.

Different equipment/attachments are issued to different variants of MG34, infantry weapon MG34 have a standard iron sight, rear sight is a notched 'V' sight mounted and a single blade at the front. The sight came calibrated for ranges between 200 to 2,000m in 100m increments, marking the effective range of MG34 to be up to 2000 metres. An anti-aircraft sight or telescopic sights can also be issued to MG34 to improve the effective firing range. Bipod units are integrated into the design and it can also be fitted on tripods for a fixed positional firing.

Other than infantry light support weapon, anti-aircraft and stationary firing roles, MG34 is often found on top or as coaxial machine guns of WW2 German armor vehicles. MG34 was noted for being used as a remote controlled machine gun on the Jagdpanzer 38 'Hetzer', as the first of it's kind, able to traverse 360° while removing the need for the operators to expose themselves, however the reloading process still requires operator to change the 50-rounds drum magazine manually.

MG34 was known for it's complex and relatively expensive manufacturing process, the immediate successor would be the cheaper and simpler MG42, though MG42 only served as a supplement weaponry to the MG34 in the infantry units. Several design features of MG42 makes it unsuitable for vehicle usage, mechanized units of the Third Reich continued to use MG34. Together with MG42, MG34 served Germany until the end of the war.

Character Info



MG34 is the older sister of MG MG42 MG42     .


Game Data

79(x1)165(x1) / 825(x5)
40(x1) / 140(x5) 30(x1) / 90(x5)
32 85
4 25
3 22
 Rate of Fire
83 120
 Move Speed
 Crit. Rate
 Crit. Damage
 Armor Pen.
 Clip Size
Affects shotguns
Increases damage by 20%

Common 2* unit, can be found almost anywhere


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您就是指挥官吗?我是MG42的姐姐,MG34,今后请好好相处。 あなたが指揮官ですね、MG42の姉、MG34です!以後、御見知りおきを…Play Are you the Commander? I'm MG42's sister, MG34, let's get along from now.
Secretary 指挥官,不要欺负人家。 指揮官、あんまりからかわないでください!Play Commander, don't bully me.
妹妹好像出去玩了,稍微有点羡慕啊…… 妹がまた遊びに行っちゃったみたい、ちょっと…羨ましいです。Play I think my little sister went out, I'm a little jealous...
请不要吓人家啊!把枪随地乱放,会很危险的。 驚かさないでください!銃を離したら、危ないですよ。Play Please don't scare me like that! It's dangerous to leave guns lying around.
Secretary (post OATH)
You've been working hard today, I will make a cup of tea for you later... This is a special treatment, mention nothing of this to 42 ok.
Greeting 指挥官,等您好久了。 指揮官、お待ちしてました。Play Been waiting for you Commander.
T-Doll Produced 指挥官,新的枪娘来了哟。 指揮官、新しい子が来ました。Play Commander, a new girl is here!
Joining an echelon 那,那个…不能和妹妹一起…出击吗? あ、あの、妹と一緒じゃ…ダメですか?Play Emm, can't I go together... With my sister?
Enhancement 射击精度上升了。 射撃精度が上がりました。Play Firing accuracy improved!
Dummy-linking 谢谢!希望还能有更多、更多的力量。 ありがとう!もっと、もっと力がほしい!Play Thank you! I wish to obtain more power.
Logistics (start) 我出发了! MG42也在队里吗? 行ってきます!エムジー四二も部隊にいますか?Play I'm leaving now! MG42 are you in the squad too?
Logistics (end) 我回来了,MG42,姐姐给你买了土产哟。 ただいま、エムジー四二、お土産買ってきましたよ。Play I'm back, MG42, sister bought some local products for you.
Autobattle MG42,这次就由我来保护你! エムジー四二、今度は私があなたを守ってあげます!Play MG42, let me protect you this time!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 妹妹不在…感觉有点孤独。 妹がいないと…ちょっと心細いです。Play Feels a bit lonely... Without my sister around.
Starting a battle 发现敌军! 准备战斗! 敵軍です!戦闘準備!Play Enemy sighted! Prepare for attack!
Skill activation 射击! 射击! 射って! 射って!Play Fire! Fire!
这次也…不能输给MG42呢! 今回も…エムジー四二には負けませんわ!Play I won't lose to MG42!
我…才不是什么被抛弃的武器呢! 私は…捨てられた武器なんかじゃありまえんから!Play I'm... I'm not an obsolete weapon!
Heavily damaged 呜…这个样子,没法…见妹妹了。 う…このままじゃ、妹に…会えないわ。Play Uuuu... I can't face my sister like this...
Retreat 如果…能和妹妹一起的话… 妹と…一緒だったら…Play If only she was here...
MVP 指挥官,我办到了! 也要告诉妹妹呢! 指揮官、やりましたね!妹にも伝えなきゃ!Play Commander, I did it! Please tell my sister about this!
Restoration 呜…这件事,没有让MG42知道吧? う…このこと、エムジー四二には知らせてないでしょうね?Play Uuuu... MG42 doesn't know about this right?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 一有零食这些孩子们就很卖力呢……42也在里面啊…真是小孩子呢呵呵。 お菓子のこととなると、子供たちが必死ですね。あら、MG42が子供の群れに混ざってる、本当に子供ね、ふへへ。Play They sure work hard when candies are on the line... 42 is amongst them too... She's still a kid hehe.
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day


