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Coalition Unit Skill List


Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies RoF and Evasion
Skill 1
Battlefield Purge

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Passive - Normal attack consists of 3 instances of attack that deal 0.4x damage each. Skill 2
Shadow Predation

Map Skill
Cd 2 turn
Deploy a hologram within 1 node that last for 1 turn. Hologram can't move but able to switch position with allied echelon. When the hologram is attacked, deal damage equal to 30% of the enemy max hp before disappearing.
Active - Maximize firing rate, increase damage dealt by drones by 100%, prioritize enemy with the lowest health and deal 10 instances of attacks.
Skill 3
Every 2 attacks, reduce target's evasion and firing rate by 40% and 20% respectively for 5s. Skill 4
Devil Step
Raise echelon damage by 10% when engaging enemy on allied node.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Damage and Critical Hit
Affect melee allies Accuracy and Evasion
Skill 1
Cleaving Slaughter

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Launch a slashing attack, targeting enemy with the highest hp, dealing 3 instances of attack equal to 17.5x damage. Attack is distributed evenly to the number of target's dummy link, and deal additional 0.7x damage to all enemies within 1 units from target and obtain 38 hp shield. Skill 2
Execution Requiem

ICd 0s, Cd 5s
Click the skill to toggle between 2 modes. Gain 100% movement speed for 3s upon switching.

Windy Rose (Default) - Deal 1x damage to nearest enemy. Every 3 attack will apply weakening debuff to target, making them receive 10% extra damage.

Clear Moon Empress - Switch to melee, reduce attack range to 3, all attack deal critical hit, decrease firing rate by 20% and deal 0.8x damage which ignore armour to all enemies within 4 units. For the first toggle, increase all allies movement speed by 50%, and grant all melee allies hp shield equal to 5% of Executioner's max hp, last 5s.
Skill 3
Blinding Flash
When switching to melee, increase evasion by 50% and obtain 50 hp shield that last 3s. Skill 4
Shattering Frost
Deal more damage the lower the enemy hp is.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Damage and Accuracy
Affect melee allies Accuracy and Evasion
Affect ranged allies Damage and Accuracy
Skill 1
Crimson Bullet of Devastation

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Passsive - Normal attack deals two instances of attack equal to 0.5x damage each. Skill 2
Capturer's Aim

ICd 0s, Cd 3s
Obtain a special restraint bullet every 6s, and can store up to 3 bullets. Activate the skill to release, targeting enemy with the highest hp, dealing 1x damage and apply provoke for 3s. Target will suffer 50% accuracy and armour reduction, cannot stack and last 5s.
Active - For 6s upon skill activation, prioritize enemy with the highest health, dealing 0.7x damage per shot. Continuously attacking the same target will increase damage dealt by 15%, stack up to 15 times. If there's enemy marked with restraint bullet, prioritize them first.
Skill 3
For every attack that is not critical hit, increase next critical hit damage by 15%. Skill 4
Edge of Malignance
Deal 20% extra damage to debuffed enemy.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Damage, Accuracy, Evasion, Critical Hit
Skill 1
Military Raid

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Call forth three waves of Dinergates with 5x link, dealing 0.4x damage to all enemies in their path. Reinforcement will inherit 5% max hp, 100% damage, 50% accuracy, and 50% evasion of the summoner. Skill 2
Iron Wall Reinforcement

Map Skill
2 turn
Select one of the friendly echelon within 3 nodes to provide it with reinforcement. At the start of the battle, two 5x link Dinergates will spawn, and have 300 hp, 80 damage, 50 firing rate, 50 accuracy, and 70 evasion.
Skill 3
Total Protection
At the beginning of the battle, provide hp shield equal to 10% of Intruder's max hp that last 5s. Skill 4
Reinforcement Upgrade
When present, all reinforcement will receive hp shield equal to 10% of Intruder's max hp, and increase their damage by 10% of Intruder's damage.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect armoured allies Damage and Armour
Affect machine allies Damage and Accuracy
Skill 1
Trigger Happy Storm

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Lock onto enemy with the highest hp, deal 2x damage to all enemies in cross-shaped area with target as the center. Skill 2
Waypoint Strike

Fire Support
ICd 0s, Cd 6s
Provides fire support to allied echelon within 2 nodes. Executes attack every 6s, launching two grenades equal to 0.5x damage each to enemies within 1 units. Fire support deal damage to dummy links, and can attack installation equal to 0.1x damage.
Skill 3
Compound Grenade
Obtain 12 special grenades at the beginning of the battle and use them to attack. Reload time is fixed at 2s. At the cost of decreasing firing rate by 50%, normal attack will use 2 grenades to deal 0.5x explosion damage each to enemies within 1 units. Skill 4
Red Flame Filling
The first attack of each reload will ignite the area around the target, dealing an additional 0.15x damage every 0.5s. At the same time, enemies within 2.5 units will suffer weakening debuff, making them receive 10% extra damage.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Accuracy and Evasion
Affect machine allies Damage and Accuracy
Skill 1
Missile Fervor

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Target the enemy with highest hp, fire a missile dealing 4x damage and additional 1.2x damage to all enemies within 4 units around the target. Skill 2
Spice Things Up!

Fire Support
ICd 0s, Cd 6s
Provides fire support to allied echelon within 2 nodes. Executes attack every 6s, dealing 0.5x damage to enemies within 2 units, and deal damage to force shield equal to 0.5x damage.
Skill 3
Normal attack will cause 4 instances of attack equal to 0.25x damage each. And every 6 attacks, deal additional 0.8x damage to enemies within 1 units of the current target. Skill 4
When present, increase all allies explosion damage by 20%.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Evasion and Critical Rate
Affect armourless allies Damage and Accuracy
Skill 1
Venomous Descend

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Switch attack mode into launching 8 missiles that deal critical damage to random enemies. Skill 2

Map Skill
Cd 3 turn
Passive - When engaging enemies on an allied node, increase all allies firing rate by 15% and movement speed by 3. Effect will always active during night battle regardless of the node status.
Active - Select one of enemy's echelon within 2 node to disable it from moving for 1 turn.
Skill 3
Normal attack consists of 2 instances of attack that deal 0.5x damage each. Critical hit will apply weakening debuff, making the target receive 5% more damage which stack 3 times and last 3s. Skill 4
Stimulating Hormone
Increase all allies critical hit by 20% for 5s.

Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless Buff Tiles Affect machine allies RoF and Accuracy
Affect melee allies Damage and Evasion
Skill 1
The End

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Passive - In Guard Mode, extend firing range. Normal attack will cause two instances of attack equal to 0.5x damage each. In Assault Mode, go melee and deal two instances of attack equal to 0.5x damage each and increase critical rate by 50% Skill 2
Quality Activation

ICd 3s, Cd 8s
Passive - Critical hit will apply Organism Mark to target.
Active - After skill activation, perform 9 attacks on random enemies. Each attack deal 1.3x critical damage and apply Organism Mark to target, also gain invulnerability for the duration of the skill. Active - Increase firepower, evasion, and critical damage by 30%, 100%, and 30% for 4s.
Skill 3
Deal 1.1x more damage to target with Organism Mark. At the same time, gain 6 hp shield without upper limit that lasts 16s. Organism Mark will last for 9s. Skill 4
Unraveling Gravity
In Guard Mode, gain hp shield equal to 6% max hp every second that lasts 5s. In Assault mode, increase all allies movement speed by 100% for 3s that gradually decays.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Accuracy and Evasion
Affect ranged allies Damage and Critical Rate
Skill 1
Silence-Piercing Blast

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Passive - Prioritize attacking the furthest enemy. Skill 2
Execution Hour

Map Skill
ICd 6s, Cd 3s
Provide fire support to allied echelon within 3 nodes. Execute attack every 3s, dealing 2.25x damage and prioritize enemy with the highest hp. The attack ignore armour, and decrease target's RoF by 50% that last 3s.
Active - Fire a penetrating beam at the foremost of the current target, dealing 6 hits of 0.4x damage for 3s. The attack can't miss, ignore armour, and deal damage per dummy link.
Skill 3
Hawkeye Sanctuary
Guard Mode - Increase attack range to 16, critical hit and damage by 10%, and can't miss.
Skill 4
Sky Ruler
Deal more damage the further the enemy is. Damage bonus begin at 5 range, and capped at 0.2x at 12 range.
Assault Mode - Increase the damage and RoF of ranged units by 10%, while melee units receive 20% damage reduction.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Damage
Affect humanoid allies Accuracy and Critical Rate
Affect melee allies Evasion and Armour
Skill 1
Moon-Rending Slash

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Perform a two-stage charge on 3 enemies with the highest hp. The first attack deal 1.5x damage that surehit, can't crit, and ignore armour, as well as putting 1 layer of Weight Mark on the target. The second attack deal 3.2x damage that surehit and ignore armour. Deal 0.4x additional explosion attack that surehit, can't crit, and ignore armour to all enemies within 2 unit based on Weight Mark layer. Skill 2
Overall Calibration

ICd 3s, Cd 8s
Passive - Normal attack consist of two instances of damage that deal 0.6x damage each, also has 30% chance to inflict Weight Mark on target.
Active - Max out the RoF while decreasing the evasion and accuracy by 30% and 10%. Switch targeting priority to enemy that hasn't been attacking, as well as inflicting Weight Mark on target.
Skill 3
Each layer of Weight Mark reduce target's movement speed by 10%, damage by 10%, and armour by 50% that last 5s and stack up to 3 times. Skill 4
Duel Arbritration
After 3s into battle, when the number of allies is not greater than the opposition, increase all allies damage by 20%. When the table turned, buff will be lost.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armoured Buff Tiles Affect all allies Damage, RoF, Critical Rate, Armour
Skill 1

ICd 6s, Cd 12s
Perform a jump kick to enemy with the highest hp, dealing 4 hits totalling 12x damage that can't miss, ignore armour, can't crit, and distributed evenly based on the number of dummy link to enemies within 1 unit. At the same time, generate a zone with 4 unit radius around the target for 5s. Enemies caught in this zone will have their damage and RoF decreased by 10% and 30%, and amplify damage taken by 10%. Additionally, generate a shield with taunt effect that last 3s. The shield will inherit 4% of Judge's hp and damage taken by the shield is fixed at 1. Skill 2
Individual Adjustment

Map Skill
Cd 2 turn
Grant nearby echelon within 1 node 70 hp shield at the beginning of a battle. Armoured units will receive 30% extra armour, and armourless units will receive 30% extra evasion, last 10s.
Skill 3
Normal attack deal 50% damage to two enemies. Every 8th attack, deal additional damage to enemies within 3 units equal to 40x armour. Additionally, obtain 50 hp shield that lasts 5s. Skill 4
When present, allies in 1/2/3 column obtain 10 armour/40% accuracy/10% damage.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies Damage, Accuracy, and Evasion
Skill 1
Bloody Gleam

ICd 3s, Cd 24s
Call forth three clones that last 15s. Each clone inherit 10% hp/50% damage/80% RoF/60% accuracy/20% evasion/10 armour, and the rest of the stats match the original. Skill 2
Doom Incursion

Map Skill
Cd turn
Active - Teleport instantly to any available helipad, while imposing debuff to the echelon by 60% decrease of damage, accuracy, evasion, and armour that last 2 turn.
Passive - When supported by HOC or Coalition, increase allies critical rate by 15%, and ranged unit attack range by 1.
Skill 3
Normal attack consist of 4 hit attack, each dealing 0.25x damage. Every 5th hit, stun target for 1s, and amplify damage it takes by 10% for 5s. Skill 4
Every time an ally or reinforcement die, increase self damage by 10% for 5s, stack 3 times.

Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Buff Tiles Affect all allies RoF
Affect humanoid allies Damage and Accuracy
Skill 1
Silent Epitaph

ICd 6s, Cd 16s
Passive - Distribute attack evenly to the number of target's dummy link. If the target has Black or White Mark, deal 2x explosion damage which ignore armour. Skill 2
Looming Epitaph

Fire Support
Cd 2s
Provides fire support to allied echelon within 3 nodes. Executes attack every 2s, dealing 1x damage and prioritize target without Black Mark. Fire support will ignore armour and apply Black Mark which lasts 3s.
Active - For 6s, change normal attack into firing at fixed RoF every 1s, prioritizing enemy without link and deal 2.5x critical hit that doesn't ignore armour. Attacking target with Black Mark will not consume the mark upon detonation, and decrease target's evasion by 30%.
Skill 3
Every time an attack missed, apply Black Mark to target and increase own damage by 20%. Skill 4
Pronouncement of Death
When present on the battlefield, all allies deal 10% more damage to enemies with Black or White mark.

Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless Buff Tiles Affect humanoid allies Damage and Accuracy
Affect machine allies Evasion and Critical Rate
Skill 1
Polarday Advent

ICd 4s, Cd 18s
Passive - Distribute attack evenly to the number of target's dummy link. If the target has Black or White Mark, deal 2x explosion damage which ignore armour. Skill 2
Polarday Sign

Fire Support
Cd 2s
Provides fire support to allied echelon within 1 node. Executes attack every 2s, dealing 2x damage to enemies within 3 units. Fire support will ignore armour and apply White Mark which lasts 3s.
Active - For 12s, change normal attack into three-hit string with 2x, 3x, and 1.5x increased damage. Third hit will deal 3 unit AoE damage and activates Rest In Peace. Each attack will apply White Mark permanently.
Skill 3
Rest In Peace
Has 20% chance to completely negate damage taken to all allies within 2 units. Affected units will also gain 100% damage up for 2s. Skill 4
Pronouncement of Death
When present on the battlefield, all allies deal 10% more damage to enemies with Black or White mark.

Normal Units

Ripper SWAP Ripper
Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless
Skill 1 Activating the skill in Guard mode will increase evasion by 120%, while activating skill in Assault mode will increase firepower by 90%, lasts 5s. Skill 1 Activating the skill in Guard mode will increase evasion by 120%, while activating skill in Assault mode will increase firepower by 90%, lasts 5s.
Skill 2 Activates every 8s or when there is hp loss, gain force field that lasts 2s in the Guard state, else increase firepower by 80% if activated in Assault mode, lasts 3s.

Vespid SWAP Vespid
Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless
Skill 1 Increase firing rate and accuracy of ranged allies by 6% and 20% respectively, cannot stack. Skill 1 Increase firing rate and accuracy of ranged allies by 8% and 30% respectively, cannot stack.
Skill 2 First attack will prioritize enemy with the highest health. Critical hit will decrease enemy's firepower, firing rate, and movement speed by 10% that last 3s and cannot stack. After the first attack, skill will be triggered again every 3 attacks.

Jager SWAP Jager Currently not available
Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless
Skill 1 Every 4th attack, aim for 1s and unleash a sniping attack equal to 350% damage that cannot miss and ignore armour. Skill 1
Skill 2

Guard SWAP Guard
Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless
Skill 1 Activating the skill in Guard mode will provide 20 hp shield to allies in the same row, while activating the skill in Assault mode will provide 40 hp shield to allies within 3 units. Lasts 5s and stack up to 3 times. Skill 1 Provide hp shield to humanoid allies based on 4% own max health that lasts 10s. If the target does not have hp shield, increase their evasion by 50%, else increase their firepower by 10%, lasts 5s.
Skill 2 Gain 20% damage reduction, lasts 5s. When the buff expires, deal 1.2 damage to enemy in front of self.

Striker SWAP Striker
Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless Unit Type Humanoid Ranged Armourless
Skill 1 Gain 70% firepower up at the beginning of battle, lasts 5s. Skill 1 Gain 80% firepower up at the beginning of battle, lasts 5s.
Skill 2 Every 4 attack inflicts additional 2.5 times the difference between own AP and target's armour, with 1 being the minimum.

Brute SWAP Brute Currently not available
Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless
Skill 1 Normal attack deal two instances of damage equal to 0.6x damage each. Every 4s, attack will decrease target's AP value by 20% for 4s, stack up to 3 times. Skill 1
Skill 2 In Charge and Assault mode, increase evasion by 70%, stack up to 6 times and last 3s. Additionally, each attack will cause target to receive additional 7 melee damage, stack up to 3 times. Skill 2

Dragoon SWAP Dragoon
Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armourless
Skill 1 At the beginning of battle, extend firing range by 3 on Guard mode, and gain hp shield equal to 15% of max hp. Increase firepower, firing rate, and movement speed by 50% when the shield is up. Lose all buffs when the shield breaks. Skill 1 At the beginning of battle, gain hp shield equal to 15% of max hp and 10% damage reduction (stack up to 3 times) . Increase firepower, firing rate, and movement speed by 50% when the shield is up. Lose all buffs when the shield breaks, jump back, gain 50% evasion and extend firing range by 3.
Skill 2 Normal attack will reduce enemy's firepower by 15% and accuracy by 25%, stack up to 3 times. Skill 2 Normal attack will reduce enemy's firepower by 15% and accuracy by 25%, stack up to 3 times.

Aegis SWAP Aegis
Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armoured Unit Type Humanoid Melee Armoured
Skill 1 Gain 40 hp shield that lasts 5s. Skill 1 Gain 40 hp shield that lasts 5s.
Skill 2 Gain 10% damage reduction, and provide 5% damage reduction to allies in the same row, stack up to 3 times. Skill 2 The higher the number of dummy link is, the lower damage taken, with each dummy providing 6% damage reduction. When hp shield is up, damage received will not exceed the hp shield value.

Scout SWAP Scout Currently not available
Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armourless Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armourless
Skill 1 Mark enemy units within 2 units of current target and reduce their evasion by 50%. Marked target will receive 14 additional damage. Mark lasts for 5s and cannot stack. Skill 1
Skill 2

Prowler SWAP Prowler
Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armourless Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armourless
Skill 1 In Guard mode, increase firepower and evasion of ally right behind self. In Assault mode, increase firepower and evasion of allies within 3 units. Buff value are 12% and 30% respectively, stack up to 3 times. Skill 1 In Guard mode, increase firepower and evasion of ally right behind self. In Assault mode, increase firepower and evasion of allies within 3 units. Buff value are 15% and 40% respectively, stack up to 3 times.
Skill 2 Provide 24 shield to allies. If allies is a melee unit, for every 1% lost hp, the shield value increased by 2%, lasts 10s and stack up to 3 times.

Jaguar SWAP Jaguar Currently not available
Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armourless Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armourless
Skill 1 Deal explosion damage equal to 1.25 damage to enemies within radius of 2. Skill 1
Skill 2

Dinergate Tarantula
Unit Type Mechanical Melee Armourless Unit Type Mechanical Melee Armoured
Skill 1 After attacking 6 times, call forth a reinforcement that inherits 100% stat and lasts 10s. Every time there's lost dummy, call forth a reinforcement that inherits 100% stats which lasts 10s, and gain hp shield equal to one link max hp. Skill 1 After attacking 6 times, call forth a reinforcement that inherits 100% stat and lasts 10s. Every time there's lost dummy, call forth a reinforcement that inherits 100% stats which lasts 10s, and gain hp shield equal to one link max hp.
Skill 2 The lower the hp is, the lower damage taken. For every 3% hp lost, gain 1% damage reduction. Effect will still persist when entering new battle.

Nemeum SWAP Nemeum Currently not available
Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armoured Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armoured
Skill 1 Attack will apply a mark on the target that lasts 5s. When attacking marked target, for every layer of mark planted on target, increase own critical hit by 5% that stack 10 times. Skill 1
Skill 2 Each attack inflicts additional damage equal to target's 0.5% max hp, capped at 200% damage. Skill 2

Manticore SWAP Manticore Currently not available
Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armoured Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armoured
Skill 1 Strengthen the next attack into a strafe, dealing horizontal two instances of attack equal to 2.5x AoE damage to dummy link with current target as the center. Skill 1
Skill 2 When present, suppress enemies that haven't attacking. Enemies that have been suppressed cannot be affected again during the cooldown. In Guard mode, knock back the enemies, while decreasing their movement speed and firing rate by 30% which last 3s. If different command is active, stun them for 2.5s instead. Skill 2

Goliath Factory Goliath+ Factory Currently not available
Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armoured Unit Type Mechanical Ranged Armoured
Skill 1 Continuously spawn Goliath based on firing rate stat. Goliath have 10 movement speed, inheriting 50% hp and 10% damage, and 100% of the other stats. Upon contact with the enemies, Goliath will execute self-destruct, dealing 20 times explosion damage to enemies within 3 radius. Skill 1
Skill 2

Function Cards


Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Overlapping Reflection Emergency Countermeasure After skill activation, Guardian recover 5% of their max hp, and increase their reflect damage by (3/6/9%). [2] Every 10s, Guardian will taunt all enemies within 1 tile range, and double their reflect damage value.

[4] Every 8s, Guardian will reflect all non [Derivative] damage taken during the duration as [True Damage] to their current target.
Structural Reinforcement Every 4s, Guardian will increase their reflect damage by (3/6/9%).
Desperate Counterattack After taking damage greater than 10% of their max hp, Guardian will increase their reflect damage by (2/4/6%).
Taunting Target After skill activation, Guardian will taunt the farthest enemy for (3/4/5s).

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Absolute Territory Multiport Repair When Guardian are healed, other allies will gain [Hp Shield] equal to (10/15/20%) of the healing value. [2] Every 5s, Guardian recover 5% of their max hp. The value is doubled when they have [Hp Shield].

[4] Convert 50% of lost [HP shield] into hp.
Joint Defense At the beginning of the battle, all allies gain [Hp Shield] equal to (5/10/15%) of Guardian's max hp.
Remnant Extraction Whenever an enemy dies, Guardian gain [Hp Shield] equal to [4/7/10%) of their max hp.
Fortress Casting Every 5s, Guardian gain [Hp Shield] equal to (50/100/150%) of their calculation power.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Algorithm Patching Channel Crowding At the beginning of the battle, Guardian decrease the attack of enemies within 2 tiles of self by (10/15/20%), while increasing their own physical defense by (10/15/20%) for every enemy in range. [2] Guardian will not take damage greater than 5% of their max hp. Can be triggered up to 10 times per battle.

[4] Increase Guardian's calculation power up to 30% of their physical defense.
Stress Repair
(Cooldown 1s)
After taking damage, Guardian have 30% chance to restore hp equal to (20/305/50%) of their calculation power.
Kinetic Reduction Guardian take (10/20/30%) less damage from ranged attack.
Incremental Threshold Increase Guardian's physical defense as their hp decrease, reaching maximum value of (20/30/50%) at 10% hp.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Defensive Field Impact Distribution Guardian shoulder (20/40/60%) non [Derivative] damage in place of allies within 1 tile. [2] Whenever allies are healed, Guardian also restore hp equal to 40% of the healing value.

[4] Extend the coverage of Impact Distribution and Defensive Link to the whole arena.
Defensive Link Increase allies physical defense within 1 tile by (20/30/40%).
Restorative Link When allies within 1 tile is healed, Guardian also restore hp equal to (30/45/60%) of the healing value.
Emergency Measures After receiving lethal attack, Guardian restore (30/40/60%) of their max hp. Can only be trigggered once per battle.


Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Deadly Bullets Hunting Signal After skill activation, Marksman shoot 7 projectiles at the current target for the next 5s, dealing [Derivative] physical damage equal to (10/20/30%) attack. [2] When allies deal damage to an enemy, Marksman have 10% chance to shoot a projectile onto target, dealing [Derivative] physical damage equal to 50% attack.

[4] Damage buff from Depleted Uranium Rounds no longer disappear after the first enemy dies.
Depleted Uranium Rounds At the beginning of the battle, increase Marksman's attack by (10/20/30%). Buff disappears after the first enemy dies.
Irregular Sniping After skill activation, Marksman's next normal attack will target lowest hp enemy, and increase their physical defense pierce by (20/40/60) points.
Damage Transfer
(Cooldown 0.33s)
Every 5th normal attack, Marksman deal additional [True Damage] equal to (40/80/120%) attack.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Freezing Bullet Twin Shot Marksman's normal attack split into two, hitting nearest enemy as additional target, but reduce their attack by (40/30/20%). [2] Upon reaching 10 stacks of [Freeze], they detonate and deal [Derivative] calculation damage equal to 300% calculation power to all enemies within 1 tile and [Silence] then for 3s.

[4] Each time Marksman inflict 1 stack of [Freeze] to an enemy, increase their calculation power by 5% stacking up to 10 times..
Rapid Freeze Shot After every (3/2/1) attack, Marksman inflict 1 stack of [Freeze] to the current target.
Chilling Counter When allies take damage, Marksman has 15% chance to fire a projectile, dealing (20/30/40%) [Derivative] calculation damage and inflict 1 stack of [Freeze] to the attacker.
Supplementary Cooling After skill activation, Marksman inflict (2/3/4) stacks of [Freeze] to the nearest enemy.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Critical Shot Incremental Damage
(Cooldown 0.33s)
Each of Marksman's normal attack increase their critical damage by (10/15/20%), stacking up to 5 times. It resets after landing a critical hit. [2] After every 3 normal attack, Marksman's next normal attack is guaranteed to be critical hit.

[4] The critical damage bonus from Incremental Damage no longer reset after landing a critical hit.
Continuous Burst Marksman has (15/22.5/30%) chance for their normal attack to hit twice.
Overheating Rapid Fire After skill activation, increase Marksman's attack speed by (50/75/100) points for 5s.
Incremental Threshold Increase Guardian's physical defense as their hp decrease, reaching maximum value of (20/30/50%) at 10% hp.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Defense Embrittlement Defense Reduction Marksman have (50/75/100%) chance to apply 1 stack of [Fragile] to the current target, last for 5s. [2] Within 3s after skill activation, Marksman's next normal attack deal 20% [Derivative] calculation damage 3 times to all enemies around the current target. Only one effect can active at a time.

[4] Each stage of [Fragile] present on the field increase Marksman's calculation power by 10%, stacking up to 10 times.
High-Risk Target When an enemy use its active skill, Marksman deal (40/70/100%) [Derivative] calculation damage to it.
Overdrive Preload After skill activation, Marksman immediately recharge their skill charge bar by (10/20/30%).
Fragile Marking After skill activation, Marksman inflict (3/4/5) stacks of [Fragile] to lowest hp enemy.


Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Devouring Power Emergency Tactics Increase FIghter's attack as their hp decrease, reching maximum value of (50/75/100%) at 10% hp. [2] Fighter have 30% chance for their normal attack to hit twice.

[4] Every 3 normal attack, Fighter sacrifice 15% of their current hp and deal [True Damage] equal to 200% of their current hp.
Augmented Pursuit Fighter deeal additional [True Damage] equal to (15/20/30%) of damage dealt.
Double Compiler Fighter gain (10/15/20%) [Lifesteal], and its value is doubled for [True Damage] attacks.
Pain Resistance Fighter gain (20/30/40%) damage reduction when their hp fall below 30%.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Brutal Assault Lethal Chain After killing an enemy, Fighter teleport and deal (100/200/300%) [Derivative] physical damage to enemy with lowest current hp. [2] Fighter deal additional [True Damage] equal to 10% of their max hp to enemy with less than 10% hp. Doesn't proc against bosses (Cooldown 0.3s).

[4] After killing an enemy, Fighter increase their attack speed by 100 points for 6s.
Threatening Advance Increase Fighter's attack by (20/30/50%) against enemy with less than 50% hp.
Performance Spike
(Cooldown 4s)
Increase Fighter's skill charge bar gain by (15/22.5/30%) against enemy with less than 50% hp.
Killing RUsh After killing an enemy, Fighter restore hp equal to (4/7/10%) of their max hp.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Outporing Lifeblood Wound Enhancement Increase Fighter's calculation power by 12%. For every stack of [Bleed] inflicted on enemy, further increase calculation power by 3%, stacking up to 10 times. [2] Fighter release [Battlecry] every 8s, dealing 50% [Derivative] calculation power and inflict 1 stack of [Bleed] to enemies within 1 tile radius.

[4] Extend [Battlecry] range to the whole field.
Haemophilia Fighter inflict 1 stack of [Bleed] to target after very (4/3/2) attacks.
Blood Extraction Fighter's active skill gain (15/20/25%) [Lifesteal] capability. For every stack of [Bleed], increase [Lifesteal] value by (1/2/3%).
Battlecry Impact Before activating their skill, Fighter release a [Battlecry], dealing (30/60/90%) [Derivative] calculation damage and inflict 1 stack of [Bleed] to enemies within 1 tile radius.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Excessive Adrenaline Rapid Assault At the beginning of the battle, Fighter immediately activate their skill and increase their attack speed by (50/100/150) points for 5s. [2] Fighter gain 1 stack of [Bloodthirst] every 4s.

[4] For every stack of [Bloodthirst], increase Fighter's critical damage by 10%.
Explosive Resonance Fighter gain 1 stack of [Bloodthirst] after getting hit [9/6/3) times.
Multiple Marks At the beginning of the battle, Fighter instantly gain (4/6/8) stacks of [Bloodthirst].
Runtime Reset The first time their hp fall below 40%, Fighter gain (4/6/8) stacks of [Bloodthirst].


Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Efficacy Accumulation Algorithm Shaping When Specialist apply a status effect, within 5s generate energy sphere that fires 7 projectiles, dealing (8/14/20%) [Derivative] calculation damage to random enemies. [2] When Specialist apply a status effect, within 5s ally with highest calculation power generate energy sphere that fires 7 projectiles, dealing [Derivative] physical attack equal to 14% of their calculation power to random enemies.

[4] Energy sphere also increases Specialist's calculation power by 30%.
Efficiency Rationing
(Cooldown 1s)
When Specialist apply a status effect, heal an ally with lowest current hp equal to (20/35/50%) of their calculation power.
Algorithm Stacking
(Cooldown 1s)
Increase Specialist's calculation power by (3/4/5%) when they apply a status effect, stacking up to 5 times.
Global Protection Every (7/6/5s), Specialist apply (3/4/5) stacks of 60% damage reduction shield to an ally with lowest current hp, satacking up to 10 times. Each of damage taken will decrease the stack by 1.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Multiport Enhancement Cascading Calculation Every 5s, Specialist increase the calculation power of ally with highest calculation power by (3/4/5%), stacking up to 5 times. [2] When Specialist trigger effects of any card from this set, gain 2 stacks of [Efficiency].

[4] Consume 10 stacks of [Effciency] and grant all allies double attack for 4s.
Cascading Attack Every 5s, Specialist increase the attack of ally with highest physical attack by (3/4/5%), stacking up to 5 times.
Storage Growth
(Cooldown 4s)
After skill activation, Specialist increase the skill charge bar gain of ally with highest calculation power by (10/15/20%).
Seizing Effect After skill activation, Specialist grant ally with highest damage (20/35/50%) [Lifesteal] for normal attack, last for 6s.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Swift Strike Floating Shot After mally made a successful evade, Specialist deal [Derivative] physical damage equal to (30/45/60%) of their calculation power to the attacker. [2] When a non-Specialist ally made a successful evade, deal [Derivative] physical damage equal to 20% calculation power to the attacker.

[4] Vulnerability Padding also affect ally with the second lowest current hp.
Vulnerability Padding After skill activation, Specialist increase the evasion of ally with lowest current hp by (10/15/20%), stacking up to 5 times.
Swift Preparation
(Cooldown 4s)
After ally made a successful evade, increase Specialist's skill charge bar gain by (2/3.5/5%), stacking up to 10 times, capped at 50%.
Mirage Escape At the beginning of the battle, Specialist increase all allies evaison to the maximum, last for (3/4/5s).

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Malignant Disruption Deterrence Suppresssion Specialist's normal attack deal additional (10/15/20%) [Derivative] calculation damage multiplied by the number of debuff inflicted on target. [2] For every number of debuff inflicted on enemy, decrease their calculation power by 10%.

[4] For every number of debuff inflicted on target, increase Specialist's attack speed by 15 points.
Beacon Growth Specialist's normal attack has (40/70/100%) chance to inflict 1 stack of [Freeze] on target.
Total Suppression When Specialist inflict a debuff on target, deal additional (15/22.5/30%) [Derivative] calculation damage.
High-Frequency Calculation After skill activation, Specialist increase their attack speed by (20/35/50) points for 4s.


Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Global Healing Shield Weakpoint Reinforcement After skill activation, Medic grant [Hp Shield] equal to (100/150/200%) of their calculation power to ally with lowest current hp. [2] When an ally's [Hp Shield] is broken, restore 5% of their max hp.

[4] Every 8s, ally with lowest current hp restore hp equal to the value of highest [Hp Shield] present.
Healing Shield Structure Ally obtain [Hp Shield] equal to (10/20/30%) of healing value.
Protective Treatment Increase the healing value of ally with [Hp Shield] by (20/30/40%).
Healing Shield Cover At the beginning of the battle, Medic grant [Hp Shield] equal to (100/200/300%) of their calculation power to all allies

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Supplementary Dosage Overclock After skill activation, Medic increase their attack speed by (40/70/100) points for 4s. [2] After every normal attack, Medic increase their skill charge bar gain by 5%.

[4] After skill activation, Medic increase their healing value by 5%, stacking up to 10 times.
Emergency Dispatch Increase Medic's healing value as their target hp decreases, reaching maximum value of (20/40/60%) at 10% hp.
Rapid First Aid At the beginning of the battle, Medic immediately activate their skill and increase the healing value by (20/40/60%) for 3s.
Heavy Acceleration After skill activation, Medic increase their skill charge bar by (10/15/20%).

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Enhanced Treatment Efficient Treatment After healing a target, Medic also apply (1/2/3) stacks of [Recovery]. [2] When 15 stacks of [Recovery] present on the field, all allies restore 30% of their maximum hp. Can only trigger once per battle.

[4] For every stack of [Recovery] present on the field, increase Medic's healing value by 5%, stacking up to 10 times.
Hands of Benevolence At the beginning of the battle, Medic restore (10/20/30%) health of ally with lowest current hp, and apply 5 stacks of [Recovery].
Health Care Insurance
(Cooldown 4s)
After skill activation, Medic increase their skill charge bar by 20% and apply 1 stack of [Recovery] on target.
Advanced Medicare For every stack of [Recovery] present on the field, increase Medic's skill charge bar gain by (2/3.5/5%), stacking up to 10 times.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Substance Reversal Allergic Reactions
(Cooldown 1s)
After healing a target, Medic launch [Allergic] attack equal to (20/35/50%) of their calculation power to enemies within 1 tiles of target. [2] After performing normal attack, Medic heal ally with lowest current hp equal to the damage dealt.

[4] Increase [Allergic] attack range to 2 tiles and its damage by 20%.
Exceptional Compensation After healing a target, Medic increase their and their target calculation power by 5%, last for (4/5/6s) and stacking up to 5 times.
Plasma Sampling For the first attack after skill activation, Medic launch [Allergic] attack equal to (25/50/75%) of their calculation power to target.
Adjacent Spill Exposure Every 5s, Medic launch [Allergic] attack equal to (25/50/75%) of their calculation power onto the densest area.


Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Synergic Blitz Strength Preference Increase Guardian's critical hit rate by 5%, landing a critical hit will restore their health equal to (1/2/3%) of max hp. [2] After skill activation, the next normal attack is guaranteed to be critical hit.

[4] Increase all allies critical hit rate by 10%, and convert 10% of critical damage dealt into hp.
Inspiration Shot Increase Marksman's critical hit rate by 5%, landing a critical hit will increase their calculation power by (2/4/6%), stacking up to 10 times.
Swift Strike Increase Warrior's critical hit rate by 5%, landing a critical hit will increase their attack speed by 10 points, stacking up to (4/7/10) times.
Frenzied War Cry Increase melee unit critical hit rate by 5%, landing a critical hit will decrease target's physical defense by (1/2/3%).
Overkill Increase ranged unit critical hit rate by 5%, and deal additional [True Damage] equal to (50/100/150%) of critical damage dealt.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Desperate Assault Final Blow When a Warrior dies, deal (500/750/1000%) [True Damage] to all enemies within 1 tile. [2] When an ally dies, other allies skill charge bar will be fully charged.

[4] When an ally dies, transfer 50% of their attack and calculation power to the remaining allies.
Life-Saving Operations When an ally dies, increase Medic's healing value by (20/30/40%).
Emergency Defense When melee unit dies, melee units gain [Hp Shield] equal to (30/40/50%) of their max hp.
Multi-Lane Aid Shot When an ally dies, ranged units attack split for (6/8/10s).
Survival Instinct When an ally dies, other allies restore 30% of their max hp.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Mind Prison Node Suppression When Warrior attack controlled enemy, increase their attack speed by (10/20/30) points for 5s. [2] Deal additional 30% [Derivative] calculation damage when attacking controlled enemy.

[4] When an enemy dies, [Disarm] every other enemies for 4s.
Spectrum Suppression When Specialist attack controlled enemy, increase all allies calculation power by (5/7.5/10%), stacking up to 5 times.
Blade of Slience Ranged units normal attack has (10/20/30%) chance to [Silence] the target for 2s.
Silencing Blow After every 5 attacks, melee unit will stun the target for (1/1.5/2s).
Reversal Effect When taking physical damage, allies has (10/20/30%) chance to [Silence] the attacker for 1s.

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Deadly Blow Excessive Healing Increase Medic's healing target's critical damage by 5%, stacking up to (4/7/10) times. [2] When landing a critical hit, deal additional damage equal to 10% of target's max hp. Damage can't exceed 200% attack power (Cooldown 5s).

[4] After skill activation, gain 2 stacks of [Bloodthirst] and increase critical damage by 10%, stacking up to 5 times.
No Anger Decrease all allies critical hit rate by 20% and increase their critical hit damage by (30/45/60%).
Bloodthirsty March Melee units gain 1 stack of [Bloodthirst] for every step they make.
Bloodthirsty Rhythm Ranged units gain 1 stack of [Bloodthirst] after every 5 normal attack.
Rage Feedback
(Cooldown 5s)
After landing a critical hit, increase skill charge bar by 5%.


Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Set 1 Card 1 Effect 1 Set Effect
Card 2 Effect 2
Card 3 Effect 3
Card 4 Effect 4

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Set 2 Card 1 Effect 1 Set Effect
Card 2 Effect 2
Card 3 Effect 3
Card 4 Effect 4

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Set 3 Card 1 Effect 1 Set Effect
Card 2 Effect 2
Card 3 Effect 3
Card 4 Effect 4

Set Name Card Name Card Effect Set Effect
Set 4 Card 1 Effect 1 Set Effect
Card 2 Effect 2
Card 3 Effect 3
Card 4 Effect 4