name Harmonious Voices
icon undine_passive
text Instead of making normal attacks, Undine conducts with her banner, increasing the Crit Rate of all allies by ($Percent)%. Normal attacks by summons in the battle cause Undine to deal Operand Damage equal to 20% of her Hashrate with her music notes. Summons a Drum or Brass Aide to join the performance every ($Seconds) seconds, of which only two can exist at any time, one of each type. While there are two aides active, Undine periodically applies [Legato] to them.

Legato: Recover 30% of Max HP, and gain 30% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.

Drum Aide: Summoned creature that inherits 75% of Undine's ATK and Hashrate, 100% of her Physical and Operand DEF and 60% of her Max HP. Melee attacker (Warrior) whose Normal Attacks deal 50% of her Hashrate as Operand damage to all enemies within a 1 tile radius.

Brass Aide: Summoned creature that inherits 75% of Undine's ATK and Hashrate, 50% of her Physical and Operand DEF and 40% of her Max HP. Ranged attacker (Sniper) whose Normal Attacks fire piercing shots that deal 50% Hashrate as Operand Damage. If the target has less than 50% HP, she deals 75% Hashrate as Operand Damage instead.

Percent 5 5.8 6.6 7.4 8.4 9.6 10.8 12 13.5 15
Seconds 10 9.4 8.7 8 7.4 6.7 6 5.4 4.7 4