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Template used for displaying NPCs.

Parameters edit

Parameter name Required? Default value Description
summary Yes (n/a) A small summary about the NPC. This information is visible on Google.
fullname No (n/a) The full name of the NPC.
npcprofileimage No Character_Profile_PAGENAME.png Optional. Defines the image of the NPCin the sidebar.
affiliation No (n/a) The organizations and teams the character is involved with.
releasedon No (n/a) The servers the NPC appears on. {{server short|CN}}
background No (n/a) Some background information about the character. For example: The past.
characterinfo No (n/a) Information about the NPC's character so the reader gets an idea of what type of character the NPC is. (Moody, trustworthy,...)
storyinvolvement No (n/a) Sections describing the story involvement of the character. Dialogues should be linked to the proper story page.
gallery No (n/a) A place for images about the NPC. Usually filled with a gallery: <gallery></gallery>.
trivia No (n/a) Place for trivial information about the NPC such as name translations or the like.

Usage edit

See the template's testcases:

Usual parameter usement
Wiki code
|fullname=Havier Witkin
|releasedon={{server short|CN}}, {{server short|TW}}, {{server short|KR}}, {{server short|EN}}
|summary=Small summary (this is seen on google, too)
|background=Some background information about the character. For example: The past.
|characterinfo=Character information describing him/her/it.
|storyinvolvement=Talking about when the character appears.
File:Character_Profile_Weitkins.png|Artwork of Witkin
Main version
Havier Witkin
Full name Havier Witkin
Affiliation I.O.P
Voice actor -TBA-
Artist Unknown
View page template
Small summary (this is seen on google, too)


Some background information about the character. For example: The past.

Character Info

Character information describing him/her/it.

Story Involvement

Talking about when the character appears.



  • trivia1
  • trivia2

References edit

Sandbox version