T77 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition ……うむ?指揮官まだわかってないの?見ればわかるじゃない。新しく入隊する77式歩槍だよ……Play Hmm? Do you still don't get it, Commander? You can tell just from looking don't you. I'm the newly joined T77 submachine gun...
Secretary わかった、新しい任務……じゃない?じゃあ、何しに来たの?Play Understood, it's a new mission... right? Then, what should I do?
アタシの腕は、頭より数センチ高く上げることで、今の気持ちを読むことができるのよ。Play If I raise my arms above my head, I can read how are you feeling right now.
……指揮官、どこまで鈍感なの?……違う、あれじゃない。今のアタシの目つきはそういう意味じゃないって、何でわかんないかな……Play Commander, how insensitive you can be? No, that's wrong. That was not what I implied. Why can't you get it...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, we're perfectly synchronized now. This kind of heartfelt feeling, I really enjoy it... ufufufu.
Commander... what do you mean by this? That's not it! I'm just worried if I misunderstand your intention. You already predicted my reaction, don't you...?
Greeting おまたせ!Play Sorry to keep you waiting!
T-Doll Produced この子…再観察する必要があるね。Play This girl... I need to watch over her.
Joining an echelon みんなの癖を覚えなくちゃね。Play I'll make sure to remember each one's habit.
Enhancement これできっと、アタシの変化に気づいてくれるよ~Play With this, you'll definitely notice my transformation~
Dummy-linking 彼女たちの行動モードは、アタシが完璧に読み取ったよ。Play Their action, I can perfectly read it already.
Logistics (start) リストなんていらない、自分で判断できるから。Play I don't need any checklist. I can trust my own judgement.
Logistics (end) 一応聞くけど…物資間違ってないよね?Play I'l ask for once... this is the correct stuff right?
Autobattle 今回の作戦、打ち合わせの必要はないよ。Play For this mission, briefing is unnecessary.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission みんな、アタシの顔色を窺って行動してね!Play Everyone, please act according to my complexion!
Starting a battle 敵が動いた!Play Enemy movement!
Skill activation アタシの行動モードは読めるのかしら?Play I wonder if you can read my action?
アンタたちの企みは、既に見抜いてるよ!Play I can already see through your plan!
獣のように攻めるよ!Play I'll charge like a beast!
Heavily damaged うぇ…何か、間違ちゃった?Play Ugh... something went wrong?
Retreat うぇ!?もう行くの?でも、まだ何も……Play Eeh?! I must retreat now? But, I haven't even...
MVP なんか、みんなは作戦を理解してくれないけど…でも、勝ったから良いんだもん!Play Somehow, everyone didn't seem to understand the strategy... but that's not a big deal since we're victorious!
Restoration いくら無神経な人でも、アタシが超機嫌悪いってことくらい分かるでしょう?Play No matter how insensitive you are, you can tell that I'm not in a good mood right?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 偽装をしても身体の動きは嘘を付かない。この仮面の下はきっと…!え…ま…間違ったの?Play Even with disguise, the way your body move couldn't lie. Beneath this mask is surely...! Eh? Wrong person?
Christmas 指揮官、なにぼーっとしてるの?いっぱい目配せしたのに、クリスマスプレゼントは?Play Commander, what are you spacing out for? Even though I keep signaled you with my eyes, where's my christmas present?
New Year's Day 指揮官、初詣はそう簡単な事じゃないよ。あたしのやり方を見て学んで。


Commander, hatsumode isn't a simple matter. Look and learn the way I do it.
Valentine's day みんなこんなに緊張してて。指揮官をどれだけ大事に思ってるかしっかり分かちゃったな。


Everyone looks so nervous. I can tell how far they treasure the commander.
Tanabata なんて非効率願い方なんだろう。でも、それでも分かってくれるなんて流石神様だよね。


What an inefficient way to make a wish. Even so, it's amazing that God can tell them apart.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play