T65 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition T65だよ!なんで今までこなかったの?私はね…ねえ指揮官、聞いてる?!Play I'm T65! Why I didn't come until now? You know, I-I'm... Hey Commander, are you listening?!
Secretary ちゃんと仕事してる?今は話してる場合じゃないでしょう?Play Are you working properly? Didn't you chattering just now?
私、今リボンいくつ付けてるか、わかる?当てたら、指揮官にひとつあげてもいいよ?Play Can you guess how many ribbon I wear at the moment? If you can guess it properly, I'll give you one.
おら!これ以上触ると本当に怒っちゃうぞ?……笑うな!本気だってば!Play Hey! Touch me more than this and I'll get angry for sure! Don't laugh! I'm serious!
Secretary (post OATH)
Geez! You always laughing when I do something embarrassing! God, something is wrong with you!
W-what? Taking out something like that so suddenly... I know that I still lacking in some aspects. But it's only you, who are willing to accept me for the way I am.
Greeting 今日は指揮官の仕事ぶりを厳しく見てあげるから、覚悟しなさいよ!Play I'll watch you strictly during work today. Be prepared!
T-Doll Produced 新入り?まさか素人じゃないよね?Play New recruit? Don't tell me she's an amateur?
Joining an echelon 正しい判断だね。Play That's a right decision.
Enhancement よーし!勢いだけでも負けるもんか!Play Great! I won't lose in term of power!
Dummy-linking 今の私は、リボン何個付けてるでしょーか!Play How many ribbon do I wear at the moment?
Logistics (start) こんなことまで手伝ってほしいの?Play You even need a hand on something like this?
Logistics (end) もう十分頑張ったから、これでいいよね?Play I've worked enough. This is suffice right?
Autobattle こんな戦い、全力を出さなくても十分だよ。Play For this battle, I don't have to put all my might.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 失敗は許さないよ。それじゃ、行こう。Play Failure is unforgivable. Let's go.
Starting a battle あいつらに私たちの実力、見せてあげる!Play Let's show them what we got!
Skill activation 甘く見ないで!Play Don't look down on me!
怒った!Play Now I'm pissed!
ばーかばか!Play What a fool!
Heavily damaged くっ…あんたら、ぜっったい許さない!Play Ugh... you lot, I won't forgive you!
Retreat 失敗だなんて…くっ、この!Play To think that I'm failed...
MVP ただ一回勝っただけで、調子に乗っちゃだめだよ。Play This is just one victory, don't get conceited.
Restoration 今機嫌悪いから、話しかけないで。Play I'm currently in a bad mood, don't talk to me.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween リボンの形のキャンディだよ!きっと子供たち大人気間違いなしだね!Play My ribbon is candy-shaped! This will definitely be popular among children!
Christmas 指揮官メリークリスマス!あの…みんながプレゼント開けたら…残ったリボンを…もらってもいい?Play Commander, Merry Christmas! Umm... after everyone open their present... can I get the ribbons?
New Year's Day 指揮官、新年早々だらだらしちゃだめだよ!私もの負けちゃうじゃん。


Commander, you can't just laze around on a new year! That would be my loss too.
Valentine's day まぁ…一様チョコ作ってあげたんだけど。私の機嫌がうちに早く受け取ってね。


Well... I made you these ordinary chocolates. You better take them quick.
Tanabata 指揮官、私の短冊はもっと高い場所に突けて。高い方が願い叶え易いんだって。


Commander, hang my tanzaku a little higher. The said it would be easier to grant.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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