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297 bytes added, 21:33, 4 April 2019
added en lines, source is from ingame
| DIALOGUE3_EN = It tickles!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN =指挥官,今天我帮上忙了吗?是不是越来越有精英的样子了呢?那就再多帮我挖掘点价值出来吧!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Commander, was I able to help you today? Am I becoming more like an elite? Please help me to discover more of my talent!
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =哼哼,指挥官,你终于领略到我的价值吗?诶,不是吗?不过不管了,要能陪在您身边,就是对我最好的认可!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP =うふふ、指揮官、やっとエースであるこの私の価値がお分かりになったんですね。えっ?あっ、そう?あうう、でも、あなたのお傍に居られるだけて、私は十分満足です、本当に。
| SOULCONTRACT_EN =Ufufu, Commander, have you finally realized my value as an ace? Eh? No? I see... but I'm satisfied enough, just being able to stay by your side, really!
| HELLO_JP = また私に会いたくなったのですか?