SSG 69 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition はじめまして指揮官。もしかしてあたし遅刻しちゃった?そんなことないわよね?Play Hello Commander, am I late? Did I miss anything interesting?
Introduction 何をすればいいの?普通の業務ならお断りよ。
Secretary 何をすればいいの?普通の業務ならお断りよ。Play Need me to do something? I won't do it if it's too ordinary~
報告はあたしがやりましょう、綺麗に書くわよ。Play Let me finish your report. I'll make it very pretty~
指揮官、人の服を気軽にいじるなんて、らしくないわよ。Play Commander, this isn't something people like you would do, right? Like messing up other people's clothes...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, don't I look more radiant than usual today? This radiance will always be yours, Commander.
Oh, so it seems... you're finally acknowledging my charm. We have already come so far together, and we already have such a perfect synergy with one another. Alright, deeply embrace me to commemorate this moment!
Greeting おう、指揮官。今日もコンビネーション、深めていきましょう?Play Oh, Commander. Shall we deepen our combination some more today?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間?歓迎するわ!Play A new comrade? Welcome!
Joining an echelon ちゃんとリハーサルしてね!Play Let's rehearse this properly!
Enhancement ありがとう。指揮官ってば、優しいのね。Play Thanks. That was very kind of you, Commander.
Dummy-linking あたしはこの中で一番輝く存在よね!Play Out of all of these, I shine the brightest!
Logistics (start) 作戦任務ほど華麗な仕事じゃないけど、まあ、良いでしょう。Play It's not as brilliant as a mission, but that's alright.
Logistics (end) うまく使ってね!Play Use it well!
Autobattle うふふ!ちょうどいいタイミングね!Play Ufufu! What great timing!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission うふん♪見てなさい!Play Ufu~♪ Watch this!
Starting a battle この華麗なフォームを見せてあげる!Play Let me show you this splendid form!
Skill activation 台詞を忘れないでね!Play Don't forget your lines!
勝利を告げるときだわ!Play Time to announce our victory!
脇役はさっさと引っ込みなさい!Play Pull off the supporting roles immediately!
Heavily damaged うぐっ…これは、嫉妬ね!Play regrettable!
Retreat うぐぅ、せめて撤退のときは華麗に!Play Ugh, let's at least make our withdrawal splendid!
MVP 指揮官、次はもっと華麗に勝ちましょ!Play Commander, let's win with even more brilliance next time!
Restoration よくやったわね、このあたし相手に!Play This opponent has some nerve to do this to me!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 怖いお化けも美味しいお菓子も今夜は全部…あたしのダンスの引き立役ね!Play Scary monsters and delicious sweets all in one evening...will make a wonderful complement to my dance!
Christmas 指揮官どんなサプライズプレゼント用意くれたの?あたしの目は厳しいわよ。Play Commander, what kind of surprise present have you prepared for me? My eyes are pretty sharp, you know.
New Year's Day 今年もみんなさん「…」残すよ頑張るわ。


Valentine's day 指揮官、このチョコはきちんと「…」を「…」2時間くらい食べていけないのよ。


Tanabata こんなロマンチックな行事があるなんて…素晴らしいわ。


Such a romantic lovely.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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