R93 Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 长官您好,BlaserR93前来报道!嘿嘿,有我在的战斗一定会大获全胜的!不信的话……您要和我打个赌吗? 始めまして指揮官!Blaser R93、入隊しました!うふふ、私がいればきっと大勝利!信じられないのなら掛けてみますか?Play Hello Commander! BlaserR93 reporting! Hehe, a complete victory is guaranteed as long as I'm involved! If you don't believe me then... Do you want to make a bet?
Secretary 哎呀……这周的彩券差一点就中了呢,真可惜。长官,下次能帮我选一组号码吗? あら、「」の宝くじ「」で当たりだったのに…残念。指揮官、次は私のために晩後選んで頂けますか?Play Aiya... I was so close to winning this week's lottery, what a pity. Commander, can you help me pick the numbers next time?
我听说运气也是实力的一部分,哎呀……那我到底算是强还是弱呢…… 運も実力の一部と聞きます。だったら、私は強い方と弱い方、どっちなのでしょう?Play I've heard that having luck is a part of having strength. Aiya... so am I really strong or weak...?
我总有一种预感,跟着您的话运气会变得越来越好。长官,今天也拜托您给我带来好运啦。 あなたと話すると、運がますますを感がします。指揮官、今日は幸運運んできてください。お願いします!Play I always have the feeling that by being with you, good fortune will come my way. Commander, please bring me luck today!
Secretary (post OATH)
Since I've been by your side, I've been able to accomplish many things without relying on getting lucky. But still I think it's because of you that I've been so very fortunate.
Commander, are you really picking me? I never thought a day would come that I'd be this fortunate off the battlefield... I must've used up all the luck I had left! But as long as I can be by your side, what use is luck anyways, right? Thank you, Commander... Not just my luck, I will give my all to you.
Greeting 今日はいい事ありそうですね!Play Looks like something good will happen today!
T-Doll Produced あら?新しい幸運児が来ましたね!Play Oh? A lucky new kid has arrived!
Joining an echelon はい!準備出来ました!Play Alright! We're all set!
Enhancement 運ももっと強くなったはずですね!Play My luck has gotten even stronger!
Dummy-linking 指揮官、ありがとうございます!幸運が増えてるも感じます!Play Commander, thank you so much! I'm feeling super lucky!
Logistics (start) 今日の運勢はなかなかいいので、素敵なものが手に入れたはずです。Play Today's fortunes are looking pretty good, so you should get something nice.
Logistics (end) あら、今回もなかなか運がよかったですね。Play Oh, I was very lucky this time around!
Autobattle 指揮官、ご安心ください!戦闘中の私はいつも幸運です!Play Fear not, Commander! I'm always lucky when it comes to combat!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 新しいゲームの始まりです!この勝負はもうもらいました!Play It's the start of a new game! I've got this match in the bag!
Starting a battle 相手が私なんて、あなたたちは運悪いですね。Play You guys are lucky enough to go up against me.
Skill activation 運に頼ってあなたを見つけたわけではありません。Play I did not need luck to aid me in spotting you.
この距離、敵を一撃で貫くにはちょうどいいです!Play This distance is just right enough to punch through the enemy!
私の攻撃をかわすなんて、絶対に不可能ですわ!Play It's absolutely impossible to dodge my attacks!
Heavily damaged えへへ、ごめんなさい。今回は運が悪かったみたいです。Play Ehehe, sorry about that. It seems like luck's run out.
Retreat なんと…負けですか?仕方ありません。もう一ゲームしましょう。Play How...did we lose? No helping it now. Let's play another game.
MVP 見えてるでしょう?これが私の切り札です。Play Can you see it now? This is my trump card.
Restoration ごめんなさい指揮官。今回は「」に…Play I'm sorry, Commander. This time luck wasn't on our side.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今年の指揮官が驚くのどうか掛けてみましょうか?うふふ、今回は勝つ自身があります!うわあ!今のは聞かなかったことにしてください!Play Do you want to know if the Commander will be surprised this year? Ehehe, there's definitely a winner this time! Uwaah! Now's no the time to be asking that!
Christmas クリスマスプレゼントは全部あるけど。欲しいものを手に入れるにはやはり運が必要ですね。Play Look at all of these Christmas presents! You'll still need some luck to get whatever you want.
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます!新たな一年はきっと、新しい幸運を恵まれますよね!


Commander, Happy New Year! Surely you'll be blessed with new fortunes in the new year!
Valentine's day このようには、たまに運に頼らなくていい事もあります!たとえば、今日のあなたは必ず私からチョコをもらうこととか!


In this some cases, you don't have to rely on luck! For example, today you'll always receive chocolate from me!
Tanabata 人間は一緒に七夕を過ごす人見つけるにも運が必要だと聞きます。指揮官、それは本当ですか?


I've heard that humans require luck to find someone to spend Tanabata with. Is that true, Commander?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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