Puzzle Profile Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Play Goodnight—Oh wait, it's probably morning for you.
Afternoon Play You're asking me what I'm carving? Hehe, I'm expressing the afternoon chiaroscuro and the fragrance of coffee through the medium of stone. Interesting, right?
Evening Play Did you know? Statues come alive at night~
Night Play Introducing Puzzle's Midnight Flash Exhibition! Tonight's theme is—distortion!
Main Interface Voice Play I observe for the sake of creation, and I create for the sake of making more observations. If I don't pour my multicolored fantasies into my creative works, my onboard memory would probably explode! Ah, I'll use "exploding onboard memory" as the theme for my celebration party after leaving Magrasea!
Play Whenever people see my works, they always ask: "What inspired it?" The truth is, those shapes and colors were always there. I simply used my artistic techniques to bring them out.
Play Is she acting out her superhero fantasies again? How many times have I told her not to use my statues to practice fight scenes!?
Play Tsk, asleep already? ...I knew it was too soon to expose you to this kind of art.
Play You want to help? Then come with me to get paint, I need 57 different shades of red.
Interactive Voice Play What are we going to carve next?
Play Be careful of my sculpting knife!
Play Uwah! Were you trying to assault me while I was working on my art?!
Relationship Dialogues Play You're here to see my works? I didn't think you'd be interested in sculptures. Enjoy them, then; these pieces are all unique in the history of sculpture art! It's too avant-garde? Humph, geniuses are always misunderstood, that's perfectly normal.
Play There are way too many people who claim to understand my work. Most of them are just panderers trying to show off by claiming they "get it". They take pictures in front of sculptures, stick their logos on them and post them to social media platforms, but they don't even know the name of the piece on display. Still, the way you look at exhibitions doesn't seem to be the same as them. Could it be that you have "spirit sight" too? Come, tell me about what you feel about this piece.
Play What do I think about life in Magrasea? It's not too bad. That dork Nascita is easy to handle, and the most important thing is that you don't have "experts" here who only know how to attach labels to things and come up with BS explanations. After I finished that "Explaining Sculptures To A Dead Canary" exhibition, they called me "The Representative of Post-Correction Neo-Ultramodernism." Like, what the hell! You're saying that "Puzzle's work" should be their only label? Hahahaha, I like that! Well, it's decided. I'll be using you as a theme for my next sculpture. Relax, I won't carve you into a Baltarian.
Play I've been preparing the pieces for my latest exhibition. Want to see them? Maybe you might be able to see something that's dramatically different from me. Oh yes, when we get back to reality, I'll give you a VIP card. Entering an exhibition with the card gets you a special souvenir, and I could even make an exception and let you touch the pieces. You ARE my very best audience, after all.
Play You're here, you're here! Professor, did you know? Even the most genius artists have ideas they won't entertain. I've always been worried that my skills weren't enough to properly depict them. However, after I came to Magrasea and met you... I think it's time— Ta-daaa! The most perfect work of Puzzle the genius is complete! This is an exhibition set up for you and you alone. So tell me, what do you see? Hehe, hahahahaha—I knew it, you ARE the same as me. Let's go gaze upon the ultimate truth hidden in the illusions of art together, Professor!
Moods Play Hehe... Wahahahahahaha!
Play Uwah!
Accept Play
Agree Play
Appreciate Play
Feeling Play
Oath Play An oath? Hahahahaha... You really are a very special person, Professor. The one thing I hate the most is others pointing and directing while I'm working on my art, because ideas from anyone else that make their way into a piece will make it impure. At least, that's how it's been so far. However, if it were you... Come a little closer and hold my sculpting knife with me—this piece will bear both our names.
Obtain Play The genius sculptor Puzzle is here! Have you prepared an exhibition hall for me?

Neural Cloud


Neural Cloud.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough Play My vision's different after becoming stronger. Heehee, time to work on my next piece.
Neural Expansion Play A new sculpting knife? Not bad, it looks pretty handy.
Max Neural Expansion
This wild, whirling radiance... Yes, this is what I wanted to see! Hand me my sculpting knife!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team Play Carving knife, clay, paint pot... Everything's ready!
Battle Start Play Gogogogogo! Let me see who's going to be the model for my next piece~
Ultimate Skill Play I'll show you the brilliance of art!
MVP1 Play Hahahaha, everyone will bow before my art!
MVP2 Play There is nothing my sculpting knife can't reshape!


Ah... So these are the colors you see... at the moment of destruction...


This place is way too boring! I should add a few surprises to the place with my sculptures!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas Play Carving Christmas trees? Why would I do stuff like that? If I had to, how about decorating it with a reindeer made of heads pulling a human-shaped sleigh?
Halloween Play Is someone bugging me to make special statues for Halloween? I thought I told them that my works aren't intended to scare people! Don't listen to those idiots who don't even know my statues' true nature!
New Year Play Ah, the new year. They always said my works weren't suitable for this occasion, so they rejected all my requests to hold a special New Year's exhibition. I'm not going to split hairs with those plebs. After all, you'll definitely understand, right?
Tanabata Play Tanabata... A lot of people like wishing on shooting stars. I've also tried using a static sculpture to capture that evanescent radiance...
Valentine Play Ugh, I hate sickly-sweet chocolate in pink packaging, so I came up with this—a 100% dark chocolate sculpture, named "Carving Noir"! Enjoy! This is an unprecedented artistic revolution on Valentine's Day!
Player's Birthday Play I'm not interested in these days which have meaning forcibly assigned to them. However, if it's you, I could help you carve an accessory to your specifications~