
name Demolitions Pageant
icon octogen_skill
text Randomly drops 5 bombs on the immediate surrounding tiles around the target (or to random locations when there is no open space nearby). The bombs explode on contact with an enemy unit, dealing Operand Damage equal to ($percent)% Hashrate to all enemy units within 1 tile. If a bomb is not set off, it will detonate after 5 seconds, dealing Operand Damage equal to ($percent2)% Hashrate.
percent 120 134.4 148.8 163.2 181.2 202.8 224.4 246 273 300
percent2 60 67.2 74.4 81.6 90.6 101.4 112.2 123 136.5 150
cooldown 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12