OBR Quotes

Base Voice Lines edit

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 是指挥官吗?应该没认错人吧……只要在这里努力工作的话,我的债务问题就……嗯?没、没什么。 あなたが指揮官さまですか?人違いじゃないですよね?ここで一生懸命頑張れば私の借金も…。え?な…何でもないです…。Play You are the Commander? Should be the right one... As long as I work hard here, my debts problems should... Emm? No sorry, nothing.
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 能再宽限两天吗?我马上就发工资了……啊、指挥官!没什么,只是奇怪的骚扰电话而已。 あと二日だけお願いします!もうすぐ「…」出ますので…。し…指揮官さま。いいえ、何でありません。ただの迷惑電話です。Play Can I be allowed for two more days? I'll get paid soon... Ahh Commander! Nothing, that was some strange phone scam.
指挥官,原来您也是人形啊,我居然一直都没发……谁说的?是希诺(Cino[sic])告诉我的。 なんだ、指揮官さまも人形でしたか。ずっと気づかなかった…。誰から聞いたって?シノさんからですよ。Play Commander you are also an android, I never even noticed... Who said that? Ceno told me.
好了好了我知道了,别再催我了,哎哟哟…… 分かってます!分かってますから!もう急かさないでください!うぐ…Play Alright alright I got it, don't rush me anymore...
Secretary (post OATH)
Are you tired Commander? I'll handle the rest of the missions. This is not for repayment but it's something I wish to do.
I've owed so many things of yours Commander, your acknowledgement and trust, those are something I can never pay back... If I have to, I'm willing to use everything I have, to repay your wish.
Greeting ど…何方ですか?!指揮官さまでしたか。取り立ての方と思いましたが…。Play W-Who are you?! Oh, it's just the Commander. I almost thought you were a loan shark...
T-Doll Produced 指揮官さま…誰が来たのか見てきたもらいませんか…?Play Commander...do you mind if you check on whoever just arrived...?
Joining an echelon あたし、何でもやります!Play I-I'll do anything!
Enhancement 助かりました…。Play You saved me...
Dummy-linking 借金の場合になるなんてことはないですよね?!Play This won't lead me to another debt, right?!
Logistics (start) 貸主と出くわしませんように…。Play Please don't run into that lender again...
Logistics (end) 良かった…無事に帰ってこれました。Play Thank goodness... We've made it back safely.
Autobattle あたしなら、大丈夫だと思います!Play I think I'll be okay for this one!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 辛くても仕方ありません。頑張りましょう!Play There's no helping it even if it's hard. Let's do our best!
Starting a battle 取り立ってじゃ…ないですよね…Play They're not collecting...are they...?
Skill activation 借りはちゃんと返しますよ!Play I'll return the loan properly!
しつこいのは嫌いです!Play Your persistence is irritating!
あなたたちには一円も借りてませんよ…Play I don't owe you a single penny...
Heavily damaged いや…これじゃボーナス査定がまずいことに…Play Oh no...this is a bad bonus assessment...
Retreat 今回は保持にして…また今度…Play You can keep it...until next time...
MVP やりました!これだけ手柄を立てればきっと利息ぐらいを返します!Play I did it! If you handle it like this, surely it will make returns with interest!
Restoration また「…」が出ちゃいました。本当にごめんなさい。頑張って償いますから。Play They've come back again. I'm really sorry! I'll do my best to make up for it!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指揮官さま!いっぱいお菓子を用意しましたよ!これで沢山もお金を…!え?ただじゃないとだめ?Play Commander! I've prepared a lot of sweets! With this I could get plenty of money...! Eeh, I can't do it?
Christmas 指揮官さま、私の宿舎は煙突がないのですが、それでもちゃんとサンタさん来ましたよね?不安です。Play Commander, my residence doesn't have a chimney, will Santa be coming there? I'm anxious.
New Year's Day 新年ってことは、お年玉を沢山貰えるんですよね?!このチャンス…絶対に逃がしません!


Speaking of new year, that would mean lots of new year money right?! This chance... I won't let it slips away!
Valentine's day まさか、チョコがこんなに高いなんて…でも、指揮官さまは好きなんですよね?それならいいんです。


I didn't expect chocolate to be this expensive... But you like them right, Commander? Then, don't worry about it.
Tanabata 借金を全て返済出来ますように…すっごく。あ、だめです、書ききれません。もう一枚用意しないと。


I wish I could repay all of my debt, please. Ah, this can't do, I can't write it here. I need more paper.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines edit

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,您为什么这样看着我?难道我以前问您借过债吗?唔……没有就好!OBR特来报到,以后请您多多关照! Commander, why are you looking at me like that? Did I take a loan out from you earlier? Mmm... Alright then, so long as I didn't! OBR, reporting for duty! I hope we'll get along from now on!
Secretary 指、指挥官,这个月的工资会提前下发吗?哎嘿嘿……没什么啦,只是随口一问而已。 C-Commander, can I get an advance on this month's salary? Ehehe, it's nothing, I was just asking.
现在我可不会轻易上当了!——诶?您说那边的格琳娜小姐是代替她打工的仿生人形?!不行,我得去问问! I won't fall for those tricks so easily now! ...Eh? That Miss Kalina over there is actually a human replicant Doll filling in for her?! No way, I have to go check it out!
如果不是您一次次帮我渡过难关,恐怕我早就落在可怕的债主手里了……我欠他们的可以用钱偿还,可是指挥官……您的恩情,我该怎么偿还呢? If it wasn't for you helping me through one tight spot after another, I'd probably be in the clutches of some scary creditor by now... I can pay back the money I owe them, Commander, but how will I pay back the kindness you've shown me?
Secretary (post OATH)
Are you so tired that you're about to collapse, Commander? I'll lend you my shoulder to lean on... I feel bad that this is the only thing I can do when you went to all that trouble for me... Are you really sure that it's okay?
Commander, I know that I owe you a great debt. I have always cherished your recognition and trust. They are something that can never be repaid... If you must collect this debt, I will give everything I can to return your feelings.
Greeting 我数数,现在欠款还剩……啊,是指挥官!我、我刚才什么都没说啦! Let me see, how much do I owe, still... Ah, Commander! I, I said nothing!
T-Doll Produced 不知道新同事会不会算账?我想向她请教一些财务问题呢…… I wonder if our new colleagues can do accounting? I have some financial questions to ask them...
Joining an echelon 我不会辜负您的期待的! I won't disappoint you!
Enhancement 太好了!以后我就能申请更高级的赏金任务了吧? This is great! Does this mean I can request higher-paying missions now?
Dummy-linking 这样债务不会也加倍吧?! Wait, doesn't this mean my debts get multiplied too?!
Logistics (start) 希望路上别遇见债主…… I hope I don't meet any debt collectors on the road...
Logistics (end) 太好了,平安地回来了。 Thank goodness, I made it back safe and sound.
Autobattle 对我来说应该没什么问题。 It shouldn't be a problem for me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 为了指挥官,今天也要全力以赴!
Starting a battle 这一次,谁都不能阻止我获得奖金! Nobody's getting in the way of my bonus this time!
Skill activation 该给你们点教训了! Time to teach you a lesson!
我可不欠你们任何东西! I owe you nothing!
解决了你们,我的债务就有希望了! Once I take care of you, there'll be hope for my debts!
Heavily damaged 哎哟哟……他们怎么比讨债的还凶残? Ack... How come they're more vicious than those debt collectors?
Retreat 没办法,只好先欠着了……保存实力,以后再还! It can't be helped, I'll just have to owe them one for now... Best to conserve my strength and get payback later!
MVP 呼……奖金到手了,终于可以喘口气了。 Whew... I can relax now that I've gotten the bonus.
Restoration 又损失了不少吧……真是对不起,我会努力偿还的。 Aw, I racked up another set of debts... I'm really sorry, I'll do my best to pay it back.
Attack 我们可是一往无前的勇士呢。 We are heroes who never look back.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 没有人比我更懂迂回战术。 Nobody understands flanking tactics better than I do.
Phrase 哎哟哟…… Ack...
Tip 指挥官的话一定没问题的。 I'm sure you'll be fine, Commander.
Loading 今天也要好好加油! Time to do my best again today!