Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | LS26前来报到,指挥官,这是我根据入职信息整理的工作方法改进建议,请您过目。 | LS26 reporting, Commander. These are my suggestions to improve our working practices that I came up with after looking at our employment information. Please have a look. | ||
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 指挥官,请不要在上班时间发呆,松懈是工作的大忌。 | Commander, please do not space out. Laxity is taboo at the workplace. | ||
哦?您问我外套上这些小家伙?它们是饱含友谊的赠礼:绍沙的兔子小姐、还有新星小姐的表情包徽章……都是我最珍贵的宝物。 | Oh? You want to know about these little guys on my coat? They're gifts of friendship; Little Miss Bunny Chauchat and the emoji badge from Miss Supernova... They are my most precious treasures. | |||
虽然努力工作是好事,但身体累坏了,可就什么都做不了了,这座文件山先让我来整理好了,您喝杯热茶好好休息一下。 | Although working hard is a good thing, you won't be able to do anything if you wear yourself out. Let me handle this stack of documents for you; you should get a cup of hot tea and rest. | |||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,现在是工作时间,请不要突然靠过来——什么?压力太大了?确实,过大的压力是工作的大忌,就让您稍稍多靠一会儿吧。
We're at work now, Commander, so please don't approach me so suddenly— Hm? It's too stressful? Indeed, too much stress is the bane of hard work. Alright then, cuddle up to me for a while more.
| ||
OATH | 指挥官,您……确定要把这个给我吗?我不知道……自己有没有做好收下如此珍贵的宝物的准备,但我一定会拼尽全力珍惜它!那么,也请您做好在工作时间外,也要和我这个眼不揉沙的麻烦家伙一起生活的准备哦。
Commander... Are you sure you want to give this to me? I don't know if... I'm ready to accept such a precious gift, but I'll definitely treasure it! In that case, please be prepared to live with an annoying person like me even outside of work.
| ||
Greeting | 您好,指挥官,这份关于物资调配的文件已经整理好了,请您查收。 | Hello, Commander. I've finished sorting out the supply allocation documents. Here you go. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新的队友吗?希望是个愿意认真工作的新人。 | Is it a new teammate? I hope the newcomer's a hard worker. | ||
Joining an echelon | LS26收到编队指令,请各位在工作时间保持严肃的态度。 | LS26 confirming receipt of assignment orders. Please maintain a serious attitude when at work, ladies. | ||
Enhancement | 指挥官,请告诉我为何格里芬的强化特训可以做到如此轻松而高效,即使您摆出一副为难的表情,我也会刨根问底到清楚原理为止。 | Commander, please tell me why Griffin's enhancement training is so simple, yet effective. I will dig to the bottom of things even if you look at me with a put-upon expression. | ||
Dummy-linking | 更多的我,更高的效率,请派给我更多工作吧,指挥官。 | The more of me there are, the more efficient I can be. Please give me more work, Commander. | ||
Logistics (start) | LS26已准备就绪,指挥官,除了任务目标外还有其他指示吗? | LS26 in place and ready, Commander. Are there any other instructions besides the mission objective? | ||
Logistics (end) | LS26已归队,请验收货物。 | LS26 returning to unit. Please inspect the received supplies. | ||
Autobattle | 该行动由我全权负责吗?明白了,我不会放过任何一个可疑人物的。 | So I have full discretion over this operation? Understood. I won't let a single suspect past. | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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