LAMG Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition LAMG,已抵达目标地点。您就是我接下来的指挥官吗?请带我回基地吧。 LAMG has arrived at the destination. So you're to be my next Commander? Please take me back to base.
Secretary 说起来,我似乎比您还要早入职格里芬基地呢,不过因为中间发生的各种事情,我进行了漫长的修复……所以,还是需要您带我多了解现在的格里芬。 Come to think of it, I seem to have joined Griffin way before you did, but all manners of things happened, and I underwent a long repair process... so I'll need some help getting to know Griffin as it is now.
咖啡这样的饮料,不就是为了提神而存在的吗?额外加入各种让人提神的材料,也不奇怪吧……那你为什么不肯试试加点伏特加? Coffee is meant to be a refreshing beverage to begin with, no? Then there's nothing strange about adding extra refreshing ingredients... So why won't you try adding some vodka to your coffee?
指挥官真是个奇怪的人啊,明明基地中有那么多优秀的人形,为什么要选我做副官?我也很优秀?总感觉在哪里听过这句话…… You're really strange, Commander. There are so many outstanding Dolls at the base, why choose me to be your adjutant? I'm also outstanding? This somehow gives me a sense of déjà vu...
Secretary (post OATH)
A few years ago, I escorted a commander named "Anna" to the base. She was amazing, sadly I never saw her again afterwards... So I feel very fortunate that I get to keep serving under your command.
You've got to be joking... I mean, I'm just an ordinary Doll at the Griffin base... I don't understand what it is about me that you appreciate so much, but since you've made up your mind about this... Of course I won't turn you down.
Greeting 指挥官,要来杯咖啡吗?或许,您会想试试兑点伏特加? Commander, would you like a cup of coffee? Maybe with a dash of vodka?
T-Doll Produced 新的人形入职了,我去带她完成流程。 A new Doll is reporting for duty. I'll help her through the procedure.
Joining an echelon 之后我们就是队友了,一起加油吧。 From now on, we're teammates. Let's do our best together.
Enhancement 现在竟然有这样高效节能的技术…… I can't believe there's such efficient and energy-saving technology these days...
Dummy-linking 请问……你偏好什么口味的咖啡? Excuse me... How do you like your coffee?
Logistics (start) 不知道会不会发现什么神秘地下酒庄之类的…… I wonder if we'll come across some sort of mysterious underground winery...
Logistics (end) 在路上找到了很漂亮的酒杯,一会洗干净试试……唔,也给您准备了一个。 I found some lovely wine glasses along the way. I'll give them a wash... Hm, I got you one too.
Autobattle 收到,指挥官!就算您不在,我也会好好完成任务的。 Roger, Commander! I will complete my mission even if you're not around.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 诸位的后背就请交给我吧。 Please leave your backs to me.
Starting a battle 前方发现敌人,准备出击。 Enemies detected ahead. Prepare for battle.
Skill activation 火力集中! Focus fire!
AB面切换! Switching to B-side!
转移阵地! Change position!
Heavily damaged ……不要放弃,继续战斗! ...Don't give up! Keep fighting!
Retreat 只是暂时撤退而已…… Just a temporary retreat...
MVP 等我们回去了,一起喝一杯吧! Let's have a drink once we get back!
Restoration 这样闭上眼等待就好吗?明白了。 I just have to close my eyes and wait? Understood.
Attack 跟着我冲锋! Charge with me!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我今天哪里都不敢去了……不管跑到什么地方,都有奇怪打扮的家伙跳出来吓我。还是回去喝一杯冷静下吧,您要一起吗? I'm not going anywhere today... No matter where I go, some weirdly-dressed freak would jump out and scare me. I'm heading back for a drink to calm my nerves, want to join me?
Christmas 圣诞节快乐,指挥官,这是为您准备的礼物,感谢您过去一年的照顾。那么,我就去训练场了,今天应该没人抢位置呢。 Merry Christmas, Commander. Here's a present to thank you for taking care of me in the past year. Now I'm off to the training ground. I don't think I'll have to worry about getting a place there today.
New Year's Day 有的时候,我会感觉我不属于这里,应该属于别的时空……可能是因为之前心智故障的原因吧。所以,这样热闹的节日我也习惯一个人呆着,不用担心我,指挥官。 I sometimes feel like I don't belong here... like I belong in another time... It could be due to my previous neural cloud malfunction. I'm used to spending such occasions on my own. Don't worry about me, Commander.
Valentine's day 受几位不愿透露姓名的朋友之托,我来给您送巧克力了,指挥官。我的?都去忙着帮朋友们做了,就当我的那一份也在其中了吧! I'm here to give you chocolate on behalf of a few friends who wish to remain anonymous, Commander. Chocolate from me? I've been busy helping my friends make theirs, so you can think of these as partially mine too!
Tanabata 您也听说过那个传说了吗?要我说,牛郎真是个没用的男人,不就是一条银河吗?游也应该游到心爱的人身边啊…… You've also heard the legend, yeah? Cowherd is such a useless man. It's just a heavenly river, no? He could've just swum across to his beloved...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 掩护我! Cover me!
Phrase 让我自己静静。 I need some time to myself.
Tip 突然间让我说些什么……虽然我能理解您现在很无聊,但我一时半会也想不出什么有趣的话题啦……那个,您明天有什么安排吗? You want me to say something... all of a sudden? I know you're feeling bored, but I can't really think of anything interesting to say on the spot... Um, what are your plans tomorrow?
Loading 嘘,再耐心等等就轮到我们了。 Hush, just wait patiently a little longer. It'll be our turn soon.