Ksenia (GFL2)/skill5data

name Passion for Shopping
icon Skill_KseniaSR_Passive_4
text When an enemy unit within range receives targeted damage from an allied unit, prioritizes performing 1 instance of Action Support, dealing Physical damage equal to 80% of attack and 3 points of stability damage to the enemy unit, and applies Blazing Assault II to the allied unit for 2 turns. This can be triggered once per turn. When under the effects of Heat Recovery, stability damage is increased by 1 point. At the end of the action, grants 1 point of Confectance Index for each buff.

Let this passion ignite the battlefield.

skilllevelcount 3
extraeffect When under the effects of Blazing Assault, increases stability damage dealt by 1 point. When under the effects of Blazing Assault, increases stability damage dealt by 1 point. The maximum amount of times that Action Support can trigger increases by 1.