F1 Quotes

Base Voice Lines edit

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition G'day mate~您就是我的新长官吧,我是“丛林诗人”F1,偶尔也会打打仗啦~ G'day mate~指揮官様ですね!あたしはジャングル詩人のF1!よろしくね!Play G'day mate~ You'r my new commanda? I'm a poet but i sometime fight war too~
Introduction 為了代替澳軍在二戰時一直使用的歐文衝鋒槍, 我被作為研發計劃提了出來。 在保留歐文衝鋒槍的優點是,還讓槍身變得輕便易控。當然,不管是上置的彈夾還是這簡潔的槍管,都是我浪漫的標誌啊~
Secretary “背起你的包裹,和我一起流浪。” 准备好跟我走了吗,長官! 空気は水晶のように透き通り、星々は火花のように輝く。外の世界は素晴らしいよ!ガンガン行ってみようよ!Play The weather is crystal clear, stars are glittering like a spark~ the outside world is so wonderful! Let's get out more!
“空气像水晶一样清透,繁星像火花一样闪耀” 外面的世界那麼精彩,多出去看看吧。 リュックを背に、ともに旅立つ、君と僕!指揮官~準備はいい?Play "Pack your bags, and go on a journey with me~" Are you prepared to head out with me, Commander?
快住手啦,我的靈感都被你打斷了! やめてよ!せっかくいいアイデアが浮かんだのに!Play Stop! You're interrupting my inspiration!
Secretary (post OATH)
Hey, Commander! A new love song is airing! Make sure you listen to it next time!
The fluttering petals, falling into your heart, flowing into your feelings. I'll give you a happy poem, forever ~
Greeting ハロー!皆さん元気出せ!仕事はこれからだよ!Play Hello~ Everyone, cheers! And the work is after that~
T-Doll Produced ようこそ~ようこそ~Play Welcome deary~
Joining an echelon みなさんの戦いに、少しロマンを入れましょう!Play Let's put a romance within the battle!
Enhancement なんでこんなにチャーミングなんだろうね、あたし!Play How come I be this charming, i wonder
Dummy-linking 冒険チームが、どんどん大きくなるね!Play The adventure team gradually become bigger
Logistics (start) 謎のお宝~あたしを待っている~Play Mystery treasure~ It's waiting for me~
Logistics (end) この思い、あたしを導き、帰ってくる~Play This feeling, leading my way, to home sweet home~
Autobattle あたしの銃声が、勝利の鐘となる!Play Let my gunshot be the ring for the end of the battle
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission あたしと一緒に冒険の準備はできた?Play Prepared for adventuring with me?
Starting a battle 勇ましい精神を、いざ行け!Play With our brave spirit, off we go!
Skill activation それそれ!Play Here you go!
消えて!Play Begone!
夢の中に迷い込め!Play Get lost within your dream!
Heavily damaged わ!帽子が!Play Uwah! My hat!
Retreat むむぅ…カンガルーだってこんなに酷くはなにのに…Play damn... even kangaroo won't be this bad though...
MVP (...)恐怖を断ち切る!勝利を掴み取る!Play (...) facing off the fear! And grab a victory!
Restoration こいつら、あたしの歌、全然理解してないじゃん!Play They just don't understand my song at all
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween No worries!指揮官が食べていいよ。キャンディならいっぱいあるから。Play No worries! You can eat it, commander. there are still a lot of candies.
Christmas こっちのクリスマスは実家より全然寒いよ。まぁ、ターキーだけはあまり変わってないけどねぇ…Play The Christmas here is totally colder than my homeland. Well, it's just the turkey that is not really different...
New Year's Day 初日ので、我らの道を、輝かす。指揮官、明けましておめでとう!


"On the first day, let our way, shine brightly." Commander, happy new year!
Valentine's day 貴方への気持ちこのチョコレートとともに解けて行く。指揮官、あたしのチョコレートコーヒーを飲んでみて。


"Let my feeling, melt with this chocolate, and reach you." Commander, here, drink my chocolate coffee.
Tanabata 流れ星のように夜空に煌めく夏の当たる。指揮官、今年の願い事は書きましたか?


"Like a shooting star, glittering in the sky, Fireflies in a summer." Commander, have you done writing you hope this year?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines edit

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,我来向您报到啦!咦,今天的天气也很适合出去冒险哦。 指揮官、あたしがやって来たよ!おや、今日もすごい冒険日和だね。Play 지휘관, 신고하러 왔어! 아 참, 오늘도 모험하러 가기 좋은 날씨야! Commander, I'm here to report in! Huh, today's weather is great for adventuring.
Secretary 能帮我看看这首诗歌吗?一定很有趣的,我可是想了好久呢。 この歌、読んでもらえる?きっと面白いと思うんだ。なんたってかなりじっくり考えたんだから。Play 이 시 좀 봐줄래? 분명 재밌을 거야, 내가 시간을 얼마나 많이 들여서 지었는데. Could you help me look at this poem? I'm sure you'll like it, I spent a long time thinking about it.
行走在森林里……我该用歌唱还是该用传颂呢?好伤脑筋啊,谁帮我出出主意就好了。 ジャングルを行き……うーん、歌と語りどっちのほうがいいかな?悩むなあ、誰か意見くれないかなあ。Play 숲 속을 걸으며... 흐음, 노래로 할까, 시로 할까? 아~ 고민된다, 누가 조언 좀 해 줬으면 좋겠는데. Waltzing Matilda... Should I present it as a verse or a song? Ahhhh, what a headache, if only someone could give me an idea.
最开心的时候啊,那当然是发工资了!这样就可以去书店买最新的诗歌集啦! 一番嬉しい時?そんなのもちろん、お給料をもらった時に決まってるよ!本屋に行って最新の歌集が買えるようになるんだもん!Play 가장 기쁜 때는 당연히 월급날이지! 받은 돈으로 서점에서 최신 시집을 살 수 있잖아! I'm happiest when I'm paid, of course! Because that means I can go to the bookstore and buy their latest anthology of poems!
Secretary (post OATH)
호수의 정령은 길 잃은 아기 사슴을 만나, 올바른 길을 가리켜 준다. 내게 있어서의 지휘관처럼♪
The fairy by the lakeside meets the fawn that is lost in the forest and shows it the way forward. That is what you mean to me.
“飞舞的花瓣~飘进我的心里~” “一起涌入的~还有您的心意~” “我那幸福的诗歌~将会永远地献给您~♥”
「ひらひら花びら 心に舞い落ちる」 「流れ込むのは 君の気持ち」 「幸せな歌を君に捧ぐよ 永遠に~❤」
꽃잎은 하늘하늘~ 내 마음속에 떨어지네~ "그대의 마음도~ 함께 들어오니~" "이 행복의 시를~ 영원토록 그대만을 위해 노래하리라~♥"
Dancing petals~ drifts into my heart~ "Your feelings~ pours in along with them~" "My poem of happiness will be yours forever~❤"
Greeting 指挥官,又见面啦! 指揮官、また会ったね!Play 지휘관, 또 만났네! We meet again, Commander?.
T-Doll Produced 哇,又有小伙伴来了,会是一位喜欢诗歌的朋友吗? わあ、またお友達が来たんだね!歌が好きだったりするかな?Play 오, 또 새 친구가 왔다. 시를 좋아하는 친구일까? Wow, another little friend has come to join us. I wonder if she likes poems?
Joining an echelon 啊啊到我表现的时候了。 あっ!あたしの出番だね。Play 아아, 내가 나설 시간이구나. Ahhhh, time for me to show my stuff.
Enhancement 谢谢指挥官,感觉身体又充满了活力呢。 ありがとう、指揮官。カラダが元気いっぱいになった気分だよ。Play 고마워 지휘관, 몸에 기운이 넘치는 느낌이야! Thank you, Commander. I feel full of energy again.
Dummy-linking Play
Logistics (start) Play
Logistics (end) Play
Autobattle Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 一起出发吧! 一緒に行こっか!Play 다 함께 출발! Let's head out together!
Starting a battle 扶好帽子,准备上咯! 帽子よし!いっくぞー!Play 모자를 고쳐 쓰고, 출동 준비! Hold on to your hat and prepare to get them!
Skill activation 冲啊! つっこめー!Play 돌격! Charge!
义无反顾的上吧! 後には引けないよ!Play 앞만 보고 간다! Onward without looking back!
加点干劲啊,朋友们! もっと頑張っていこう、みんな!Play 조금만 더 힘내, 친구들! Strive harder, friends!
Heavily damaged 我……我很坚强,不能在这里倒下! あ……あたしは我慢強いから、こんなところで倒れるわけにはいかないんだ!Play 나... 나는 씩씩하니까, 여기서 쓰러질 순 없어! I... I'm strong, I cannot fall here!
Retreat 后退是为了下次更好的前进。 後退は、次もっと進めるようになるためにある。Play 후퇴는 더 나은 전진을 위해서야. I retreat so I can advance better next time.
MVP 这种力量让我又有创作的冲动了。 創作意欲が湧いてきたっ。Play 또 창작의 동력이 생겼어. This strength gives me the impetus to create again.
Restoration Play
Attack 朝着前方唱一首胜利的赞歌吧! 前を向いて、勝利の賛歌を歌おう!Play 전방을 향해 힘찬 승리의 찬송가, 발사! Sing a hymn of praise as you look forward!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 现在到了坚守阵地的时刻。 守る時間だよ。Play 지금은 진지를 사수할 때야! Now is the time to hold the line.
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play