Events (EN)/2019/September
September 6th
Half Price Resources
September 6th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 8th 23:59 UTC-8
The prices for resource and contract packages are temporarily halved.
Limited to 50 purchases of each item per day.
September 1st
Daily Special
September 1st 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 30th 23:59 UTC-8
The daily special is available for purchase! It contains x100, x100, and x150.
One purchase available per day.
Special Offer
September 1st 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 7th 23:59 UTC-8
For a limited time, you can purchase a package that contains cake x10, x1, x1, and x1000.
Limited to 1 purchase per account.