Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 军用冲锋手枪,斯捷奇金APS,为您服务。今后好好相处吧,我亲爱的长官。 | 自動拳銃、スチェッキンAPS、参上! | Automatic Pistol Stechkin, APS, at your service! | |
Introduction | 关于我的构想,早在大战之前就开始了,但直到战后,一位设计师才完成了这项任务,而“斯捷奇金”正是以这位同志的名字命名的。作为唯一作为制式军备的冲锋手枪,和马卡洛夫一起入伍,至今还有服役记录哦。 | My design project started long before the war, but it was finally finished after the war by a comrade designer goes by the name "Stechkin", hence my name. Being the only standard issue assault handgun issued to the military, I and Makarov entered service together, service record continues even today. | ||
Secretary | 和平的日常……最棒了。 | 平和の日々…いいわ~。 | Peaceful days...are the best. | |
干嘛,长官?今天挺主动呢。 | なーに?指揮官。今日は特にアクテイブだね。 | What is it, Commander? Quite forward today, aren't you? | ||
喂,你!没事乱碰什么!那么喜欢我,不如多捐点钱给我啊! | ちょっと!変なとこ触んないで!お金取るよ! | Hey, you! Don't touch me in funny places, or I'll charge you! | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 啊?什么?家里什么都没少啊!……哎呀反正都是一家人啦,您就资助一下我的梦想呗,嘿嘿……
Huh? What? Nothing's missing at home! ...My, we're family anyway! Just sponsor my dreams a little, heheh...
| ||
OATH | 指挥官,您这么坚定地选了我,真不怕我把家里的东西都卖光吗?
You're sure about choosing me?
Then from now on// what's yours is mine, what's mine is still mine!
| |
Greeting | 早上好!斯捷奇金APS,全天候为您效劳,多多关注我吧。 | おはよう!スチェッキンAPSはここにいるよ。 | Automatic pistol, Stechkin, present! | |
T-Doll Produced | 新的同伴来了,鼓掌欢迎! | 新人くんがきたよ、みんな拍手! | A new recruit has come. Everyone, applause for welcome! | |
Joining an echelon | 接受命令,期待我的表现吧! | ご命令を! | At your order! | |
Enhancement | 好啊,接下来还要改哪里呢? | いいよっ。次は何処(どこ)を変えよう? | Ok. Where will we get next? | |
Dummy-linking | 我忠实的仆从啊,好好地伺候我吧。 | 下僕(げぼく)が増えた~。 | My loyal servants, serve me nicely. | |
Logistics (start) | 要我去采购啊……唉,偶尔也出个门吧。 | 仕入れか…まぁ、たまには出かけるよ。 | Want me to do shopping...? Suppose I have to do it sometimes. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,市场的打折情报,要看看吗? | ただいま、安売り情報、見る? | I'm back, wanna see all the market discount information I gathered? | |
Autobattle | 剩下的就交给我吧! | あとは任せなさい! | Now, leave it to me! |