Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | PP-2000冲锋枪,今后请让我紧随您的脚步。 | PP-2000です、ずっとあなたの傍にいますね、えへ。 | PP-2000 submachine gun, please allow me to follow your steps from now on. | |
Introduction | PP2000同时兼具着冲锋手枪和个人防卫武器的特点,适合非军事人员使用,公开之初便被不少执法机构采购。记得在最初公开时,因为奇特的外形受到了很多关注,厂商还为此申请过专利。不过我的实力一点不弱哦……真的呀! | PP2000, having both assault pistol and PDW's traits. Due to the suitability for none-military type usage, after the design specs were released, many law enforcing organizations called for contracts, the manufacturer even requested for trademarks. But my performance are not weak at all... Really! | ||
Secretary | 有什么事吗? | はい、どうかなさいましたか。 | What's the matter? | |
有什么问题吗? | 何かお困りですか。 | Is there a problem? | ||
今天的天气不错呀。 | いいお天気ですね。 | Nice weather we have today. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,今天我的发挥很稳定吧?毕竟一直都被您信赖着,我也必须拿出点自信来啊。
Commander was my performance reliable today? After all you've trusted me all this time, I must be more confident with myself.
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OATH | 指挥官,这次叫我来,不会又是哪儿出错了吧?诶?这种事?!可……可以吗?我终于……被您认可吗……
Commander, did anything go wrong? That's why you called me here right? Eh? Wha...? Can I really? I've... Finally being recognized by you Commander...
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Greeting | 恭候多时了。 | お待ちしておりました。 | I've been waiting for your return. | |
T-Doll Produced | 建造顺利完成。 | 製造が完了致しました。 | Construction finished successfully. | |
Joining an echelon | 请放心交给我。 | 私にお任せください。 | Please count on me for this. | |
Enhancement | 我会加倍努力的! | 頑張ります! | I will work even harder! | |
Dummy-linking | 完成扩编!就这个编队,能不能得到更多的信任呢? | 拡大完了!この編成で、もっと信じて貰えるようになるかしら? | Expansion complete! With this kind of expansion, will I earn more trust from everyone? | |
Logistics (start) | PP-2000开始行动!检查下是否有遗漏物件。 | PP-2000、行って参ります!忘れ物ない? | PP-2000, operation begin! Check if we've left anything behind. | |
Logistics (end) | PP-2000平安返回!没拉下东西吧? | PP-2000、戻りました!忘れ物はない? | PP-2000, safely returned! Have we got everything? | |
Autobattle | 各位,请对我真正的实力拭目以待! | 皆、私の本当の力を見て! | Everyone will witness my true strength! |