9A-91118<img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/81/Infobox_name_4star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-top:355px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/9/93/Icon_AR_4star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:1px;margin-top:1px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:225px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:200px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:175px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:150px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/2/2c/Infobox_border.png" style="position:absolute;z-index:2"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/3/30/9A-91_S.png" id=fullart_S style="margin-top:21px;min-width:256px"/>
Full name 9A-91[1]
Country of Origin Russian[1]
Manufacturer KBP Instrument Design Bureau[2]
Artist 防弹乳牛
Voice actor Mai Nakahara[3]

9A-91 is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

Character Info

Game Data

58(x1)116(x1) / 580(x5)
20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
16 42
7 50
7 49
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
54 78
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Affects submachine guns
Increases evasion by 15%
Increases rate of fire by 10%

Can be obtained from battle stages: 6-5, 6-2E, 7-6, 7-3E, 8-5, 8-3E, 9-5 and 10-1.


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您就是……我的指挥官吗?9A-91……这是我的名字,指挥官,您会记住我吗? あなたが指揮官ですか?9A91と言います。わたしの名前ちゃんと覚えてくれますか?Play Are you the commander? I'm called 9A-91. Will I be on your mind?
Introduction 9A91,作为世界上最小的步枪之一,适用于各种高速突击作战。曾经作为整个系列的试作品,最终却只有自己被完成了,指挥官,我会带着大家的信念,保护您到最后的。 9A91, being one of the smallest assault rifles in the world, suitable for all form of high speed assault combat. Being the only one completed from a whole series of prototypes, I will protect you till the very end commander, for everyone's sake.
Secretary 巨浪和74的话,在做什么呢? AS Valちゃんと74ちゃんはここで何をするんだろう…。Play I wonder what AS Val and 74 are doing?
指挥官,要离开我的视线以外,请提前汇报。 指揮官、わたしの視線から離れたときはちゃんと教えてね…。Play Commander, please request for permission before leaving my field of view.

(Jp) Commander, before leaving my sight, please be sure to let me know.

如果您只是一时兴起才这么对待我,指挥官,请允许我……拒绝。 あなたに認められていないなら、わたしは…。Play Commander, if you're only treating me like this on a whim, allow me to... reject you.

(Jp) If you don't approve of me, then I would...

Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, with so many comrades, how do you remember everyone? I'll learn from your example, and deeply cherish every friend...
我明明……只是想获得更多的关注,这样一来,反而有点狡猾吧…… 但是无所谓,从今天起,您永远也不会离开我了吧,永远不会……
Commander, this isn't a dream is it? Just that, I only wanted you to pay attention to me more... From today on, you'll never leave my side right? It's a promise.
Greeting хорошо(哈拉休),指挥官的愿望,我9A91会一一为您实现的。 ハラショー。指揮官の望みは、この 9A91が叶えてあげます。Play Horosho! I, 9A-91, shall grant any of Commander's wishes!
T-Doll Produced 新的产品吗,有点怀念那段时光呢…… 新製品ですか?ちょっと懐かしいです。Play A new product huh. It's a bit nostalgic.
Joining an echelon 9A91,加入,大家……会接受我吗。 みんながこのわたしを受け入れてくれるでしょうか…。Play I wonder if everyone will accept me...
Enhancement Спасибо(斯巴sei巴)……可以弥补……之前的遗憾了。 スパシーバ。不足点を補えた…。Play Spasiba! My shortcomings have been overcome with this.
Dummy-linking 没能走到最后的大家……我们…又在一起了。 また…一緒になりました…。Play We got together again.
Logistics (start) до свидания(达斯维达尼亚)指挥官,请保重自己。 ダ スヴィダーニィヤ。指揮官、お大事に…。Play Dasvidaniya. Commander, take care.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,指挥官,还需要什么? ただいま、指揮官…次の任務は?Play I'm back, Commander. What's the next mission?
Autobattle 放心,巨浪,我来了! 大丈夫よ、As Valちゃん。わたしが来ましたから…!Play It's alright, AS-VAL, because I'm coming too!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 9A91,出发,请记住我的努力吧。 9A91、出発します!わたしの活躍を指揮官の目に刻んでください。Play 9A-91, heading out! Please let my achievements reach Commander's eyes!
Starting a battle 突击作战,开始! 作戦開始です……!Play Begin operations!
Skill activation 请看着我吧。 わたしを見てください…!Play Please watch me!
快一点,再快一点! もっと…もっと早く…。Play Faster, faster!
我不想……再留下遗憾了! わたし、未練を残したくない!Play No, no more regrets!
Heavily damaged 唔!为什么……又是我呢! いやぁ…なんで…またワタシなんですか…。Play No! Why me again!?
Retreat 我不想……再次抱着遗憾离开啊…… 戦場から離れたくないです…。Play I don't want to leave the battlefield like this...
MVP 指挥官,看吧,这就是我能为您带来的,所以……请继续看着我吧。 指揮官、見ててください。これが、わたしがあなたに捧げる勝利です…。これからもわたしのことを…もっと見ててください…。Play Commander, please look! This victory is for you! Please watch me more from here on!
Restoration 指挥官……可以……再多陪我一会儿吗? 指揮官…もう少しわたしのそばにいてほしいです…。Play Commander, could you stay by me a bit longer?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不给糖就捣乱,不……给了也要捣乱呢,指挥官,我可以今晚留在这里吗? お菓子をくれなきゃいたずらする…いえ、くれてもいたずらさせて、指揮官。今晩は、ずっと私を傍においてくれる?Play Trick or Treat!~ Actually, tricks will be played even when treated , Commander~ Could I stay by your side for tonight?
Christmas スッラジェストフォフ。As Valちゃんの探してものを手伝っています。彼女のくまちゃんは見かけませんでしたか?Play S rozhdestvom! I'm helping AS-VAL find something she lost. Have you seen her teddy bear?
New Year's Day 指揮官、あけましておめでとうございます。来年も、私の傍にいてください。


Commander, Happy New Year! Please be my side next year too.
Valentine's day あのう…指揮官、これを受け取ってください!バレンタインチョコをもらった感想はどうですか?きっと、私が特別な存在ですよね!


Um, Commander, please take this! How is it, receiving a Valentines chocolate? Surely I'm a special person to you right?


  • Tend to keep her feelings hidden and rarely talk about herself, except to close friends (For example AR AS ValAS ValAS Val,) and the Commander.
  • With the less expressing type personality, she often find herself alone, craves for everybody's recognition. Her desire of the Commander's attention is reaching a state that is somewhat twisted.
  • The VSK-94 is a sniper rifle based on the 9A-91[1].
