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Sterling Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我便是奇迹之子斯特林,这是我的助手玛蒂尔达卿!希望我们的冒险充满乐趣——毕竟太平淡的话,玛蒂尔达卿可是会啄烂你的键盘的。 Play I'm Sterling, the Miracle Child, and this is my assistant Lady Matilda! I hope our adventure will be an enjoyable one — after all, if things get too boring, Lady Matilda will peck your keyboard to bits.
Secretary 今天也只有处理文案的工作吗?什么时候才能派我前往战区的最前线……对斯特林来说,那里才是天堂一般的工作场所! Play So I'm just taking care of documents today? When will I get to go on the frontlines... That would be a heavenly assignment for Sterling!
今早找不到我?因为我到黑暗军团的老巢侦查去了。担心我被抓?哼,如果敌人有那本事,我倒是要替他们高兴一回。 Play You couldn't find me today? I was scouting out the lair of the Army of Darkness. You were worried I got captured? Hmph, if the enemy could actually do that, I'd be cheering them on.
原来那个家伙也在啊……既然这样,就更不能闲着了!给我安排任务吧!现在!立刻!马上!这是我和司登之间的较量…… Play So she was there too... In that case, I can't idle around! Give me a mission! Right! Now! Immediately! This is to settle matters between me and Sten...
Secretary (post OATH)
So you've seen the true face of the Army of Darkness? You didn't fight them, did you? They're too dangerous for a human like you, Commander... You saw me and Lady Matilda fight a pack of stray cats? So you already knew...
Lady Matilda, what's that you're holding in your beak... A gift from the Commander? So you actually wanted to go adventuring with me? And you were making such a big fuss about it at first... Well, at least you understand now! The future has limitless possibilities when you're with me!
Greeting 嘘——觊觎奇迹的黑暗军团已经在等我们了。 Play Sshhh — the miracle-coveting Army of Darkness is waiting for us.
T-Doll Produced 玛蒂尔达卿,去侦查下是个什么样的家伙。 Play Lady Matilda, go see what the new girl is like.
Joining an echelon 放心吧,斯特林会带领你们缔造传奇的! Play Don't worry, Sterling will lead you in making a miracle!
Enhancement 为了抵抗邪恶的黑暗军团,请给我直接加上百分之三百的战力吧! Play Allow me to give 200% of myself in fighting the Army of Darkness!
Dummy-linking 哼,奇迹之子的力量壮大了,黑暗军团给我等着吧…… Play Hmph, the Miracle Child's power has grown stronger now. Just you wait, Army of Darkness!
Logistics (start) 斯特林最喜欢的节目开始了! Play Time for Sterling's favorite part!
Logistics (end) 这一次我成功深入敌后,捞到了很多补给品,而且还毫发无损!咦,好像少了几个队友…… Play I successfully infiltrated enemy territory and returned with lots of supplies without taking a scratch! Uh, I think I lost some teammates, though...
Autobattle 睁大眼睛看着斯特林的闪耀时刻吧! Play Open your eyes and witness Sterling as she shines!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 司登那家伙也在看着吧?哼,就让她见识一下奇迹之子的实力吧! Play Is that Sten watching too? Hmph, I'll show her what a Miracle Child can do!
Starting a battle 哼,黑暗的力量开始涌现了吗? Play Hmph, so the power of Darkness is welling up now, is it?
Skill activation 小伎俩! Play Piece of cake!
不过如此! Play Is that all!
向上天忏悔吧! Play Regret your sins before the heavens!
Heavily damaged 黑暗正在侵蚀奇迹的力量!玛蒂尔达卿,我们要坚持住! Play The Darkness is eating away at the power of miracles! Lady Matilda, we need to hang in there!
Retreat 不,斯特林还不能撤退!玛蒂尔达卿,和我一起保护大家的后方吧! Play No, Sterling can't retreat yet! Lady Matilda, help me cover everyone's rear!
MVP 能败在斯特林的手下,是你们的荣幸了。 Play It is an honor for you to be defeated by Sterling.
Restoration 这点小伤根本不算什么,随便修修吧,队员们不能没有斯特林的帮助! Play Aw, these wounds are nothing! Just fix them up however you want! Sterling's teammates can't do without her!
Attack 斯特林等的就是这一刻!全体,进攻! Play Sterling was waiting for this moment! Everyone, ATTACK!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 斯特林才不会去做扮鬼吓人这样幼稚又中二的行为……喂,玛蒂尔达卿,不要把我的万圣战斗装翻出来啊! Play Sterling's not going to do something childish and chuuni like dressing up as a monster to scare people... Hey, Lady Matilda, quit digging up my Halloween battle costume!
Christmas 到了玛蒂尔达卿最喜欢的节日了,今晚我们一起等待圣诞老人吧,毕竟要是他又像去年一样卡在烟囱里可就不妙了。 Play It's time for Lady Matilda's favorite occasion. Tonight, we'll wait for Santa Claus together. After all, it would be bad if he got stuck in a chimney again like last year.
New Year's Day 去年经历了不少次有趣的冒险呢,只可惜对斯特林来说完全不够,今年必须要再接再厉了!


I had lots of great adventures last year, but it wasn't enough for Sterling. let's do better this year!
Valentine's day 来,这是你的巧克力……什么?司登那家伙居然也送你巧克力了?不行,把这份还给我!我要给你做一份难度更高的!


Here, this is your chocolate... What? Sten gave you chocolate too? No, give me back this one! I'll make a more complicated batch for you!
Tanabata 如果可以的话,真想像织女那样,到月亮上去看看。不要那么惊讶,因为只有这样的冒险才配得上斯特林!


I'd like to go on the moon and look around like Orihime. Oh, don't look so surprised, only an adventure like that would fit Sterling!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 真没办法,保护同伴要紧! Play Honestly, there's no way around it, protecting my friends is important!
Phrase 我即天意! Play I speak with the voice of Heaven!
Tip 敌人一定很高兴你把斯特林安排在办公室里工作,不然,他们早该入土了! Play The enemy must be very happy that Sterling is in your office. Otherwise, they'd all be dead by now!
Loading 你还真是耐得住性子……斯特林不屑于干等着!什么时候好了联系我,我先去兜兜风! Play You really are a patient one... Well, Sterling isn't going to wait around! Let me know when something good happens, I'm going to go take a walk!