
Revision as of 06:33, 26 July 2023 by Shijuu (talk | contribs) (added AI data)
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name Ungoverned Skater
icon banxsy_skill
text Searches for an unmarked enemy unit and approaches them, turning the tile beneath them and the immediate neighboring tiles into [Stained Tiles] for 5 seconds, dealing Physical Damage equal to ($atk_value)% ATK in that area. Inflicts [Graffiti Mark] on enemies that pass over or stay on the [Stained Tiles] during this time. After the target seeking ends, initiates the Carnival, lasting for 2 seconds.

Arma Inscripta II: Makes an extra attack, dealing damage equal to 50% of the damage dealt by the first attack of this skill. If this extra attack hits only one enemy, damage is increased to 50% of the damage dealt by the first attack of the skill.

atk_value 200 216 232 248 268 292 316 340 370 400
cooldown 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10