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VP1915 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition VP1915维勒帕罗莎,报道。你就是我之后的指挥官吗?请多指教,叫我帕罗莎就好。 Play VP1915 Villar Perosa, reporting. Are you to be my commander? Do enlighten me, and please call me Perosa.
Secretary 明天就要进行战术理论知识考核了,大家都收到通知了吧?别对我或者指挥官撒娇,没用的。考不过就自己准备负重越野跑吧,这次我可是认真的。 Play Tomorrow will be the tactical theory knowledge assessment. Everyone has been notified, right? Don't go crying to me or the Commander, it's useless. If you fail the exam, prepare yourself for a heavy-duty trail run, this time I'm serious.
下棋,最重要的就是运势。棋运不可悖,但棋势可以自己造。对手弱,则以盛克之;对手盛,则以柔化之。这一点,也适用于战场。 Play The most important factor in chess is fortune. Chess luck cannot be overturned, but you yourself can control the chess situation. When an enemy is weak, use overwhelming force; if the enemy is overwhelming, weaken it. This point also applies to the battlefield.
对我来说,这一身衣装不过是帮助我融入人群的铠甲罢了。如果有谁指望从这上面发掘出我的个人品味,那也太天真了吧。 Play To me, this outfit is merely armor that helps me blend in with the crowd. If someone thinks they can divulge my personal tastes from this, then they are far too naive.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I have worked hard today. I went to the kitchen and made some supper. Isn't it a good seller? How does it taste? Is there any improvement from the last time?
From the perspective of tactical theory, such gifts are often given to let the other party relax their vigilance in order to implement their next plan. So Commander, this time, what is your strategic plan? ...No matter what it is, I am willing to follow through to the end.
Greeting 指挥官,今天的任务清单已经更新。 Play Commander, today's task list has been updated.
T-Doll Produced 新人请先跟着我办理手续,完成考核。 Play Newcomers, please follow me through the procedures and complete your assessments.
Joining an echelon 请大家理智一点,不要再往我身上扑了。 Play Please be rational, and don't pounce on me.
Enhancement 为了换取胜利,付出一点代价是必要的。 Play Even for the sake of victory, one must be willing to pay a small price.
Dummy-linking 好好发挥你的作用吧。 Play Fulfill your duty.
Logistics (start) 队员都到齐了吗?出发吧。 Play Are all the players here? Let's go.
Logistics (end) 指挥官,我们回来了,全员到齐,没有需要修理的伤员。 Play Commander, we have returned and everyone has been accounted for. There are no injured that need to be tended to.
Autobattle 队员的情况我已经掌握了,放心吧,我会“特别照顾”新人的。 Play I already know the situation of the players. Don't worry, I'll take "special care" of the newcomers.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 敌人情报已共享,任务地点坐标锁定,出发! Play Enemy intel received. Mission coordinates locked. Setting out!
Starting a battle 优先攻击敌方指挥单位。 Play Focus your attacks on the command units.
Skill activation 一起上吧! Play Together as one!
记住这恐惧的感觉! Play Rememeber this feeling of fear!
你们早已无路可退! Play You have to nowhere to run!
Heavily damaged 不用在意我,继续攻击! Play Don't worry about me, continue your attack!
Retreat 向营地撤退!我来掩护你们。 Play Return to base! I'll cover you!
MVP 我们选择的每一条路都将我们指引向胜利。 Play Every path we choose guides us to victory.
Restoration 我一会就回来。 Play I'll be back soon.
Attack 加强火力输出! Play Increase maximum firepower!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 以为套上妖魔鬼怪的表皮就可以为所欲为了?我这双眼睛可是看得很清楚,就是你,偷走了我的棋子。在我发怒之前,赶快给我吐出来! Play Think you can do whatever you want just because you look like a ghost or a monster? My eyes can clearly see that it is you who stole my chess piece. Spit it out, before I get angry!
Christmas 虽然我确实是不在意衣装,但这不代表我愿意在圣诞节扮作圣诞老人……还有,我说过很多次了,你们不要往我身上扑! Play While I really don't care about clothes, that doesn't mean I'm willing to dress up as Santa Claus... Also, I've said this many times before, no pouncing onto me!
New Year's Day 不管是什么样的节日,都不能放松警惕心,这应该算是常识吧?不过看她们笑得这么开心,今天就算了,让大家好好休息一下吧。


No matter what holiday it is, one shouldn't let their guard down. That's only common sense, right? But, seeing them laugh so happily... just for today, let them rest well.
Valentine's day 你这期待的眼神,该不会是在等待我的巧克力吧?抱歉了,指挥官,我不是过这种无聊节日的类型。巧克力没有,任务报告倒是一大堆。


You look as if you're looking forward to something, could it be that you were waiting for a chocolate from me? Sorry, Commander, but I'm not not the type to participate in this boring holiday. While there may not be any chocolate, I have plenty of combat reports for you.
Tanabata ……果然啊,今天翘掉值班的人形都躲在这里看星星,正好可以一网打尽,全部关起来给我好好反思一下。


...Sure enough, the individiuals who were off-duty today were hiding here to watch the stars, so that I could catch them all in one fell swoop and lock them up for self-reflection.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 前锋注意防御! Play Vanguard, focus on defense!
Phrase 保持理智。 Play Be rational.
Tip 难得没有任务,不如一起下一局棋? Play How rare is it that there are no tasks to complete. How about a game of chess?
Loading 急躁可是战场上的大忌。 Play Impatience is taboo on the battlefield.