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Springtime Classroom Set

Set Bonus: You gain additional comfort by placing 8 pieces of this set in the same dormitory.

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Classroom Wallpaper Wallpaper N/a 很少有被零食垃圾污染的时候,除了运动会期间……
Classroom Floor Floor N/a 很少有被零食垃圾污染的时候,除了运动会期间……
Classroom Windows Wall Decoration 终有一天我们会走向憧憬中的世界,然后蓦然回首……人生就是不断地错过,不是嘛?
School PA System Wall Decoration “小朋友,小喇叭开始广播啦!我是……”“得了吧老姐,现在没人听得懂啦……”


Classroom Bulletin Board Wall Decoration 上课前两分钟发生频率最多的对话:“下节课上什么?”“忘了,自己看去。”


School Shelf 500 Wall Decoration 9 People shouldn't be proud to be part of a group, but rather they should make the group proud to have them be a part of it.
Classroom Blackboard 600 Decoration 14 Holds all sorts of precious memories. Well, most of your youth was spent looking at this thing, afte all!
Classroom Lectern 550 Decoration 12 Final exams, answer sheets, and class marks have always touched this surface before they get handed out. "I'm the Alpha and the Omega!"
School Lockers Decoration 躲在里面可是超经典的桥段,在很多校园轻小说和……恐怖游戏里。


Classroom Podium Decoration 矮的几厘米,便能让站在上面的成年人坐拥君临天下的成就感。
Student Desk (Afterschool Mode) 550 Decoration 12 A mode developed for ease of classroom cleaning. Depending on the school, either the student on duty stacks up all the chairs or everybody does it themselves.
Student Desk (Classroom Mode) Sofa 别把电玩杂志留在里面!除非你第二天能比老师更早到教室!
Student Desk (Nap Mode) Bed 相比趴在桌子上午睡的最大劣势是不能在外套的掩护下翻漫画。
Student Chair (Classroom Mode) 400 Sofa 6 This mode can also be activated during a lesson to copy homework and play with your phone.
Student Chair (Lesson Mode) Sofa 这种模式也可以在课间启动,用于抄作业和看小说。

Starry Night Dreams Set

Set Bonus: An unexpected phenomenon will happen in this dormitory if you collect all the pieces.

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Story Collections of the Full Moon and the Sea Wallpaper N/a 最后的最后,讲故事的人和故事里的人重逢了,月亮也欣慰地睡去了。
Cruising the Galaxy Floor N/a 银河系所有文明发展的最终难题:中午去哪儿吃饭呢?
Lighting up Fireflies Wall Decoration 谢谢你……能够在这个城市里,与我相遇……
Arch of Roses and Crystals Decoration 很好,这样就到齐了,让最终的游戏开始吧。
Hanashirube Decoration 初开的小小花朵指引我踏上旅程……于是约定由此开始。
Hornless Unicorn Decoration 当你真需要它的时候,有没有角也没什么区别嘛。
White Chest Decoration 无论打开的是宝箱还是魔盒,尽情演绎你的故事,寻找自己的幸福吧!
Directionless Cruise Carpet 去哪里都无所谓,全是逆风也无所谓,都会与你同行。
Red Rabbit and Ivory Sofa 只有被揭穿的才是谎言,而没有被揭穿的谎言就是真实的。
White Queen Sofa 明天和昨天有果酱,但是今天没有,从来都没有,永远也没有。
Sheep Bodego (Right) Sofa 她没能抓到那只螃蟹,就这样错过了故事对她最后的善意。
Sheep Bodego (Left) Sofa 她没能抓到那只螃蟹,就这样错过了故事对她最后的善意。
To the Moon 1150 Sofa 24 You don't like crowded places? Me too.