Designed by KBP Instrument Design Bureau in 1991 for close quarter urban based combats, 9A-91 was designed to be a cheaper and more versatile alternative to the AS Val family of firearms include VSS Vintorez and SR-3 Vihkr. Development of 9A-91 also aimed towards being able to fire other cartridges, but when the design finalized 9A-91 family of firearm was made to only chamber the 9x39mm calibre cartridge. 9A-91 served as an alternative to the Vihkr/Val, derived weapons from 9A-91 such as the VSK-94 sniper rifle served as an alternative to the Vintorez, the A-91 bullpup carbine was potentially made competing against the costly Groza-1.
The conventional layout, carbine assault rifle 9A-91 is a gas actuated, rotating bolt weapon, actual operation of the gun utilizes a long stroke gas piston located above the barrel and a four lugs rotating bolt. Being one of the rifles derived from the Kalashnikov series, 9A-91 retain the right side charging handle/ejection port. The gun itself has many none-essential components (such as the fore end and pistol grip) made with polymer as possible, designed to reduce the total weight and reduce the manufacturing cost. 9A-91 is also known to be one of the most compact carbine designs in the world having a total length of 373mm with the gun stock folded and suppressor removed (574mm with the stock unfolded).
Feeds from a 20 round magazine, 9A-91 is capable of firing at a rate of 700-900 rounds per minute. The primary servicing cartridge is the subsonic 9x39mm SP-5/SP-6, combined with the short barrel 9A-91's effective combat range restricted to below 100 metres, hence the flip-up rear sights only have settings up to 200 metres. Various Russian issue optics can fit on the rails provided on the left side of the receiver. 9A-91 is currently in service with law enforcement units in Russia. [1].
Character Info
Official character sheet of 9A-91
T-doll 9A's petite size might be a reference to the small size of 9A-91 carbine, assuming the actual rifle is drawn to scale and used as a comparison, T-doll 9A only measures up to approximately 140cm of height. The red beret hat she is wearing is a reference to the Russian internal service troops' uniform, though she wears her beret in a different direction than the other Russian T-dolls such as AR OTs-12OTs-12OTs-12 and AR AK-47AK-47AK-47.
The artist 防弹乳牛 would comment that the appearance of 9A-91 was inspired by Tobiichi Origami of Date A Live. (在构思角色的时候参考了《约会大作战》的鸢一折纸。)
9A-91 as a weapon was developed while the USSR was undergoing the process of dissolution, many character design feature of 9A are purely Russian based instead of being influenced by Soviet designs. This might be a reference to the fact that 9A series of rifles being classified as Kalashnikov derivatives but is very different in both exterior design and internal mechanism function.
The weapon on the official art featured different optical sights, Kobra optic (EKP-8-02) can be found on her default appearance while the PK-AS is found on her Bullet Cafe outfit. But the character sprites for both costumes only features the Kobra. The weapon's stock appears to be smaller than it should be on the default art, it is back to normal size on the costume though.
Being a low noise weapon packing the devastating 9x39mm caibre subsonic rounds, 防弹乳牛 comment saying that all of her usual personality and desires are all hidden deeply beneath her quiet and introverted demeanor. (因为是微声自动步枪,又有强大火力,所以设计的时候考虑是表面看起来很无口,大概实际性格是闷骚,隐藏的很深的那种。)
With the introverted personality, she tend to keep her feelings hidden and rarely talk about herself, resulted that she often find herself alone. Secretly she craves for everybody's recognition, especially the Commander's, to her the Commander's image is very important and irreplaceable. Her desires for the Commander's attention have reached a state that can be classified as overly attached, one have to actually request for permission before leaving her field of view.
She only shares her thoughts and feeling with close friends (AR AS ValAS ValAS Val) and with the Commander, her behaviors in front of other comrades are different from the way she behaves in front of her close friends.
Her introduction mentions "a whole series of prototypes", it seem to be a reference to all the discontinued 9A-91 derivatives designed to chamber for the other cartridge types, such as the 7.62×39mm M43 (7.62A-91), 5.45x39 M74 (5.45A-91), 5.56x45mm NATO (5.56A-91) and even for the 7.62×25mm PM Makarov. Her secretary quote mentions 74, this is very likely to be AK-74, forecasting the potential release of AK-74 (or AKSU) T-doll.
A nocturnal combat T-doll, her skill is far more effective at night maps, with the maxed out exclusive equipment, 9A-91's night battle performance rivals even Groza, another one of the prime choice for night combat ARSMG echelons. Though the ability suffer damage penalties during diurnal combat, it is still somewhat decent at early game stage.
9A91, being one of the smallest assault rifles in the world, suitable for all form of high speed assault combat. Being the only one completed from a whole series of prototypes, I will protect you till the very end commander, for everyone's sake.
Commander, this isn't a dream is it? It's just that, I only wanted more of your attention... From today on, you'll never leave my side right? It's a promise.
Um, Commander, please take this! How is it, receiving a Valentines chocolate? Surely I'm a special person to you right?
Yes, yes you are... <3
9A was introduced as part of the first batch of additional characters, which also meant the potential release of AK-74 was hinted as early as July 2016.
KBP at the time even developed a cheaper version of the SP-6 cartridge named PAB-9, it was originally intended to further reduce the cost for all the subsonic cartridge firing weapons. Unfortunately only the 9A-91 derivatives can fire the PAB-9, as it caused serious damage to Val, Vintorez and Vihkr's barrel when used, that and it's performance is nowhere near SP-6, PAB-9 was soon discontinued.