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Guide:Repair Menu

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As your dolls engages in combat they will inadvertently take damage and if their HP drops to 0, their affection will be decreased. To restore their HP, a doll needs to be repaired. Repairing can only be done to dolls that are not currently in battle, expedition or training. The repairing of damaged dolls can be carried out on the Restore Menu.

Restore Menu

All players start with 4 repair slots and there are several things to note on the repair screen.

Empty repair slot: This repair slot is currently unoccupied and you may repair a damaged doll here.

Occupied repair slot: A doll is currently undergoing repair on this slot, the timer shows the amount of time left until repairs are completed, you could also click on the quick repair button to used one quick repair ticked to instantly repair her.

Locked repair slot: This repair slot is not unlocked yet, you can unlock additional repair slots from the shop. Up to four additional slots can be unlocked for a total of 8.

Number of unlocked slots: Shows you the amount of repair slots that you have unlocked.

Quick repair tickets: This shows the amount of quick repair tickets you currently have. A quick repair ticket can be spent to instantly finish repairing. They can be obtained as a mission or achievement reward or through expeditions.

To start repairing, click on an empty repair slot.

Selection Menu

All of your currently damaged dolls will be shown here, any doll with a darken portrait are currently unavailable for repairing .Tap on a doll to select her for repairs,you can select multiple dolls at once ( up to the amount of currently free repair slots) and the selected dolls will be highlighted.

Tap Confirm and you'll then be directed to the conformation screen.

Here you can see the amount of resources ( Manpower and Spare Parts) that is required to repair all your damaged dolls and the time it will take to repair the most damaged doll. Do note that the amount of resources required to repair a doll who has 0 HP or is critically damaged will increase substantially. The repair time of a damaged doll will also increase as their level increases.

Tap on Confirm to begin repairs or alternatively click on Initiate Quick Repairs to instantly repair them by using quick repair tickets.