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Story/Normal 1-1 (Part1)/Script

10 bytes removed, 00:24, 11 January 2021
Capitalization and punctuation, word change to reflect EN translation
Scene 1-1-1
:In a tactical control center in area Area S09 under Griffin Jurisdictionjurisdiction...:Vivacious girlLively Young Girl: morningMorning, commanderCommander.:Vivacious girlLively Young Girl: This is your first time at a Griffin's command centerControl Center, isn't it? How are you feeling?:Vivacious girlLively Young Girl: It is wonderful that I'm so glad you've decided to join us at Griffin.:Kalina: Let me introduce myself. My name is I'm Kalina, your logistics officer.
:Kalina: Just call me Kalin. And you are...?
:Kalina: “Choose 'Choose us, . Join us! . Griffin security contractorSecurity Contractor, the shining beacon in a brave new world! ':Kalina: That’s right! . Starting from today, you're a Tactical Commander under Griffin!
:Kalina: …Hmm, you're still wondering whether you're up for the job?
:Kalina: Don't worry, Griffins . Griffin's selection process is notoriously tough.:Kalina: If you can pass the test, there must be some promising talentin talent in you.:Kalina: And I'll help you dig out this talent... and see what you're made of.
:Kalina: Now, please switch to your tactical map.
Scene 1-1-2
:Kalina: can Can you hear me, Commander?
:Kalina: Your T-dolls are in position and ready to deploy.
:Kalina: Please deploy them and begin the drill!