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| GAIN_JP = M60だ、さあ…指示をくれ!
| GAIN_JP = M60だ、さあ…指示をくれ!
| GAIN_EN = I'm M60, your orders please!
| GAIN_EN = I'm M60, your orders please!
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 战争之后,通用机枪的技术获得了迅速发展,而我在那是便是其中的佼佼者。即使多年之后的战场上,我的表现也很活跃哦。嗯?电影?倒是也出场过,不过那样的使用者实在不多见啊……
| INTRODUCTION_EN = After the war, general purpose MG technology received rapid developments, and I am simply part of that. I'm still very active on the battlefield many years later, emm? Movies? Had the chance to appear in a couple of them, but we don't get that those kinds of user often.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 武器的强大不只在于性能,而是由它的使用者决定的。
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 武器的强大不只在于性能,而是由它的使用者决定的。
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 武器の強さは性能ではなく、相手によって決まる。
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 武器の強さは性能ではなく、相手によって決まる。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = The power of a weapon lies not only in its performance, but also in the decisions of its user.
| DIALOGUE1_EN = The power of a weapon lies not only in its performance, but also in the decisions of its user.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 有什么事,请快点讲。
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 有什么事,请快点讲。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 何か用があるなら、言ったらどうだ?
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 何か用があるなら、言ったらどうだ?
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Are you having any problems? Please let me know.
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Are you having any problems? Please let me know.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 每天都坚持训练的话,我们就一定不会输的。
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 每天都坚持训练的话,我们就一定不会输的。
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 日々の訓練を怠らなければ、我々に負けはない!
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 日々の訓練を怠らなければ、我々に負けはない!
| DIALOGUE3_EN = As long as we train every day, we won't lose.
| DIALOGUE3_EN = As long as we train every day, we won't lose.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 不要松懈,别以为和我搞好关系就能偷懒了。而且刚才不是放松过了吗?别说您忘了哦。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 不要松懈,别以为和我搞好关系就能偷懒了。而且刚才不是放松过了吗?别说您忘了哦。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Don't think that you can slack off just because you improved your relationships with me. You just had a break didn't you? Don't tell me you forgot already.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Don't think that you can slack off just because you improved your relationships with me. You just had a break didn't you? Don't tell me you forgot already.
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 战争之后,通用机枪的技术获得了迅速发展,而我在那是便是其中的佼佼者。即使多年之后的战场上,我的表现也很活跃哦。嗯?电影?倒是也出场过,不过那样的使用者实在不多见啊……
| INTRODUCTION_EN = After the war, general purpose MG technology received rapid developments, and I am simply part of that. I'm still very active on the battlefield many years later, emm? Movies? Had the chance to appear in a couple of them, but we don't get that those kinds of user often.
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 这个……是真的吗,指挥官?这种行动,没有针对地训练过也行吗?嗯……偶尔也希望不太在意效率,让时间慢一点呢。
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 这个……是真的吗,指挥官?这种行动,没有针对地训练过也行吗?嗯……偶尔也希望不太在意效率,让时间慢一点呢。
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = それは本当か、指揮官?うん…こんなこと、いままで訓練したことないんだが、うん…大丈夫か?うん、たまにはゆっくり過ごすのもいいだろう。
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = それは本当か、指揮官?うん…こんなこと、いままで訓練したことないんだが、うん…大丈夫か?うん、たまにはゆっくり過ごすのもいいだろう。
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = This... For real? Commander? This kind of operation, can be done without any specialized training? Emmm... Every now and then I do hope that time passes slower, with less focus on the efficiency.
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = This... For real? Commander? This kind of operation, can be done without any specialized training? Emmm... Every now and then I do hope that time passes slower, with less focus on the efficiency.
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 万圣节吗。倒也不是那么讨厌糖果呢……
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = はっハロウインか!あっ、お菓子は…嫌いではないぞ?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Halloween...? Well not that I dislike candies...
| HELLO_CN = 快下达指示吧!
| BLACKACTION_CN = 支援作战的话,我是不会输给任何人的!
| HELLO_JP = 早速指示をくれ 。
| BLACKACTION_JP = 支援作戦なら誰にも負けない!
| HELLO_EN = Give the orders already!
| BLACKACTION_EN = I won't lose to anyone in these support missions!
| BUILDOVER_CN = 新武器好像建造完成了。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新の武器の製造が完了したようだ。
| BUILDOVER_EN = Think we got a new weapon finished construction.
| FORMATION_EN = Understood!
| FEED_CN = 哼~!  
| FEED_CN = 哼~!  
| FEED_JP = ふ〜ん!
| FEED_JP = ふ〜ん!
| FEED_EN = Hmm~!
| FEED_EN = Hmm~!
| COMBINE_CN = 扩编完成了——哎嘿,要做训练的准备了哦。  
| COMBINE_CN = 扩编完成了——哎嘿,要做训练的准备了哦。  
| COMBINE_JP = 編成完了っと,えヘ,訓練の準備をするぞ〜。
| COMBINE_JP = 編成完了っと,えヘ,訓練の準備をするぞ〜。
| COMBINE_EN = Expansion complete, now get ready for exercises~.
| COMBINE_EN = Expansion complete, now get ready for exercises~.
| BUILDOVER_CN = 新武器好像建造完成了。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新の武器の製造が完了したようだ。
| BUILDOVER_EN = Think we got a new weapon finished construction.
| FIX_CN = 嗯~~,这……也是训练的一部分。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = M60, moving out.
| FIX_JP = んん〜,これも,訓練の一部だ。
| FIX_EN = Emm~ This... This is part of the training.
| OPERATIONOVER_CN = 回来咯!这次任务的收获也非常丰富呢。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 帰ったぞ!今回の任務も収穫は大きかったなあ。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back! Got a lot of reward for it this time as well.
| FORMATION_EN = Understood!
| BLACKACTION_CN = 支援作战的话,我是不会输给任何人的!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 支援作戦なら誰にも負けない!
| BLACKACTION_EN = I won't lose to anyone in these support missions!
| GOATTACK_CN = 出发咯~。  
| GOATTACK_CN = 出发咯~。  
| GOATTACK_JP = 行くぞ〜!
| GOATTACK_JP = 行くぞ〜!
| GOATTACK_EN = Move out~!
| GOATTACK_EN = Move out~!
| HELLO_CN = 快下达指示吧!
| HELLO_JP = 早速指示をくれ 。
| HELLO_EN = Give the orders already!
| MEET_CN = 有敌人!  
| MEET_CN = 有敌人!  
| MEET_JP = 敵だ!
| MEET_JP = 敵だ!
| MEET_EN = Enemies!
| MEET_EN = Enemies!
| WIN_CN = 任务完成,该返回了。
| MEET_KR =  
| WIN_JP = 任務完了,帰還する 。
| WIN_EN = Mission accomplished, time to return.
| RETREAT_CN = 任务失败……嗯……要撤退了。
| RETREAT_JP = 任務失敗...ん...撤退する。
| RETREAT_EN = Mission failed... Emm... retreating now.
| BREAK_CN = 擦伤了啊...
| BREAK_JP = 擦り傷が…
| BREAK_EN = Just a scratch...
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = M60, moving out.
| OPERATIONOVER_CN = 回来咯!这次任务的收获也非常丰富呢。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 帰ったぞ!今回の任務も収穫は大きかったなあ。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back! Got a lot of reward for it this time as well.
| SKILL1_CN = 准备射击,快!  
| SKILL1_CN = 准备射击,快!  
| SKILL1_JP = 射撃準備,急げ!
| SKILL1_JP = 射撃準備,急げ!
| SKILL1_EN = Prepare to fire, hurry!
| SKILL1_EN = Prepare to fire, hurry!
| SKILL2_CN = 特训的成果,就让你们见识一下吧。  
| SKILL2_CN = 特训的成果,就让你们见识一下吧。  
| SKILL2_JP = 特訓の成果を,見せてやる。
| SKILL2_JP = 特訓の成果を,見せてやる。
| SKILL2_EN = I'll let you witness the outcome of my special training.
| SKILL2_EN = I'll let you witness the outcome of my special training.
| SKILL3_CN = 好机会!!吃我这发吧!!  
| SKILL3_CN = 好机会!!吃我这发吧!!  
| SKILL3_JP = チャンス到来!この一撃は喰らえぇぇぇぇぇぇ!!!
| SKILL3_JP = チャンス到来!この一撃は喰らえぇぇぇぇぇぇ!!!
| SKILL3_EN = A good chance! Get some of this!!
| SKILL3_EN = A good chance! Get some of this!!
| BREAK_CN = 擦伤了啊...
| BREAK_JP = 擦り傷が…
| BREAK_EN = Just a scratch...
| RETREAT_CN = 任务失败……嗯……要撤退了。
| RETREAT_JP = 任務失敗...ん...撤退する。
| RETREAT_EN = Mission failed... Emm... retreating now.
| WIN_CN = 任务完成,该返回了。
| WIN_JP = 任務完了,帰還する 。
| WIN_EN = Mission accomplished, time to return.
| WIN_KR =
| FIX_CN = 嗯~~,这……也是训练的一部分。
| FIX_JP = んん〜,これも,訓練の一部だ。
| FIX_EN = Emm~ This... This is part of the training.
| FIX_KR =
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 万圣节吗。倒也不是那么讨厌糖果呢……
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = はっハロウインか!あっ、お菓子は…嫌いではないぞ?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Halloween...? Well not that I dislike candies...
| CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官、メリークリスマス!
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander, Merry Christmas!
| NEWYEAR_JP = 新年の挨拶か…。そういうは苦手だ、やめておく。
| NEWYEAR_EN = New year cleaning huh... I'm not good at that, cut me some slack.
| VALENTINE_JP = 受け取れ、私からのチョコだ。
| VALENTINE_EN = Please take this chocolate.
| TANABATA_JP = 面倒なイベントが多いな。七夕などに興味ない。
| TANABATA_EN = There's so many bothersome events. I have no interest in tanabata.

Latest revision as of 01:00, 7 August 2019

M60 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是M60,请您下达作战指示。 M60だ、さあ…指示をくれ!Play I'm M60, your orders please!
Introduction 战争之后,通用机枪的技术获得了迅速发展,而我在那是便是其中的佼佼者。即使多年之后的战场上,我的表现也很活跃哦。嗯?电影?倒是也出场过,不过那样的使用者实在不多见啊…… After the war, general purpose MG technology received rapid developments, and I am simply part of that. I'm still very active on the battlefield many years later, emm? Movies? Had the chance to appear in a couple of them, but we don't get that those kinds of user often.
Secretary 武器的强大不只在于性能,而是由它的使用者决定的。 武器の強さは性能ではなく、相手によって決まる。Play The power of a weapon lies not only in its performance, but also in the decisions of its user.
有什么事,请快点讲。 何か用があるなら、言ったらどうだ?Play Are you having any problems? Please let me know.
每天都坚持训练的话,我们就一定不会输的。 日々の訓練を怠らなければ、我々に負けはない!Play As long as we train every day, we won't lose.
Secretary (post OATH)
Don't think that you can slack off just because you improved your relationships with me. You just had a break didn't you? Don't tell me you forgot already.
This... For real? Commander? This kind of operation, can be done without any specialized training? Emmm... Every now and then I do hope that time passes slower, with less focus on the efficiency.
Greeting 快下达指示吧! 早速指示をくれ 。Play Give the orders already!
T-Doll Produced 新武器好像建造完成了。 新の武器の製造が完了したようだ。Play Think we got a new weapon finished construction.
Joining an echelon 了解! 了解!Play Understood!
Enhancement 哼~! ふ〜ん!Play Hmm~!
Dummy-linking 扩编完成了——哎嘿,要做训练的准备了哦。 編成完了っと,えヘ,訓練の準備をするぞ〜。Play Expansion complete, now get ready for exercises~.
Logistics (start) M60,出发啦。 M60,行ってくる。Play M60, moving out.
Logistics (end) 回来咯!这次任务的收获也非常丰富呢。 帰ったぞ!今回の任務も収穫は大きかったなあ。Play I'm back! Got a lot of reward for it this time as well.
Autobattle 支援作战的话,我是不会输给任何人的! 支援作戦なら誰にも負けない!Play I won't lose to anyone in these support missions!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发咯~。 行くぞ〜!Play Move out~!
Starting a battle 有敌人! 敵だ!Play Enemies!
Skill activation 准备射击,快! 射撃準備,急げ!Play Prepare to fire, hurry!
特训的成果,就让你们见识一下吧。 特訓の成果を,見せてやる。Play I'll let you witness the outcome of my special training.
好机会!!吃我这发吧!! チャンス到来!この一撃は喰らえぇぇぇぇぇぇ!!!Play A good chance! Get some of this!!
Heavily damaged 擦伤了啊... 擦り傷が…Play Just a scratch...
Retreat 任务失败……嗯……要撤退了。 任務失敗...ん...撤退する。Play Mission failed... Emm... retreating now.
MVP 任务完成,该返回了。 任務完了,帰還する 。Play Mission accomplished, time to return.
Restoration 嗯~~,这……也是训练的一部分。 んん〜,これも,訓練の一部だ。Play Emm~ This... This is part of the training.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节吗。倒也不是那么讨厌糖果呢…… はっハロウインか!あっ、お菓子は…嫌いではないぞ?Play Halloween...? Well not that I dislike candies...
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマス!Play Commander, Merry Christmas!
New Year's Day 新年の挨拶か…。そういうは苦手だ、やめておく。


New year cleaning huh... I'm not good at that, cut me some slack.
Valentine's day 受け取れ、私からのチョコだ。


Please take this chocolate.
Tanabata 面倒なイベントが多いな。七夕などに興味ない。


There's so many bothersome events. I have no interest in tanabata.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play