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Story/Night 5-1 (Part1)/Script

75 bytes added, 06:12, 30 September 2018
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[Near the end of Operation Hypothermia, in the Griffin command room.]
Helian: Commander, thank you for your hard work during the earlier operation.<br>Persica is almost finished with her technical analysis of the Jupiter Cannon, and we will be able to mount a full-scale counterattack soon.<br>However, you have been called here because there is another mission for you.<br>Come in, M99.<br>
M99: Yes, ma'am...
Good evening, sir.
Helian: Commander, SF previously used Jupiter Cannons to devastate Griffin's borders and severely threaten the safety of human-inhabited regions. <br>Even our supply lines and storage facilities were caught up in this as well, which made supplying these regions very problematic.<br>Therefore, HQ has decided to dispatch a team to a depot which is currently under attack by Jupiter Cannons in order to recover what resources remain and transport them to a nearby human town.<br>M99 will be the leader of the doll team for this operation. Your mission is to guide her and her team in completing her objectives.<br>
M99: Sir, it's an honor to serve with you. I'll be counting on you for what comes next!
Hawk, we'll be moving after dark, right? Aren't you scared?
97S: Heck no. Escort missions are my specialty. Why would I be scared?<br>
Besides, I've walked patrols down this path at night with Mosin and the others countless times. We're all familiar with it.
M99: I see... no wonder Helian-san assigned you guys to me...<br>But I can only feel at ease when I can see far enough away. I can't see anything at night...<br>I guess there's a lot of things to learn after all...<br>
97S: Haha, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. That's called specialization.
M99: But then why did they choose me? I'm clearly not good at carrying out these missions.
97S: Aiya, Leader... things rarely go as you expect in life. Sometimes all you can do is just bear with them.<br>Just relax for tonight! You're under my escort too; you won't be in danger as long as I'm around!<br>
M99: *sighs* I'll leave that to you, then. Let's go - we don't want to keep the other side waiting too long.<br>
Sir, our objective is to reach the resource depot on top of the mountain opposite us. Please lead us on our way.