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TAR-21: Difference between revisions

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Veguaniel (talk | contribs)
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|title = TAR-21
|title = TAR-21
|index = 72
|index = 72
|nationality = Israel<ref name="wiki">[[wikipedia:IWI Tavor|Wikipedia entry on IWI Tavor]]</ref>
|nationality = Israel
|classification = AR
|classification = AR
|rarity = 4
|rarity = 4
|manufacturer = Israel Weapon Industry<ref>[[wikipedia:Israel Weapon Industries|Wikipedia entry on Israel Weapon Industries]]</ref>
|faction=[[Griffin & Kryuger]]
|artist = [ 木shiyo]
|fullname = IWI Tavor<ref name="wiki"></ref>
|manufacturer = Israel Weapon Industry (IWI)
|voiceactor = [ Maihara Yume]
|artist = {{artist name|木shiyo}}
|fullname = IWI Tavor
|voiceactor = {{voice actor name|Maihara Yume}}
|releasedon= {{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=TAR-21}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=TAR-21}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=TAR-21}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=EN|alias=TAR-21}}
|min_dmg= 18
|min_dmg= 18
|max_dmg= 49
|max_dmg= 49
Line 21: Line 25:
|mov= 10
|mov= 10
|craft= 3:30:00
|craft= 3:30:00
|drop=Battle and combat reward from chapter 0-4, 5-5, 5-6, 8-6, 9-6
|statnotes= Drop location includes: 0-4, 5-5, 5-6, 8-6, 9-6

|aura1= Affects submachine guns
|aura1= Affects submachine guns
Line 30: Line 33:
|tile5= 0  
|tile5= 0  

|characterid = TAR21
|costume1 = Night at the Bar
|costume1 = Night at the Bar
| GAIN_CN = TAR-21,从今以后,请多多照顾我吧。
| GAIN_JP =タボール21と言いますの、よろしくお願いしますわ。
| GAIN_EN = I'm TAR-21, please take good care of me from now on.
| characterid = TAR21
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 为了新世纪而准备的突击武器TAR-21,名字中的21正是代表着这个全新的时代,目标是取代M4A1成为本国制式武器。虽然价格贵了一点,但性能上的优势也是显而易见的。而您呢,相信也是位眼光卓越的指挥官吧,哼哼……
| INTRODUCTION_EN = The assault weapon TAR-21 was created to face the new era. The 21 in my represents the completely new century. The goal is to replace M4A1 as the national standard weapon. Even though I'm a little bit expensive, but I believe my advantages in performance can be seen easily. And you too, I believe, are a commander with a vision, hehe...
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 哎呀,来得正好,想问你点事情呢。
| DIALOGUE1_JP =あら?ちょうと良かったわ、お聞きしたいことがありますの。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Ah, just in time, I have a question for you.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 别看我这个样子,我可是很平民的哦。
| DIALOGUE2_JP =わたくしはこう見えて、庶民派ですのよ。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Don't just look at my appearance, I'm really normal, you know.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 平时的训练?有茶道、插花、剑道,还有芭蕾呢。
| DIALOGUE3_JP =お稽古こと?茶道に生け花に剣道、あとバレーも。
| DIALOGUE3_EN = My normal practice? There's tea ceremony, flower arranging, kendo, and ballet too.
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 因为今天是特别的日子,可以给我发糖果哦,指挥官。
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 特別な日なんですから、お菓子をくれでも宜しくてよ?指揮官。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Commander,you can give me candies because today is a special day.
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =生于新时代的我,果然被您一眼看中了。看来我要永远留在这里了。就让您领略一下,我更为崭新的一面!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP=新たの時代に生まれたわたくしが貴方の目に留まるなんて…ふ、仕方、ないですわね…貴方の期待にお答えして、これからもアップデートを続けます。新しくなっていくわたくしを見ててくださいね。
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Me who was born in this new era, being able to catch your attention.....
I guess it can't be helped.... to live up to your expectations, I shall continue to update myself from now on.
Please take a look at the brand new me !
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN =需要建议吗,指挥官?首先,请您要相信自己。毕竟选择了我,就表明您的眼光是很出色的,哼哼……
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN =Do you need suggestions commander ? First, please believe in yourself.Since you chose me, that means you have good taste,hehe....
| BLACKACTION_CN = 各位,有我在,放心出发吧。
| BLACKACTION_JP = 皆さん、私がいますから、安心して出撃くださいね。
| BLACKACTION_EN = Don't worry everyone, I'm here with you.
| FEED_CN = 这真是极好的。
| FEED_JP = よろしかったよ。
| FEED_EN = This is great.
| COMBINE_CN = 要扩大编队吗,真令人神清气爽呢。
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大ですか、心機一転ですね。
| COMBINE_EN = Expanding again? What a great feeling.
| BUILDOVER_CN = 好像有新的同伴来了,难不成比我还年轻?
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新しい仲間が来たみたいだけど、私より若い子じゃないでしょよね。
| BUILDOVER_EN = Another new comrade joining us, could she be younger than me?
| FIX_CN = 即使是最新型号的我也有失策的时候,我会铭记在心的。
| FIX_JP = 最新型の私でも,しくじる時もありますね。覚えておきます。
| FIX_EN = Even the latest model make mistakes in combat, I will learn from this.
| FORMATION_CN = 交给我吧。
| FORMATION_JP = お任せあれ。
| FORMATION_EN = Leave it to me.
| GOATTACK_CN = 果断前进吧。
| GOATTACK_JP = 早速参りましょう。
| GOATTACK_EN = Let's move forward.
| HELLO_CN = 贵安。
| HELLO_JP = ご機嫌よ。
| HELLO_EN = Greetings.
| MEET_CN = 我来做你的对手吧。
| MEET_JP = お相手いたしましょう。
| MEET_EN = I will be your opponent!
| WIN_CN = 多有冒犯。
| WIN_JP = ごめんあそばせ。
| WIN_EN = Do excuse me!
| RETREAT_CN = 是在下输了......
| RETREAT_JP = まっ…参りました…
| RETREAT_EN = I've... I've lost...
| BREAK_CN = 呀!怎么会这样?
| BREAK_JP = いや、何てこと。
| BREAK_EN = Wha! How?
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = えぇ~出発しましょう。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Alright~ Lets go.
| OPERATIONOVER_CN = 我回来了,真是热闹非凡呢。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = ただいま戻りました。すごいにぎやかですね。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back now, it was super exciting.
| SKILL1_CN = 遵命。开火!
| SKILL1_JP = 承知しました。攻撃!
| SKILL1_EN = Roger, firing!
| SKILL2_CN = 让你见识下最新型的威力!
| SKILL2_JP = 最新型の威力を見せてあげますわ。
| SKILL2_EN = I'll show you the new model's firepower!
| SKILL3_CN = 就算是老掉牙的古董,我也不会手下留情的!
| SKILL3_JP = 時代遅れの敵だからって、容赦しませんわよ。
| SKILL3_EN = I won't have mercy even for those outdated relics!

| weaponinfo =  
| weaponinfo =  
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Modular as it is, Tavor can be quickly reconfigured to left handed fire mode by partially disassembling the gun, though ideally not in the heat of a battle where the gun has just been used. The gun comes in other variants designed to chamber 9x19mm Parabellum or even the Russian 5.45×39mm M74, GTAR variant of the Tavor can mount the M203 40mm grenade launcher.
Modular as it is, Tavor can be quickly reconfigured to left handed fire mode by partially disassembling the gun, though ideally not in the heat of a battle where the gun has just been used. The gun comes in other variants designed to chamber 9x19mm Parabellum or even the Russian 5.45×39mm M74, GTAR variant of the Tavor can mount the M203 40mm grenade launcher.

Aside from IDF, variants of Tavor are in service with special forces in many other countries, notably the Vietnamese, Indian and Turkish special forces/Commandos, all due to it's durability, modularity and performance on the battlefield.<ref name="wiki"></ref>.
Aside from IDF, variants of Tavor are in service with special forces in many other countries, notably the Vietnamese, Indian and Turkish special forces/Commandos, all due to it's durability, modularity and performance on the battlefield.<ref name="wiki">[[wikipedia:IWI Tavor|Wikipedia entry on IWI Tavor]]</ref>.
| characterinfo =
=== Design ===
A curvy T-doll around 150cm of height (Assuming the weapon is to scale), featuring long blue hair and golden eyes. Much of Tavor's clothing design is aimed to showcase the sleek and futuristic look of the gun itself, such as the tight body suit, full stocking and the futuristic headset. The headset also resembles bunny ears, combined with the newly added Night at the Bar costume, she leaves the impression of a Playboy Bunny on the player base.
=== Personality ===
Tavor presents herself as a formal, polite and well educated lady, much of her vocabulary of choice are from an upper hierarchy of the society, however she doesn't like being address as a upper class lady. She is very prideful of her own ability because of her being a new weapon, to some T-dolls this may seems a little disrespectful.
Evident from her quotes, she have a wide range of hobbies, they are tea ceremony, flower arranging, kendo and ballet.
=== In-game ===
After change, Tavor's skill belongs in the 6-second initial cooldown damage and rate of fire boosts category, when used together with other 6-second initial cooldown AR units such as {{doll name|RFB|AR|5}}/{{doll name|ART556|AR|5}} while receiving the massive stat boost from {{doll name|Ribeyrolles|AR|4}}, her damage output explodes at 6 seconds into the battle.
Her tile buff increases SMG evasion by 18%, provides strong backup for the frontal tanking SMG units.
=== Story Involvement ===
Tavor is a member of G&K combat squadron lead by {{doll name|Negev|MG|5}}, she played a supportive role, had interactions with {{doll name|M4A1|AR|4}} and AR Squadron in the battle of Sector S08, during chapter 6/emergency.
==== The Search for ST AR-15 ====
Negev's squadron consist of Tavor, Negev and {{doll name|Galil|AR|2}}, Tavor served as the ITS (Information Technology Specialist) of the squadron. After the disappearance of {{doll name|ST AR15|AR|4}}, G&K HQ deployed Negev's squadron to assist the Commander in the search for ST AR-15 in Sector S08. The operation began with the Commander deploying forces to clear the way for Negev's squad to reach Garrison T8.
Upon arriving at a small G&K Garrison under the designation T8, Negev's squad was instructed to use the garrison to monitor the radar readings, as ordered, Galil went to stand guard outside while Tavor is setting up the scanning equipment. Tavor had the equipment turned off out of the habit of preserving batteries, while the device is booting she inquired regarding the mission, why are they set out to find this rogue T-doll everyone calls "Traitor". Negev suggests that AR-15 just had some seriously bad luck, being infected with Parapluie and subconsciously revealed the G&K garrison locations, AR-15 might have ran off to prevent more harm done to her comrades, Negev admires AR-15's courage and resolve. Negev also reminded Tavor of their mission objective, to locate and capture AR-15, then 16LAB will find a way to salvage her. Since she is a 16LAB T-doll with a different Digi-mind make-up, Negev mentions that do try and capture AR-15 alive, despite the event she caused is an offense punishable by death.
After the briefing Negev requested Tavor to report the garrison situation back to the Commander, after a few attempts at contacting the HQ, Tavor noticed it wasn't working, at first she suspects her communication module was malfunctioning. Negev pointed out that isn't the case this time, the cause of communication blockade is the Ferri leader who is currently close by, she quickly directed Tavor to fire upon Alchemist. Alchemist retreated out of the garrison and opened short range radio contact with the squad, she expresses her disappointment of unable to sneak upon the team, however when further questioned, Alchemist denied she has anything to do with the communication blockade, she now claims she is amassing forces to assault the garrison. Luckily during the shoot out, Negev hand signaled Galil to sneak out and get reinforcements, while the rest of her team will be defending this position against the incoming attacks.
Galil fetched back reinforcements, M4A1 and {{doll name|M4 SOPMOD II|AR|4}}, they helped defending the garrison while {{doll name|M16A1|AR|4}} left the team to travel outside the blockade zone and to report the situation to the Commander. After waves of intense siege on T8, Tavor noticed the communication is back to normal, Negev immediately contacted M16 via long range communication to inform her the jamming is gone and the Ferri retracted the siege on the garrison. But both M4A1 and Soppu went missing, Tavor reported that she saw a shadowy figure that resembled AR-15, the two immediately went after the figure and into the region with signal blockade immediately after hearing this, Tavor couldn't stop them.  

The skirmish in S08 quickly escalated into a full scale battle at this point, the HQ is picking up reports of large scale Ferri unit moving in to S08 from neighboring sectors. Helian at the HQ ordered a full retreat of all G&K units in S08, but for Negev's squad, their only path leading out of the garrison is now suddenly blocked by a large concentration of Ferri units, conveniently under the signal blockade. Negev proposed a theory, perhaps AR-15 herself is the source of the jamming, they are also noticing the amount of Ferri units exceeds Alchemist's command capacity by a large margin. At this point, Alchemist sent a provocative message to Negev via radio, being a T-doll of short temper, Negev was riled up and bit the bait, she headed straight into the signal blockade to fight Alchemist, leaving her squadron and the remaining T-dolls in the garrison to fend for themselves.
| design =
Tavor is the 4th T-doll artist KiShiyo contributed to Girls Frontline. A curvy T-doll around 150cm of height (Assuming the weapon is to scale), featuring long blue hair and golden eyes. Much of Tavor's clothing design is aimed to showcase the sleek and futuristic look of the gun itself, such as the tight body suit, full stocking and the futuristic headset. The headset also resembles bunny ears, combined with the newly added Night at the Bar costume, she leaves the impression of a Playboy Bunny on the player base.

After Soppu arrived with updated information and the help of the Commander's forces, Tavor, Galil and the T-dolls in the garrison were able break the siege and as the first group of T-dolls to be rescued out of S08, the sector however, was later completely overran by Sangvis Ferri. After the battle in S08, Negev was put under supervision with the AR squadron due to her misbehavior on the battlefield, Tavor disappeared off the scene, possibly assigned to a different squadron or assigned to a different service.
File:TAR-21_S.png|Profile image
File:TAR-21.png|Full artwork
File:TAR-21_D.png|Full damaged artwork
File:TAR-21_costume1_S.png|"Night at the Bar" profile image
File:TAR-21_costume1.png|"Night at the Bar" artwork
File:TAR-21_costume1_D.png|"Night at the Bar" damaged artwork

| trivia =  
| trivia =  
* Tavor's fire switch uses the same notations as the former British service rifle L1A1, where semi-auto fire mode is indicated with the letter "R" for "Repetition".
* Tavor's fire switch uses the same notations as the former British service rifle L1A1, where semi-auto fire mode is indicated with the letter "R" for "Repetition".
* TAR-21 shares the same artists as {{doll name|PK|MG|4}}, {{doll name|Type 95|AR|5}}, {{doll name|Type 97|AR|5}}
| references = <references/>
| references = <references/>
[ Moegirl entry on TAR-21]
[ Moegirl entry on TAR-21]

Revision as of 08:10, 14 August 2018

TAR-21 Story Quotes
Gun Information
Full name IWI Tavor
Country of origin Israel
Manufacturer Israel Weapon Industry (IWI)
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Maihara Yume
Artist 木shiyo
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

How to obtain

NORMALHEAVY Timer 3:30:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Battle and combat reward from chapter 0-4, 5-5, 5-6, 8-6, 9-6

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment

Union Skill

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data

53(x1)103(x1) / 515(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
18 49
6 44
6 48
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
54 79
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects submachine guns
Increases evasion by 18%

Weapon Background

Tavor, Bullpup configured, selective fire assault rifle designed and produced by the Israel Weapon Industries (IWI). Original project started around 1995 aimed to develop a new standard issue service rifle for the Israeli Defence Force, series of prototypes were presented and tested between 2001 and 2002 against the current servicing M4A1 rifle. Tavor project achieved satisfactory results, thus prevailed and the MTAR-21 variant was chosen as the standard issue rifle for IDF, aiming to replace all servicing M16 and M4A1 rifles with the MTAR by 2018.

Chambered for the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge, TAR-21 is gas-operated, rotating bolt operated rifle featuring the long-stroke piston system, the same mechanism can also be found on the Galil and AK-47. Designed to accept and feed from a 30-round NATO STANAG magazine, Tavor can effective cover 500 metres of range, able to reach a muzzle velocity of 910m/s and a rate of fire of 750—900 rounds per minute. Other features include the "bird cage" style flash suppressor, ambidextrous fire switch, back up iron sight should the user not wish to mount optics on the top positioned Picatinny rail.

Modular as it is, Tavor can be quickly reconfigured to left handed fire mode by partially disassembling the gun, though ideally not in the heat of a battle where the gun has just been used. The gun comes in other variants designed to chamber 9x19mm Parabellum or even the Russian 5.45×39mm M74, GTAR variant of the Tavor can mount the M203 40mm grenade launcher.

Aside from IDF, variants of Tavor are in service with special forces in many other countries, notably the Vietnamese, Indian and Turkish special forces/Commandos, all due to it's durability, modularity and performance on the battlefield.[1].

Character Design

Tavor is the 4th T-doll artist KiShiyo contributed to Girls Frontline. A curvy T-doll around 150cm of height (Assuming the weapon is to scale), featuring long blue hair and golden eyes. Much of Tavor's clothing design is aimed to showcase the sleek and futuristic look of the gun itself, such as the tight body suit, full stocking and the futuristic headset. The headset also resembles bunny ears, combined with the newly added Night at the Bar costume, she leaves the impression of a Playboy Bunny on the player base.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.


  • Tavor's fire switch uses the same notations as the former British service rifle L1A1, where semi-auto fire mode is indicated with the letter "R" for "Repetition".
