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2,487 bytes added, 10:13, 4 June 2018
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"Are there any planned activities today then?" The commander questions, to which Springfield replied that there isn't, she also gone ahead and cancelled the 'Free Activities' for individual T-dolls proposed earlier by the Commander, "Re...Rejected...?", Springfield reminds the Commander what happened last year.
Thinking back to the previous Halloween... ''...Hmmm, apart from the candy rage and the act of terrifying pedestrians... There were also under-aged drinkings, bunch of those Russian girls having a party in the logistic warehouse after the celebration, a bunch of chocolate thieves... Those bed sheet ghosts who spooked Kalina so much that she fainted who then tried to escape... And those who tried to release the capture Ferri units to keep them as 'Pets'...'' "Yeah... Unified activity is a much better idea..."
"Alright, what about the candy distribution? Toffee for HG and SMG dolls?", Springfield moves the subject forward, "Hmmm? Perhaps the Commander already have someone in mind for these candies?". "How about... We give them out as the prize for the ghost story contest later...", the Commander replies. "Alright then.", Springfield says, with a wolfish grin across her face.
The Commander did had someone in mind for these candies, a very prideful and socially awkward girl in fact. Someone who is probably too awkward to ask for these candies, but will be feeling sad if the Commander didn't directly approach and offer it to her. ''Speaking of which...'' "Yo Commander.", a familiar voice reached the Commander's ears. Looking over to the source, it's WA2000. ''Well, have to admit she is quite cute today. Yellow short skirt with a pumpkin she carved herself, typical long black stocking goes in a pair of yellow high heels. And for some reason she just have to bring that WA2000 rifle with her, even to the canteen.'' WA2000 entered just in time for the Commander to announce the next activity, the additional reward will be these Springfield special toffee candy, "What? WA-chan want to join too?" Springfield asked, while gave the Commander a wink. "Yea WA-chan if you join this activity then we will have full house!". WA2000 agreed to this without even knowing what the activity is. "Alright the ghost story contest entry list is full!", the Commander announces to the entire canteen, announcing this, the replies were mostly positive, except for a unnatural and unfitting scream came from WA-chan... "G...Ghost stories!? WHEN DID THIS...?!". "Yea, we're giving out the toffee candies as rewards for..." ''Oh crap''. From the sudden sweat drops on her forehead and her frozen facial expressions, the Commander is suddenly reminded that WA-chan does not do well with ghost stories, ''Damn it we made the decision already, we just have to force her into this now.'' "...You're not scared are you...?". "Of... Of course I'm not!!! Gho... Ghost stories are for scaring little kids!" ''Yea, she is scared alright.'' The Commander laughs awkwardly, soon he/she noticed an approaching white blob from behind WA-chan while she continues her bravery speech, ''This cannot end well.'' "I know it's fake, how can I be scared! Besides, ghost doesn't ex...", "TRICK OR TREAT!", a white ghost suddenly appeared behind WA-chan, robbing her of her rifle and lifted it in the air. WA-chan turned around just to be greeted with {{WIPdoll name|P7|HG|4}}'s face from beneath the bed sheet she covered herself with.  "KYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" "GIMME BACK MY GUN!! NOO!! DON'T COME NEAR ME!!"
==== Costume story: Snowy Appointment ====

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